- It's been awhile since I released a live show, and I have several I need to get to -- but, finally, here's the Friday night show from Dragon*Con this year. Great, great crowd.
- This weekend is WindyCon in Lombard, IL, and it should be fantastic as usual. Any part of the musical line-up alone is worth it -- Alexander James Adams, S. J. Tucker, Betsy Tinney (as well as their collectives, Skinny White Chick and Tricky Pixie), Heather Dale, Amy McNally, The Great Luke Ski, Art Warneke, Beth Kinderman & Friends, and -- oh yeah -- me and Toyboat, together for one night only as the mighty Tomboat! Friday night, 9:00 -- be there or be disappointed!
- Our friend
solarbird, known also as Crime And The Forces Of Evil, has a new album, Dick Tracy Must Die, which you might want to check out, and a mailing list to sign up for. - Hands-on folks might want to get their hands on this very special issue of Make Magazine.
Ready... set... Pimp Your Stuff!
Crys said you had a great time meeting Mikey this last weekend. He's a great person to know and I somehow thought the two of you might hit it off. If you…
As is, I'm hoping that once I can find a job, I can donate.
We'll be…