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Recovery techniques may be distinguished on the basis of the time when the recovery lines are built:
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      Distributed ComputingCheckpointing algorithmRollback recovery
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      Distributed Computing SystemsFailure Mode
CITATIONS 25 READS 35 3 authors, including:
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This paper proposes the use of a functional language and of a dataflow computing model for the design of large-scale parallel computing systems for which dependability, in its aspects of reliability, timeliness, parallelism and... more
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      Parallel ProgrammingVerification and ValidationDecentralized SystemsParallel Processing
This paper reports an experience made in building a model and analysing the dependability of an actual railway station interlocking control system. Despite our analysis has been restricted to the Safety Nucleus subsystem, mastering... more
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      Systems ScienceComputer Systems
Many application fields use computer-controlled systems, with different levels of criticality requirements. A common characteristic of such embedded systems is their increasing complexity in intrinsic terms-distribution management,... more
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      Embedded SystemsComputer HardwarePetri NetsComputing
Electric Power Systems (EPS) become more and more critical for our society, since they provide vital services for the human activities. At the same time, obtaining dependable behaviour of EPS is an highly challenging task, both in terms... more
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      Control systemPerformance AnalysisCase StudyElectric Power System
In this paper we show how a formal reasoning can be applied for studying the fault coverage of a fault tolerant technique when the behaviour of a system with a set of prede ned faults is considered. This method is based on process... more
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      Case StudyProcess AlgebraFormal ReasoningFault Tolerant
This paper presents a structured way of inserting software redundancy in programs and to describe the solutions provided for programming software fault-tolerance techniques. It is based on a data-flow like programming paradigm, which is... more
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      Software EngineeringFault DetectionParallel ProcessingControl Systems
This paper is two-fold. In the first part it tries to raise awareness on the level of complexity of future computer-based interconnected systems/infrastructures, at least as they are envisioned, and on the level of dependability we are... more
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      Information SocietyIFIP
Data flow networks are a paradigm for concurrent computations in which a collection of concurrently and asynchronously executing nodes communicate by sending data over FIFO communication channels. The need to deal with data and the... more
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      LogicModel CheckingSystem DesignFormal Specification
A bstract : The literature on reliable systems is composed by a very broad range of specific problems and solutions. Very few designs of reliable systems are reported, in which an integrated methodology is taken into account as one of the... more
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The term resilience has been used in many fields and, as a property, two threads can be identified: a) in social psychology, where it is about elasticity, spirit, resource and good mood, and b) and in material science, where it is about... more
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      PsychologyComputer Science EducationInformation SecurityResilience
The adjective resilient has been used in dependable computing essentially as a synonym of fault-tolerant, thus ignoring the unexpected aspect of the phenomena the systems may have to face. These phenomena are very relevant when moving to... more
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      Computer SecurityAmbient IntelligenceInformation InfrastructureFault Tolerant
Data flow is a paradigm for concurrent computations in which a collection of parallel processes communicate asynchronously. For nondeterministic data flow networks many semantic models have been defined, however, it is complex to reason... more
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Complex systems require the use of an integrated and best balanced set of components. The integration and the balanced set are crucial issues, which require some sort of verifiable compositionality property of component parts that... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEnvironmental ManagementSystems AnalysisControl Systems