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PIMP ICONS [entries|friends|calendar]
Because Makin' Pimpin' Icons Aint Easy

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[09 Dec 2010|10:52pm]

[01-12] The Walking Dead (Rick)
[13-15] A Clockwork Orange\Malcolm McDowell
[16-17] House MD (Cuddy/House)



Here @ on_your_shore 
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[06 Apr 2010|06:11pm]

[01-17] The Tudors: Charles Brandon & Henry Cavill himself.
[18-27] Lord of The Rings
[28-34] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[36-53] Various: Batman Returns, Cate blanchett, Eva Green, Twiggy, The Dark Knight, Supernatural & Robert Downey Jr.


Lots of more, HERE @ on_your_shore
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eli roth [30 Mar 2010|03:38am]

Here are a bunch of Eli Roth icons. 27 including some that are cropped from a wallpaper (also in the post!).


03. 14. 17.

Icons & wallpaper here!
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Katee Sackhoff and Bear McCreary - BGO Summer Shows [06 Aug 2009|07:25pm]

[ mood | blank ]

I can't turn away from smart, pretty people. Katee Sackhoff (Kara Thrace/Starbuck in BSG) joined BSG composer Bear McCreary on stage at the CA Plaza in June and the San Diego House of Blues in July, and pretty pictures were achieved!

And, once again, I am the Queen of One (or Four) Picture iconspams. :)

5 Katee Sackhoff - CA Plaza
5 Katee Sackhoff and Bear McCreary - CA Plaza
2 Katee Sackhoff and Bear McCreary - House Of Blues


- Textless icons are not bases.
- Comment. Credit either crediniaeth or liberty_icons.
- No. Hotlinking. Period.

FOLLOW THE LINK TO crediniaeth.

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[25 May 2009|11:56pm]

two 2pm, ten after school, twelve big bang, two shinee, two super junior, two ss501.

here @ pearlred. locked in 48 hours.

cross-posted everywhere. sorry about that. :)
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[09 May 2009|09:24pm]

[01-21] House MD & Hugh Laurie
[22-42] Supernatural & Jeffrey Dean Morgan
[43-47] Evil Dead 2
[48-52] Hugh Jackman
[53-56] Russell Brand, Marla Singer and Kermit :P

Here @ on_your_shore

Enjoy :)
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[08 May 2009|09:25pm]

jdramas (akai ito, love shuffle), after school, yoo jaesuk, misc.

the rest here @ pearlred. locked in 48 hours.
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icons. [11 Apr 2009|11:43am]


thirty-nine icons here @ pearlred. open for 48 hours only.
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50 Gossip Girl Icons [19 Mar 2009|09:25pm]

includes Blake/Leighton, GG cast, Ed/Leighton, Chuck/Blair

The rest are here!
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[17 Dec 2008|03:00am]

28 icons of The Big Bang Theory, most of them are text icons. But I hope to have more time for icons of screencaps later!


09. 23. 28.

28 ICONS HERE. Enjoy.
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[07 Nov 2008|08:26pm]

43 icons from 1x10 "Hi, Society".
Part of an episode by episode series featuring all Chuck and Blair.

All icons can be found here at air_icons. Friend the journal for future installments. Commenting would make my day :-)
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[01 Nov 2008|11:29am]

Episode 7 of the series! Enjoy the limo!sex everyone.

33 Icons Chuck/Blair icons from "Victor/Victrola" Here at air_icons
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[29 Oct 2008|06:17pm]

17 Chuck/Blair 1x03 "Poison Ivy"

Part of an ongoing series. Icons are here. Friend air_icons for the future installments. Every episode. Every Chuck and Blair moment.
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[28 Oct 2008|11:47pm]



friend air_icons for everything upcoming.
every episode. every scene. every chuck/blair moment.
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[28 Oct 2008|05:17pm]

Part of a series icon set I'm starting. Chuck/Blair, every scene, every episode. Stay tuned and friend air_icons!

Chuck/Blair 1x01 "Pilot"

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[23 Sep 2008|10:02pm]

[01-16] House MD
[17-28] Supernatural
[29-60] LOST
[61-64] Billie Piper

Here @ on_your_shore
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[25 Aug 2008|08:19pm]

[01-28] Various Hugh Laurie
[29-52] House MD
[53-56] Robert Downey Jr.
[54-54] JDM in Watcman
[58-60] The Dark Knight

More HERE @ on_your_shore
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[08 Aug 2008|02:42am]


21 gymnastics icons here.
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50 icons [26 Jul 2008|09:03pm]

[10] stock (landscape, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin)
[13] Lord of the Rings
[27] LotR cast (Cate Blanchett, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom)

all icons here @ syncedaffairs
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Into the Wild, The Office (US), Misc. [21 Jun 2008|01:14am]

01-04 Into the Wild (film)
05-10 The Office (US) 4.09 Dinner Party
00-11 Sarah Plain and Tall (Skylark)
12-13 Lord of the Rings
00-14 Harry Potter book art

(14 Icons here!) at my icon journal. Thanks for looking! :)
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