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The pomegranate fruit moth, Apomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller), is the most important pest of pomegranate orchards in Iran, where infestations lead to 20-80 % fruit loss. Apomyelois ceratoniae overwinters as larvae in several instars. The... more
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      BiologyPEST analysis
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    • Electrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Statistical MechanicsThermodynamicsQuantum and classical statistical mechanics
A brief introduction to the simulation of stochastic differential equations is presented. Algorithms to simulate rare fluctuations, a topic of interest in the light of recent theoretical work on optimal paths are studied. Problems... more
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      Stochastic Differential EquationsStochastic differential equation
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      Statistical MechanicsWaiting Time distributionAnomalous DiffusionPower Law Distribution
Stochastic resonance (SR), in which a periodic signal in a nonlinear system can be amplified by added noise, is discussed. The application of circuit modeling techniques to the conventional form of SR, which occurs in static bistable... more
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    • Electrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Waiting Time distributionAnomalous DiffusionNumerical Calculation
By a joint use of theory and analog simulation the low-•ction regime of the Duffing oscillator is explored. In the weak-temperature case it is shown that the low-friction regime, in turn, must be divided in two well-distinct subregimes.... more
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      Statistical PhysicsMean Field Approximation
Using numerical simulations we show that the response to weak perturbations of a variable of Hamiltonian chaotic systems depends on the number of degrees of freedom: When this is small (ഠ2) the response is not linear, in agreement with... more
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    • Thermodynamics
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      Chaotic SystemIrreversible ThermodynamicsCentral Limit Theorem
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    • Port Hamiltonian system
In this article, we present theoretical as well as experimental results on resonantly enhanced tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices both in the linear case and for small nonlinearities. Our results demonstrate the... more
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    • New Physics
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    • Chaos Theory
Suppose one wants to look at a weak periodic signal within a random noise: a way to improve the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is to use a lock-in amplifier, but the frequency of the periodic component must be known to achieve a high... more
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Abstract: Negli ultimi anni si è visto un crescente utilizzo di tecniche che fanno uso delle onde superficiali per la determinazione di alcuni dei parametri fisici che caratterizzano il sottosuolo. In particolare, supponendo che il mezzo... more
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Large rare fluctuations in a nonequilibrium system are investigated theoretically and by analogue electronic experiment. It is emphasized that the optimal paths calculated via the eikonal approximation of the Fokker-Planck equation can be... more
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For a system driven by coloured noise, we investigate the activation energy of escape, and the dynamics during the escape. We have performed analogue experiments to measure the change in activation energy as the power spectrum of the... more
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Noise-induced transitions between coexisting stable states of a periodically driven nonlinear oscillator have been investigated by means of analog experiments and numerical simulations in the nonadiabatic limit for a wide range of... more
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Abstract: A new numerical technique is demonstrated and shown to reduce exponentially the time required for Monte Carlo simulations of non-equilibrium systems. The quasi-stationary probability distribution is computed for two model... more
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