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(1 edit) (+1)

I wish there was an option to NOT act like an idiot.
When that neighbor knocked on your door I mean.
You'd think he'd learned from experience. I certainly would have.

I love the artwork tho.
And the clothing choice. (Especially for the mc)

And despite any complaining, I love the story and the game in general.

I AM confused how a certain vampire appears to age, seeing a the body of a vampire is dead and cannot change.
(But I suppose there may be some magic or shapshifting possible or something. I duknow... But it's very weird. Maybe a glamour spell to not scare the boy as a kid?)

I would have loved to see more choices tho.

Not because I would have made any choice differently from the mc at this point, but because it's MUCH more satisfying to do something when you know it was a choice. A -real- choice.
(And not 3 ways to say the same damned thing.)

(Refusing the neighbor kid would be far more satisfying if there was an option to forgive them. And it wouldn't be that hard to make a yandere simply kill them because you clearly are too naive for your own good by forgiving them so they must protect you.
Or if you don't love them back, they'll just have to try harder to be good enough so you love them. And so on.)

Awww.... Quail gets you such a nice gift~ ❤️
So why are you upset with him? 😭

I REALLY want to have CHOICE damnit!! >_<
Your bf does something wonderful for you, and you just bitch and whine about morals and ethics. SHEESH!!! >_<

And then he offer you the most wonderful gift ever, to be like him, and you don't want it.... 😭

Can this game PLEASE give the player some CHOICES? PLEASE?!?!?!

The ending SUCKED!!!

I want to be with Quail.... 😭


Edit: Got a different ending this time where you could be together. Which was better, but I still don't get why you couldn't appreciate everything he wanted to give you.

...and it won't last for all eternity if you don't accept -that- offer.


Can you add it on Android?


The art style is beautiful but in some parts it felt a bit awkward. The plot itself was a nice little play on the imaginary friends and misunderstandings, but the progression was a bit abrupt and we never did learn the bonds that Dimitri and Quail went through that and the friendship between Caleb and Carson. The grammar was a bit awkward but not that bad. I think it would have been great if it wasn't so limited due to the jam and its restriction but I did enjoy playing through it and seeing the nice art!


thank you for the feedback! I was definitely on a time crunch towards the end of it😅 probably wasn't the smartest move to make 23 CG'S in a month. (and I initially planned for there to be even more than that) I had wanted to put in more about Carson and Caleb's friendship, and Dimitri and Quail's but didn't think I'd be able to do it in the time allowanced by the jam. I plan on doing an update in the future that might add some of that stuff, plus fix some of the wonky CG's.


Ohh that's great! I'm really looking forward to the more fixed version. It is impressive you were able to churn out 23 CG's but at the same time I wonder if it was a wise decisions given how you had to do everything yourself... But either way I'm looking forward to how you'll shape the VN now that it's passed the Game Jam edition ahahah


I am in love with this story.
Please, can you add a CG gallery?


I'm not entirely sure how to program that, but I'll look into it. I plan on doing some updates to clean things up in the future.


Ok, thank you


I got both endings. The art style is beautiful. I love it. 


thank you! there are three endings actually lol


Oh! I miss count. I did get all the endings.


it just have one end?


there are three endings


It look interesting. 

