University of Pisa
Dipartimento di scienze politiche
Along with the expansion of Open Data and according to the latest EU directives for open access, the attention of public administration, research bodies and business is on web publishing of data in open format. However, a specialized... more
Quando Tangeri era Zona internazionale amministrata dalle
Grandi Potenze, poteva l’Italia non esservi presente in forze, con un proprio ufficio postale? Una lunga, strana storia diplomatica e con un’altrettanto inedita coda repubblicana.
Grandi Potenze, poteva l’Italia non esservi presente in forze, con un proprio ufficio postale? Una lunga, strana storia diplomatica e con un’altrettanto inedita coda repubblicana.
Essa ben si adatta alle recenti vicende della Libia di Qadhdhāfī. Che cosa è rimasto della Grande Jamāhīriyya Araba Libica Popolare Socialista? (2). Che cosa è rimasto della tanto bizzarra quanto sperimentale architettura... more
The Bizerte conflict occurred in July 1961 when Tunisia imposed a blockade on the French naval base at Bizerte, hoping to force its evacuation and gain the complete sovereignty of its territory. The crisis culminated in a three-days... more
Much has been written and discussed about the birth and development of the French nuclear force of deterrence (the so-called Force de Frappe), but very few studies are dedicated to the 17 nuclear atmospheric and underground experiments... more
In 1985 between Burkina Faso and the Republic of Mali erupted fought a short, but bitter war about the Agacher Strip. The conflict was resolved with the intervention of the Hague Court, which could rule for the first time on the basis of... more
Gli eventi che dal gennaio 2011 sono avvenuti nell’area geopolitica del MENA, ossia Middle East-North Africa, hanno riportato l’interesse, anche del pubblico non specializzato, sul Maghreb, regione generalmente ritenuta meno rilevante... more
Gheddafi has been working hard since 1969 for the panarab union and to create a real and comprehensive Arab state. Was it just an idealist dream or did it hide a pragmatic approach that had its roots in the regional balance of power?
Cape Spartel is the northernmost point of Morocco and an important landmark near the Strait of Gibraltar. In 1865 a group of nations decided to build the construction of a lighthouse that was visible from the western entrance to the... more
Dal maggio al settembre del 1939 Unione Sovietica e Giappone si affrontarono su uno sperduto e desolato altopiano della Mongolia in una cruenta guerra non dichiarata che vide l’impiego di decine di migliaia di uomini e centinaia di carri... more
The Tunnel of Gibraltar project has been a pharaonic project that dreamed to link Europe with Africa.
This outlines that Islām and Islamic law lost their original importance, but they still represent a corner stone in the civil and political society, being exploited by the regimes in order to survive to the waves of popular unrest.
The issue of capital punishment in the Kingdom of Morocco: between tradition and abolition.The last execution in Morocco occurred on August 9, 1993. Since then, an informal moratorium has come into force in the Kingdom of Morocco.... more
In 1949 the Bevin-Sforza compromise did not get the two-third majority for just one vote in the general Assembly of the United nations. It was the end of the Italian dream to stay in Africa after the treaty of peace. This “missing vote”... more
L’annosa disputa che ha opposto l’Italia e la Tunisia per la pesca, nello specchio di mare del Canale di Sicilia a sud-ovest dell’isola di Lampedusa, è un tema che è stato largamente esplorato, soprattutto dalla letteratura di carattere... more
North African nations, especially Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco, have been heavily affected by COVID-19 if compared to other African countries. Governments in North Africa took proactive legal measures to manage the virus threat,... more