[09 Dec 2010|10:52pm] |
[01-12] The Walking Dead (Rick) [13-15] A Clockwork Orange\Malcolm McDowell [16-17] House MD (Cuddy/House)

Here @ on_your_shore
[06 Apr 2010|06:11pm] |
[01-17] The Tudors: Charles Brandon & Henry Cavill himself. [18-27] Lord of The Rings [28-34] Raiders of the Lost Ark [36-53] Various: Batman Returns, Cate blanchett, Eva Green, Twiggy, The Dark Knight, Supernatural & Robert Downey Jr.

Lots of more, HERE @ on_your_shore
eli roth |
[30 Mar 2010|03:38am] |
Here are a bunch of Eli Roth icons. 27 including some that are cropped from a wallpaper (also in the post!).
03. 14. 17.
Icons & wallpaper here!
[25 May 2009|11:56pm] |
two 2pm, ten after school, twelve big bang, two shinee, two super junior, two ss501.

here @ pearlred. locked in 48 hours.
cross-posted everywhere. sorry about that. :)
[09 May 2009|09:24pm] |
[01-21] House MD & Hugh Laurie [22-42] Supernatural & Jeffrey Dean Morgan [43-47] Evil Dead 2 [48-52] Hugh Jackman [53-56] Russell Brand, Marla Singer and Kermit :P
Here @ on_your_shore
Enjoy :)
[08 May 2009|09:25pm] |
jdramas (akai ito, love shuffle), after school, yoo jaesuk, misc.

the rest here @ pearlred. locked in 48 hours.
50 Gossip Girl Icons |
[19 Mar 2009|09:25pm] |
includes Blake/Leighton, GG cast, Ed/Leighton, Chuck/Blair

The rest are here!
[17 Dec 2008|03:00am] |
28 icons of The Big Bang Theory, most of them are text icons. But I hope to have more time for icons of screencaps later!
09. 23. 28.
28 ICONS HERE. Enjoy.
[07 Nov 2008|08:26pm] |
43 icons from 1x10 "Hi, Society". Part of an episode by episode series featuring all Chuck and Blair.

All icons can be found here at air_icons. Friend the journal for future installments. Commenting would make my day :-)
[01 Nov 2008|11:29am] |
Episode 7 of the series! Enjoy the limo!sex everyone.

33 Icons Chuck/Blair icons from "Victor/Victrola" Here at air_icons
[29 Oct 2008|06:17pm] |
17 Chuck/Blair 1x03 "Poison Ivy"

Part of an ongoing series. Icons are here. Friend air_icons for the future installments. Every episode. Every Chuck and Blair moment.
[28 Oct 2008|11:47pm] |

friend air_icons for everything upcoming. every episode. every scene. every chuck/blair moment.
[28 Oct 2008|05:17pm] |
Part of a series icon set I'm starting. Chuck/Blair, every scene, every episode. Stay tuned and friend air_icons!
Chuck/Blair 1x01 "Pilot"

[23 Sep 2008|10:02pm] |
[01-16] House MD [17-28] Supernatural [29-60] LOST [61-64] Billie Piper

Here @ on_your_shore
[25 Aug 2008|08:19pm] |
[01-28] Various Hugh Laurie [29-52] House MD [53-56] Robert Downey Jr. [54-54] JDM in Watcman [58-60] The Dark Knight

More HERE @ on_your_shore
[08 Aug 2008|02:42am] |

21 gymnastics icons here.
50 icons |
[26 Jul 2008|09:03pm] |
[10] stock (landscape, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin) [13] Lord of the Rings [27] LotR cast (Cate Blanchett, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom)

all icons here @ syncedaffairs
Into the Wild, The Office (US), Misc. |
[21 Jun 2008|01:14am] |
01-04 Into the Wild (film) 05-10 The Office (US) 4.09 Dinner Party 00-11 Sarah Plain and Tall (Skylark) 12-13 Lord of the Rings 00-14 Harry Potter book art

(14 Icons here!) at my icon journal. Thanks for looking! :)