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RNG Plugin

This Construct 3 plugin offers a comprehensive suite of utility functions centered around randomness. It includes a dedicated random-number generator based on the Mersenne Twister algorithm

Current Features

  • Rolling of various n-sided dice
  • Random string generation
  • Pick random from comma-separated string (weighted / unweighted)
  • Chance condition
  • Generate Random Positions (layout, viewport, sprite, circle)
  • Perlin / Simplex Noise
  • SDK v2


Property Name Description Type
Seed Seed for the random number generator text


Action Description Params
Clear Dice Roll History Clears the dice roll history
Roll Dice Rolls a number of dice with a number of sides and adds a modifier Number of Dice (number)
Number of Sides (number)
Modifier (number)
Tag (string)
RandomSeed Generates a random seed
SetSeed Sets the seed to use for the RNG Seed (string)
Pick Random Point In Circle Picks a random point in a circle, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions Center X (number)
Center Y (number)
Radius (number)
Edge (boolean)
Pick Random Position In Layout Picks a random position in the layout, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions
Pick Random Position In Layout With Margin Picks a random position in the layout with a margin, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions Left (number)
Right (number)
Top (number)
Bottom (number)
Pick Random Position In Rect Picks a random position in a rectangle, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions Left (number)
Top (number)
Right (number)
Bottom (number)
Pick Random Position In Sprite Picks a random position in a sprite, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions Sprite (object)
Edge (boolean)
Pick Random Position In Viewport Picks a random position in the viewport, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions
Pick Random Position In Viewport With Margin Picks a random position in the viewport with a margin, can access using RandomX and RandomY expressions Left (number)
Right (number)
Top (number)
Bottom (number)


Condition Description Params
For Each Rolled Dice Triggered for each dice rolled
On Dice Roll Triggered when a dice is rolled
Chance if a random chance is true Likelihood (number)


Expression Description Return Type Params
DiceRollDiceId Get the dice id of a dice roll string Tag (string)
DiceRollModifier Get the modifier of a dice roll number Tag (string)
DiceRollSum Get the sum of a dice roll number Tag (string)
DiceRollValue Get the value of a dice roll number Tag (string)
Index (number)
LastDiceRollDiceId Get the dice id of the last dice roll string
LastDiceRollDiceValue Get the value of a dice in the last dice roll number Index (number)
LastDiceRollModifier Get the modifier of the last dice roll number
LastDiceRollSum Get the sum of the last dice roll number
LoopDiceValue Get the value of the dice in the loop number
PerlinNoise2D Get a 2D Perlin noise value number X (number)
Y (number)
Resolution (number)
RandomChoice Get a random choice from a list any List (string)
RandomChoiceWeighted Get a random weighted choice from a list any List (string)
Weights (string)
RandomFloat Get a random float number Min (number)
Max (number)
RandomInt Get a random integer number Min (number)
Max (number)
RandomNormal Get a random number from a normal distribution number Mean (number)
Standard Deviation (number)
RandomNumber Get a random number string Length (number)
RandomSign Get a random sign (-1 or 1) number
RandomString Get a random string string Length (number)
RandomToken Get a random token string List (string)
RandomUUID Get a random UUID string
Shuffle Shuffle a comma separated list string List (string)
SimplexNoise2D Get a 2D Simplex noise value number X (number)
Y (number)
Resolution (number)
Seed Get the seed used for the RNG number
LastX Gets the last random X position number
LastY Gets the last random Y position number



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

piranha305_rng- 12 kB
rng_examples.c3p 181 kB

Development log


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With this addon can you assign a chance at which a certain item or number will fall out? 

Thank you for your work

I think there is a weighted expression, you might need to convert the data type but for examples you can use

.RandomChoiceWeighted("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", "1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3")

this will pick a number between 1 and 10
with 9,10 being 3x more likely to be chosen
6,7,8 being 2x more likely to be chosen
and 1,2,3,4,5 being the least likely to be chosen

if this is not what you are looking for let me know more details about exactly what your looking and I can add something for it.