This is a community to request overrides for free accounts. I do these overrides on my own time, so please be patient &allow 1 week before complaining that I haven't gotten to yours yet.
To submit an override request, fill out the following request form, & title your post, "Override Request."
Browser title: ( For example: the title of this communities browser is: Pimp My Journal) Background IMAGE: Send me the link to the picture you would like to use as your background image, if you need help hosting your image ask me. A great place that hosts images such as backgrounds is Background COLOR: (If you chose a background image, this will be underneath the picture) Font: These are a few examples, you can choose one of these, or provide your own. verdana tahoma comic sans ms font size: font color: link colors: entry alignment: (where your entries: left, right, center) entry border: (example: solid, dashed, dotted or inset) border size:(1 thru 10, 10 being the thickest) border color: comments links: (what do you want your comments links to say? Any image you want between them? Link the image you want.. Or what symbol [i.e. | - + o () * entry background: pick a color to be in your entries, if you want your background to be seen through the entires, simply say, "transparent."
For a background request, fill out the following form, & post it in the community, title your post, "Background Request."
Screen resolution: 1024x768 or 800x600. To find out your screen resolution, go to your desktop, left click, go to properties, & you'll see the screen resolution. Main background color: Any image(s)?: When telling us the images, please link. If you want to post the picture, please use an LJ cut. Where do you want the image(s) on your background?: Designs?: Words?: Font: Colors?: Your e-mail address: (Note, backgrounds with animation will not be made.)
Thanks!!! <333
The Mods are: jamiecrosse [AIM: jamiecrosse] fadingstars828[AIM: xOneBrokenStarx Love them, respect them, please don't yell at them.