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The hermeneutic category of queer has established itself as a powerful tool of social criticism and political action. Questioning and crossing identitarian barriers, and drawing attention to the ways to which non-normative identities are... more
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This article offers a definition of some basic concepts of artistic theor y in Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) terms and gives full directions, as well as an elucidation of the underlying theor y, for a two-day workshop addressed to... more
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Through an analysis of some key theoretical texts of historical Surrealism, this article elucidates the connection between the theor y and practice of artistic Surrealism and the Kellyan concept of reconstruction. Its main thesis is that... more
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This paper is part of an ongoing reflection about the way PCT (Personal Construct Theory) can illuminate artistic theory and practice, and aid progress in artistic pedagogy. It is, quite uncharacteristically, written from my own... more
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This paper originates in my long-standing skepticism about so-called sexual liberation, in my considerable perplexity about the state of sexual discourse and of sexual relations in present-day society, and in my belief that... more
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    • Academic Writing
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      Academic WritingArgumentationArgumentation Theory and Critical ThinkingResearch Writing
Questo lavoro offre un'interpretazione del metodo e di alcuni dei risultati fondamentali della branca della linguistica pragmatica nota come Analisi della Conversazione e della corrente dell'etnometodologia chiamata Membership... more
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This paper investigates two key features in the phenomenology of aesthetic experience and categorization: the mutually opposite but complementary processes of 'aestheticization' (i.e. the turning of the non‐aesthetic to the aesthetic, as... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyAestheticsEnglish LiteratureJungian psychology
The relationship between Keats and the green realm is more complex than it appears at first sight. His references to plants are more than occasional pieces of botanical poetry, denotatively conveying his highly specialized expertise in... more
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      British RomanticismEnglish RomanticismKeatsHistory of Botany
Il seguente lavoro ha come argomento principale la letteratura postcoloniale in lingua inglese a Hong Kong. Il lavoro è suddivido in due parti: nella prima parte si delineeranno gli elementi guida relativi al contesto storico, sociale,... more
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At first glance, H.G. Wells’s The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) seems to question the boundary between humans and animals only to reaffirm its inescapable naturality, as Moreau attempts to turn animals into humans by altering their... more
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      Queer StudiesPerformativityQueer Theory (Literature)H. G. Wells
At the beginning of "The Fall of Hyperion" the poet-narrator comes upon the remnants of an abandoned feast in a luscious garden, where, after indulging in the delicious “summer fruits” (I, 29), he drinks from “a cool vessel of transparent... more
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      RomanticismPoetryMedical HumanitiesPoetics
Serpent symbolism plays an important role in Keats’s rich animal imagery both on a quantitative and a qualitative level. Through images of dazzling, twisted, suffocating snakes Keats gives form to some of his most important ideas as well... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyRomanticismCreativityPoetry
Though it has been called "one of Letitia Elizabeth Landon’s most enigmatic and disturbing poems" by Kari Lokke, "The Fairy of the Fountains" has not yet received the critical attention recently attracted by Landon's other works. First... more
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      Queer StudiesGothic LiteratureQueer Theory (Literature)Melusine
Among recent adaptations of the Frankenstein story, one of the most compelling is found in "Penny Dreadful" (2014-2016), a British-American TV series created by John Logan. Starting from the problematisation of the definition of monster... more
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      AdaptationGothic LiteratureFrankensteinMary Shelley
In the middle part of "Isabella, or the Pot of Basil" (1818), Keats stages a night encounter between Isabella and her dead lover Lorenzo, who appears to her as a spirit endowed with remarkable – and disturbingly accurate – corporality.... more
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      RomanticismDeathLiterature and MedicineMedical Humanities
Though a surging interest in communication with the Other World is typically associated with the Spiritualist frenzy of the second half of the nineteenth century, the theme already haunted the imagination and literature of earlier... more
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      Gothic LiteratureCommunication TheoryNineteenth-Century British LiteratureHistory of Communication