michele battini
Michele Battini, born in 1952, has been a Researcher and Teacher at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa from 1997 to 2000; Associate and Full Professor of Intellectual and Political History of Modern Europe at University of Pisa from 2000 to 2022; Visiting Professor at 'Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Columbia University, New School for the Social Research , Remarque Institute in New York, Yale University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and other international and national institutions from 2007 to 2019. His main interest: the history of European modern cultures and politics from the XVIII century to the XX.
1971: leaving certificate in Classical Studies.
1976: University Degree in Philosophy and Humanities (during the High School and University years he has been member of the marxist extraparliamentary opposition).
1977: first winner in the national selection for the Ph. D. Courses, Humanities Class, of the Scuola Normale Superiore: as Ph. D. student of History, a disciple of Furio Diaz (History of the European Enlightenment), Eugenio Garin (Philosophy of the Renaissance), Remo Bodei (History of Philosophy).
1979 : Ph. D. visiting student at the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam.
1980: Research Fellow of Modern History at Scuola Normale Superiore and a contributor of the Arnaldo Momigliano’s seminars at the S.N.S. (Historiography and Classical Studies).He spent several research periods at École Normale Superieure in Paris and in 1988 he was a co-founder of one of the first solidarity organizations helping extra-european migrants: Africa Insieme.
1993:Assistant Lecturer of French Modern History.
1995: SISSCO (Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea)Prize for the best research book.
1997: voluntary assistant and teacher in the jails of his city.
2000: Associate Professor.
2003: Full Professor of Modern History (University of Pisa). A contributor of most historical journals and member of the Direction Board of «Passato e Presente», Journal of Modern History, from 1995 to 2013 (Florence);of the Scientific Board of the Istituto Nazionale per la Storia della Resistenza INSMLI “Ferruccio Parri”, from 2001 to 2012 (Milan); Chair of the University of Pisa Interdepartmental Center of Jewish Studies from 2009 to 2011 and from 2011 to 2012.
2007: Hôte Scientifique at École Normale Superieure (rue d’Ulm) in Paris and “Memory Day" Lecturer at New York University (Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò).
2008: Research Associate Fellow in Culture and Religion, Columbia University-Italian Academy-.
2011 and 2012: Visiting Professor at École Normale Superieure, rue d’Ulm, Paris ( lectures at École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales and ENS in Lyon).
2012: Visiting Professor and member of the Directory of the Remarque Institute, New York University.
2013: Visiting Professor Columbia University Heyman Center, and Scuola di Studi Superiori, Torino.
2014: Visiting professor Columbia University and New School for Social Research New York.
2015: Visiting Professor Columbia University Heyman Center; Jacob Talmon Visiting Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Vidal Sassoon Internationational Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism.
2016: Visiting Professor Columbia University.
2017: Visiting Professor Columbia University Heyman Center.
2018: Chair of the Scientific Board formed by University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, IMt High Studies and SSSUP Sant'Anna, for the International Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Fascist Anti- Jewish Laws.
2019: Visiting Professor at Scuola Normale Superiore, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Yale University (Benjamin and Barbara Zucker Lectures), Columbia University, New School for the Social Research in New York.
He is the author of more than two hundreds articles, contibutes in books, reviews and of seven essays: L'ordine della gerarchia. Contributi reazionari e progressisti alle crisi della democrazia in Francia 1789 -1914, Bollati Boringhieri 1995; Peccati di Memoria, Laterza 2001(The Missing Italian Nuremberg, Palgrave Macmillan 2003); Il socialismo degli imbecilli .Propaganda, falsificazione, persecuzione degli ebrei, Bollati Boringhieri 2010 ( Socialism of Fools. Capitalism and Modern Antisemitism, Columbia UP 2016); Utopia e tirannide.Scavi nell'archivio Halévy, Bollati Boringhieri 2011 (Utopie et Tyrannie , Editions ENS rue d'Ulm 2017); Necessario Illuminismo, Ed. Storia e Letteratura 2018; Un Sessantotto, Bocconi UP- Egea 2018; Andai perché ci si crede. Il testamento dell'anarchico Serantini (Sellerio 2022).
Phone: 0039 050 2215400
Address: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Dipartimento di civiltà e forme del sapere, Università di Pisa
1971: leaving certificate in Classical Studies.
1976: University Degree in Philosophy and Humanities (during the High School and University years he has been member of the marxist extraparliamentary opposition).
1977: first winner in the national selection for the Ph. D. Courses, Humanities Class, of the Scuola Normale Superiore: as Ph. D. student of History, a disciple of Furio Diaz (History of the European Enlightenment), Eugenio Garin (Philosophy of the Renaissance), Remo Bodei (History of Philosophy).
1979 : Ph. D. visiting student at the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam.
1980: Research Fellow of Modern History at Scuola Normale Superiore and a contributor of the Arnaldo Momigliano’s seminars at the S.N.S. (Historiography and Classical Studies).He spent several research periods at École Normale Superieure in Paris and in 1988 he was a co-founder of one of the first solidarity organizations helping extra-european migrants: Africa Insieme.
1993:Assistant Lecturer of French Modern History.
1995: SISSCO (Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea)Prize for the best research book.
1997: voluntary assistant and teacher in the jails of his city.
2000: Associate Professor.
2003: Full Professor of Modern History (University of Pisa). A contributor of most historical journals and member of the Direction Board of «Passato e Presente», Journal of Modern History, from 1995 to 2013 (Florence);of the Scientific Board of the Istituto Nazionale per la Storia della Resistenza INSMLI “Ferruccio Parri”, from 2001 to 2012 (Milan); Chair of the University of Pisa Interdepartmental Center of Jewish Studies from 2009 to 2011 and from 2011 to 2012.
2007: Hôte Scientifique at École Normale Superieure (rue d’Ulm) in Paris and “Memory Day" Lecturer at New York University (Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò).
2008: Research Associate Fellow in Culture and Religion, Columbia University-Italian Academy-.
2011 and 2012: Visiting Professor at École Normale Superieure, rue d’Ulm, Paris ( lectures at École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales and ENS in Lyon).
2012: Visiting Professor and member of the Directory of the Remarque Institute, New York University.
2013: Visiting Professor Columbia University Heyman Center, and Scuola di Studi Superiori, Torino.
2014: Visiting professor Columbia University and New School for Social Research New York.
2015: Visiting Professor Columbia University Heyman Center; Jacob Talmon Visiting Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Vidal Sassoon Internationational Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism.
2016: Visiting Professor Columbia University.
2017: Visiting Professor Columbia University Heyman Center.
2018: Chair of the Scientific Board formed by University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, IMt High Studies and SSSUP Sant'Anna, for the International Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Fascist Anti- Jewish Laws.
2019: Visiting Professor at Scuola Normale Superiore, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Yale University (Benjamin and Barbara Zucker Lectures), Columbia University, New School for the Social Research in New York.
He is the author of more than two hundreds articles, contibutes in books, reviews and of seven essays: L'ordine della gerarchia. Contributi reazionari e progressisti alle crisi della democrazia in Francia 1789 -1914, Bollati Boringhieri 1995; Peccati di Memoria, Laterza 2001(The Missing Italian Nuremberg, Palgrave Macmillan 2003); Il socialismo degli imbecilli .Propaganda, falsificazione, persecuzione degli ebrei, Bollati Boringhieri 2010 ( Socialism of Fools. Capitalism and Modern Antisemitism, Columbia UP 2016); Utopia e tirannide.Scavi nell'archivio Halévy, Bollati Boringhieri 2011 (Utopie et Tyrannie , Editions ENS rue d'Ulm 2017); Necessario Illuminismo, Ed. Storia e Letteratura 2018; Un Sessantotto, Bocconi UP- Egea 2018; Andai perché ci si crede. Il testamento dell'anarchico Serantini (Sellerio 2022).
Phone: 0039 050 2215400
Address: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Dipartimento di civiltà e forme del sapere, Università di Pisa
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