Teaching Documents by Angelita Troiani
Il corso si propone di fornire le linee guida per lo studio dell'Instrumentum Domesticum e della ... more Il corso si propone di fornire le linee guida per lo studio dell'Instrumentum Domesticum e della cultura materiale dei secoli tardo antichi ed alto medievali, con lezioni frontali in aula ed esercitazioni pratiche.
Papers by Angelita Troiani

Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica KuBA, 2023
As part of an urban research project to investigate the unexcavated areas of Ostia (1996-2002), ... more As part of an urban research project to investigate the unexcavated areas of Ostia (1996-2002), a large church complex was discovered in the south of Regio V by means of geophysical prospection and aerial photography. It was soon assumed that this complex might be the long-sought bishop‘s church of Ostia dedicated by Constantine the Great. Small scale stratigraphic excavations carried out in 1997/98 confirmed this hypothesis and allowed first conclusions to be drawn about the chronology of the complex.
However, numerous questions about its architectural design, long-term development and liturgical furnishing remained unanswered. The study of the Constantinian episcopal church has now been resumed as part of an international research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In the first excavation season 2023 large parts of the eastern church nave, including its apse, have been excavated providing new important insights into its construction details and building phases. Some surprising observations were also made regarding the use of the area before the church was built.
Conference Presentations by Angelita Troiani
Angelita TROIANI "Particolari olle da un contesto della Valle del Tevere di I sec. d.C."
“New Research in the Mo... more Gabriele CASTIGLIA, Simone SCHIAVONE, Giulia SPADANUDA, Angelita TROIANI
“New Research in the Monastery of the Shepherds' Field in Beit Sahour (Bethlehem, West Bank)”.
Posters by Angelita Troiani
Angelita TROIANI "Il monastero del Campo dei Pastori presso Betlemme: per una rilettura della seq... more Angelita TROIANI "Il monastero del Campo dei Pastori presso Betlemme: per una rilettura della sequenza sulla base dei contesti ceramici, tra vecchi dati e nuove indagini".
Teaching Documents by Angelita Troiani
Papers by Angelita Troiani
However, numerous questions about its architectural design, long-term development and liturgical furnishing remained unanswered. The study of the Constantinian episcopal church has now been resumed as part of an international research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In the first excavation season 2023 large parts of the eastern church nave, including its apse, have been excavated providing new important insights into its construction details and building phases. Some surprising observations were also made regarding the use of the area before the church was built.
Conference Presentations by Angelita Troiani
“New Research in the Monastery of the Shepherds' Field in Beit Sahour (Bethlehem, West Bank)”.
Posters by Angelita Troiani
However, numerous questions about its architectural design, long-term development and liturgical furnishing remained unanswered. The study of the Constantinian episcopal church has now been resumed as part of an international research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In the first excavation season 2023 large parts of the eastern church nave, including its apse, have been excavated providing new important insights into its construction details and building phases. Some surprising observations were also made regarding the use of the area before the church was built.
“New Research in the Monastery of the Shepherds' Field in Beit Sahour (Bethlehem, West Bank)”.