Good morning, friends and SilverFlame Art supporters! Amyla here. Last week was quite a time, getting things ready for the new crowdfunding art blog! It feels wonderful to be getting back into the swing of things again. Anyway, it's Monday, which means that I am opening for $5 sketch prompts from now until 5 p.m. CST. This is a weekly event on the new silverflameart blog--$5 Sketch Day.
The concept is simple: Leave a prompt in the comments, a short description of something you'd like to see me sketch. Use the payment button at the bottom of the entry on my blog to pay, and I'll post your sketch both in a reply to you in the comments and in a personal message, where I will link you to the full-sized file.
Also, the first three prompts are free!
So, come on by and leave your prompts! Please be sure to read the info on the blog post carefully before requesting.
There's been an interesting controversy going on the past few weeks, which has led to a very cool offer by our own jimhines.
Basically, the forthcoming anthology Wicked Pretty Things had a submission including a male/male romance, and the editor asked the writer to change it to male/female. Which, of course, would have been an utterly different story. So the writer pulled the story from the anthology, and several other writers pulled their stories in support.
To find out more, and to see what coolness Jim has proposed, click here.
Once again, I extend my deepest thanks and a bunch of virtual hugs to all of you who helped me out last week. I'm going to keep the download folder open until Monday night, methinks. I've got a couple of new things in there now, including a recording obtained by hms42 specifically as a thank-you for everybody: the first time I did "307 Ale", at OVFF back in 1989. Lyrics and melody have evolved over the years, but the most fun is hearing an audience that didn't know the joke was coming.
This weekend is MillenniCon in the north part of Cincinnati, OH. I didn't go last year because of another commitment, but this is in a lot of ways my home con. Wonderful, small, relaxing, fun. And, hey! Robert J. Sawyer is the Author GOH. I will be recording my concerts (three total -- one for the ConText room party on Friday ay 10:00 p.m., the main one at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, and halftime at the Masquerade), and putting them up in the donations folder on Sunday night. So, if you've still got the URL, it ain't over yet.
Sorry this is late, but I spent most of yesterday uploading tracks to Bandcamp. :)
As mentioned the other day, you can pre-order TomBoat for ten bucks at Tom Smith Online, and the rest of the downloads are still on sale until Sunday night/Monday morning. I also have the TomBoat preorder at Bandcamp, and you can listen to it in its entirety there as well. recently published their list of the 13 best free VST plug-ins in the world, as voted on by their readership. I already use a few of them, and I'm downloading a couple more. They also have a hell of a lot of free loops and samples for you to download.
Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, RLS. But! We've got some signal boosts:
All the stuff about bullying lately has been heartbreaking, especially the suicides. Here's one we can actually do something about. Katie Goldman, a six-year-old girl in Chicagoland, has been bullied because of her Star Wars water bottle. I know. I can't believe it either. Fortunately, the page I link to has hundreds of people supporting Katie. Care to join 'em? :) (h/t naomi_de_plume)
Yet more friends, Steve Goodie and Nuclear Bubble Wrap, have a new music video (his parody of "Hakuna Matata", Potterized), and both also have newalbums.
BoingBoing reminds us that the third annual Machinima Expo takes place this Saturday and Sunday, online, from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. PST. Awards ceremonies, panel discussions, meet-ups in Second Life, and a whole lotta animation -- what's not to love?
First Draft is one of my favorite political blogs, not merely for the opinions I share with them but for the amazing writing and passion of Allison Hantschel, also known as Athenae. Like many liberal/progressives, she's not happy with the way last week's election went. But she's trying to get people to channel that energy into helping other people, currently with a project to get more coats for a local shelter in Chicagoland.
And it's probably about time to revise and add to that list.
Many conventions have charities they support -- MillenniCon, for instance, supports the Miami Valley Fund for Literacy. I can't find if WindyCon has one, but I might not be looking on the right spot in their web site, so if lizziecrowe or gundo or someone could find out and put it here, I'd appreciate it.
I'm actually not going anywhere this weekend. Wow. I can catch up on some music that needs to be done. And I should have the Dragon*Con sets up by Saturday or Sunday. Maybe a few others as well.
There is an attention-seeking cretin in Florida. Pastor of a church with about fifty people. I guess he wanted to move up the ranks on del.icio or somethin'. Because he started making noise about this Sunday being "International Burn A Quran Day", and he's got the attention of world leaders and right-wing talk radio hosts and John McCain 'n' shit.
I seriously wonder how much he likes being an internationally-known asshole.
It's far too late to ignore the jerk. But catsittingstill has a fine response in mind: declare Sept. 11 to be "Stand Up For Religious Tolerance Day", and post something promoting it on your LJ or blog or whatever.
Our darling, the Princess of the Kingdom of Poison and Flame, cadhla, 2010 John W. Campbell Award winner seanan_mcguire, is accepting pre-orders for her new album Wicked Girls.
Crys said you had a great time meeting Mikey this last weekend. He's a great person to know and I somehow thought the two of you might hit it off. If you…
I'm excited to be able to share the news that the first Torn World anthology, featuring speculative fiction, poetry, and artwork by ten talented women, went to the printer this week.
Crys said you had a great time meeting Mikey this last weekend. He's a great person to know and I somehow thought the two of you might hit it off. If you…
As is, I'm hoping that once I can find a job, I can donate.
We'll be…