.·:*¨¨*:·.*pinkglimmer*.·:*¨¨*:·.'s Journal
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.·:*¨¨*:·.*pinkglimmer*.·:*¨¨*:·.'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[12 Jul 2006|09:24pm]

Hi, just letting everyone know that the Britney fan community, _original_doll_ has been renovated and is now looking for makers! Come over and check us out!
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[16 Apr 2006|11:05pm]

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[19 Mar 2006|05:01pm]

This is a shout out to everyone who has ever lived in Akron, or knows anyone who lives there. You should definitely read this. Akron's going to be majorly affected by the voting on May 2nd. Read more...Collapse )
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join now! [11 Dec 2005|09:50pm]

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[05 Dec 2005|03:54pm]

join the new pink glimmer! - The Diamond Ladies___

(still under construction + looking for co-mod)
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[29 Nov 2005|06:21pm]

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[31 Oct 2005|12:50pm]

[ mood | high ]

Name: Sara
Nicknames: sweet girl, baby girl, etc....
Age: 16
Birthday: November 21st, 1988
Sign: Scorpio
Location: Anna, Texas
Natural hair color: brown
Current hair color: burgundy
Eye color: hazel
Height: 5'3" or 5'4"
Animal: I don't really have one...
Band: Fleetwood Mac Rox!!!
Color: pink & black
Day: Saturday
Flower: Rose
Food: anything mexican or italian
Month: July
Movie: Thirteen & Girl, Interrupted
Number: 18
Quote: " Everything happens for a reason" ~ My Enchanted Gypsy Mommy, Lizzie
Season: Summer
Soda: anything diet
Song: I love anything by Stevie Nicks!!! :)
Sport: football
State: California
Store: Rave
TV Show: Laguna Beach
Word: UGH!!! lol
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? yes
If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be?: Pink
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?: hmmm....i dont know
What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? Anna, LA, Miami, NYC, Atlanta
Can you eat with chopsticks? nope
Let's walk on the: moon
Let's run through: the field
Let's look at: stars
Who are those: people
What a nice: day
Where did all these: come from
When will they: leave
How are: you doing
Why can't you: just go away
So where did you: come from
Sing the: song
Easier than: taking candy from a baby
Look at my: hair
I'll stay if: you want me to
Silly, little: child

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Newbie Girl here* [01 Aug 2005|04:05am]

[ mood | cranky ]

Hey girls... and [guyz?] well anyways im new here, been searching through some communities and thought this one seemed cute, so heres my app. enjoy:-)

You know you wannaCollapse )

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[25 May 2005|09:29am]


application <3 *Collapse )

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[21 May 2005|07:42pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

I kinda forgot about this community for a while.. How is everyone?? I wanna make this community alive again.. Does anyone have any ways to do it? Any suggestions? I want this place to be busy =) Also if anyone wants to be a co-mod and help me out that would be awesome!

1 Loves it Do you love it?

[19 May 2005|10:37pm]

[ mood | tired ]

aPPliCaTiOn/sUrVeYCollapse )

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[16 Apr 2005|02:35pm]

[ mood | refreshed ]

[ YOU ]
Name: Cecelia
Nicknames: CeE, Cecil, Celia, CeCe
Age: 17
Birthday: November 5th, 1987
Sign: Scorpio
Location: Muskegon, MiChigan
Natural hair color: blond
Current hair color: blond
Eye color: blue
Height: 5'3"
Animal: Yorkie
Band: 50 cent, The Game
Color: PiNk
Day: Saturday
Flower: Rose
Food: chinese
Month: July
Movie: The notebook, Mean Girls, and Thirteen
Number: 17
Quote: " That's Hot" "Loves it"
Season: Summer
Soda: diet coke or sprite
Song: Candyshop
Sport: Volleyball and tennis
State: Florida
Store: Hollister
TV Show: Simple Life
Word: yea
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?None
If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be?: Pink
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?: 122
What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? LA, Miami, NYC, Orlando, New Orleans
Can you eat with chopsticks? yea
Let's walk on the: moon
Let's run through: the flowers
Let's look at: the sky
Who are those: people
What a nice: day
Where did all these: come from
When will they: have fun
How are: you doing
Why can't you: just be nice
So where did you: come from
Sing the: song
Easier than: pie
Look at my: toes
I'll stay if: you stay
Silly, little: goose

1 Loves it Do you love it?

[05 Apr 2005|03:47pm]

Am I pink?Collapse )
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new [12 Feb 2005|10:43am]

[ mood | cold ]

applicationCollapse )

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Hi. I'm new and here's my survey :-) [17 Jan 2005|03:54pm]

[ mood | giddy ]

[ YOU ]
Name: Danielle
Nicknames: Nel, Nellie
Age: 15
Birthday: 5/10/89
Sign: Taurus
Location: New York
Natural hair color: Brown
Current hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Height: About 5' 4" but I think its a little less...
Animal: Dog
Band: Hm... I have a lot but I like Sum 41 :-D
Color: Purple or blue
Day: Friday
Flower: Lilac
Food: Cucumbers. Yum!
Month: July
Movie: Mean Girls, Darkness Falls, She Gets What She Wants
Number: 26
Quote: Um... I cant think of one right now
Season: Summer
Soda: Pepsi
Song: "Pieces" by Sum 41
Sport: Volleyball
State: Colorado or Massachusetts
Store: Aeropostale
TV Show: Spongebob Squarepants
Word: Epiphany
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? I dont think I'd get plastic surgery
If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be?: Cerulean Blue
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?: 3 and a bite :-P
What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? Cities? Ummm well I like Providence Town, MA but I dont know if thats a city or not...
Can you eat with chopsticks? I dont think so
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's run through: Grass
Let's look at: the dog
Who are those: shoes
What a nice: day
Where did all these: babies come from
When will they: stop
How are: you
Why can't you: just quit
So where did you: go
Sing the: song
Easier than: pie
Look at my: bruise
I'll stay if: I want
Silly, little: girl

2 Loves it Do you love it?

I'm new ! [05 Jan 2005|02:59pm]

[ mood | dorky ]

[ YOU ]
Name: Sarinya
Nicknames: Jaeng
Age: 24
Birthday: 06/23/1980, 23/06/2523
Sign: Cancer, Monkey
Location: Thailand
Natural hair color: Black
Current hair color: Brown
Eye color: Black
Height: 155

Animal: Giraffe
Band: Linkin Park
Color: Golden Pink
Day: Saturday
Flower: Orchid
Food: Thai, Japanese
Month: February
Movie: R&J, BJ's Diary
Number: 14
Quote: "And, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine"
Season: Summer
Soda: Bacardi Breezer - White
Song: Many!
Sport: Ice Skate
State: San Francisco, love that bridge!
Store: Bossini, Roxy
TV Show:
Word: Love

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: None
If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be?: Golden Pink
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?: Who cares, just enjoy licking ;)
What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to?: Barrie, Santorini, Hua-Hin, Osaka, Paris
Can you eat with chopsticks?: Hell, yes!

Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: the rain naked
Let's look at: your belly button
Who are those: yummy guys
What a nice: try
Where did all these: rats come from
When will they: learn
How are: you, kiddo
Why can't you: shut up
So where did you: find that skirt
Sing the: love song
Easier than: a piece of cake
Look at my: thigh
I'll stay if: you stay
Silly, little: ding dong of mine

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[28 Nov 2004|12:55am]

[ mood | creative ]

[ YOU ]
Name: Sarah
Nicknames: Kandi, Gangsta Girl, Pinkie, Sara-Hoe, Baby, Babygirl.
Age: 15
Birthday: October 4, 89
Sign: Libra
Location: Lake Orion Michigan
Natural hair color: Brown
Current hair color: Brown, Orange, Red
Eye color: Blue sometimes, Brown sometimes
Height: 5'3
Animal: All Animals
Band: SugarCult or Nickelback, Or Fiona Apple
Color: Pink
Day: Friday or Saturday
Flower: Rose
Food: Mexican
Month: October
Movie: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Number: 6
Quote: "
Season: Summer
Soda: Pepsi
Song: "Let It Burn" Usher
Sport: Football
State: Georgia
Store: Hollister
TV Show: Golden Girls
Word: Rad
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? My Lips, so that they're more "plump" and even sized.
If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be?: Bombastic Pink
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?: 439529550 Licks
What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? [Anywhere in California][Atlanta, Georgia][New York City, New York][Cancun, Mexico][Nashville, Tennesee]
Can you eat with chopsticks? Yes I can.
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's run through: Fields
Let's look at: Snow :P
Who are those: People?
What a nice: View
Where did all these: People come from?
When will they: LEAVE. Lol
How are: You doin' lately?
Why can't you: Understand me?
So where did you: come from?
Sing the: song?
Easier than: Cake
Look at my: Face
I'll stay if: I can stay the night.... ?
Silly, little: Girl

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[10 Nov 2004|09:45pm]

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[24 Oct 2004|04:29pm]



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[12 Oct 2004|07:07pm]
[ mood | calm ]

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