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It's $5 Sketch Day!

Good morning, friends and SilverFlame Art supporters!  Amyla here.  Last week was quite a time, getting things ready for the new crowdfunding art blog!  It feels wonderful to be getting back into the swing of things again.  Anyway, it's Monday, which means that I am opening for $5 sketch prompts from now until 5 p.m. CST.  This is a weekly event on the new silverflameart blog--$5 Sketch Day.

The concept is simple:  Leave a prompt in the comments, a short description of something you'd like to see me sketch.  Use the payment button at the bottom of the entry on my blog to pay, and I'll post your sketch both in a reply to you in the comments and in a personal message, where I will link you to the full-sized file.

Also, the first three prompts are free!

So, come on by and leave your prompts!  Please be sure to read the info on the blog post carefully before requesting.

Some sample sketches:


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