Papers by Владимир Алексеевич Стукопин
Вестник Донского государственного технического университета, 2018
Toeplitz matrices with Hartwig-Fisher symbol are investigated. The extension of Szego theorem for... more Toeplitz matrices with Hartwig-Fisher symbol are investigated. The extension of Szego theorem for normal Toeplitz matrices with complex-valued symbol from L? space on the unit circle is formulated and proved.
Funct Anal Appl Engl Tr, 1994
Symmetry Integr Geom, 2007
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2013
We construct the Yangian of the strange Lie superalgebra as a particular case of the general cons... more We construct the Yangian of the strange Lie superalgebra as a particular case of the general construction of a twisted Yangian. We describe a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis of the Yangian of the type-Qn Lie superalgebra and construct the quantum double of the Yangian of the type-Q2 strange Lie superalgebra.
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2007
The Yangian of the strange Lie superalgebras in Drinfel'd realization is defined. The current sys... more The Yangian of the strange Lie superalgebras in Drinfel'd realization is defined. The current system generators and defining relations are described.
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 1993
The universal quantum R-matrix is obtained in the case of the affine Kac Moody Lie algebra sl(2).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2013
The finite-dimensional irreducible representations of Yangian of Lie Superalgebra of A(n, n) type... more The finite-dimensional irreducible representations of Yangian of Lie Superalgebra of A(n, n) type is described in terms of Drinfel'd polynomials. The necessarily and sufficient conditions of finite-dimensionality of irreducible representation are formulated and proved. The Poincare-Birkoff-Witt theorem for Yangian of A(n, n) Lie Superalgebra is proved also. 0 This work is partially supported by Federal Program "Scientific and scientific-educational personnel of innovative Russia event 1.2.2 (contract number P116) and by Federal Program "Scientific and scientific-educational personnel of innovative Russia"(agreement № 14.A18.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007
The Yangian double DY (A(m, n)) of the Lie superalgebra A(m, n) is described in terms of generato... more The Yangian double DY (A(m, n)) of the Lie superalgebra A(m, n) is described in terms of generators and defining relations. We prove the triangular decomposition for Yangian Y (A(m, n)) and its quantum double DY (A(m, n)) as a corollary of the PBW theorem. We introduce normally ordered bases in the Yangian and its dual Hopf superalgebra in the quantum double. We calculate the pairing formulas between the elements of these bases. We obtain the formula for the universal R-matrix of the Yangian double. The formula for the universal R-matrix of the Yangian, which was introduced by V. Drinfel'd, is also obtained.
The Yangian Y (Qn) of strange Lie superalgebra of Qn type, its quantum double DY (Qn) and the cen... more The Yangian Y (Qn) of strange Lie superalgebra of Qn type, its quantum double DY (Qn) and the central extension of quantum double are described as a results of quantization of twisted current Lie superbialgebras of polyno- mial currents, of Laurant currents and its central extension, correspondingly. Two systems of generators and defining relations for Yangian are introduced. Equivalence of this systems of generators and defining relations is proved. PBW theorem is formulated and proved. The double of Yangian and its central extension are described in terms of generators and defining rela- tions. Formulas for universal R-matrix for double of Yangian and its central extension are computed. It is well-known that Lie superalgebras of classical type divided on two
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper we obtain uniform asymptotic formulas for all eigenvalues of symmetric Toe... more ABSTRACT In this paper we obtain uniform asymptotic formulas for all eigenvalues of symmetric Toeplitz band matrices of large dimension. The entries of the matrices are assumed to be complex, that is, the matrices need not necessarily be self-adjoint. The formulas presented allow a detailed study of the structure of the eigenvalues and of their location in the complex plane, and to build an efficient algorithm for finding their numerical values for matrices of medium and high dimension.
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika
Определены две реализации аффинного суперянгиана $Y_{\hbar}(\widehat{sl}(m|n))$ специальной линей... more Определены две реализации аффинного суперянгиана $Y_{\hbar}(\widehat{sl}(m|n))$ специальной линейной супералгебры Каца-Муди $\widehat{sl}(m|n)$ для произвольной системы простых корней: в терминах "минималистской" системы образующих и новой системы образующих Дринфельда. Построен изоморфизм между этими двумя реализациями суперянгиана в случае фиксированной системы простых корней. Рассмотрен группоид Вейля, определен его квантовый аналог и задано его действие на суперянгианах, определяемых системами простых корней. Показано, что действие квантового группоида Вейля индуцирует изоморфизмы между суперянгианами, определяемыми разными системами простых корней.
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika
В рамках подхода Толедано-Ларедо и Гаутама рассматриваются структуры тензорных категорий на анало... more В рамках подхода Толедано-Ларедо и Гаутама рассматриваются структуры тензорных категорий на аналогах категории $\mathfrak{O}$ для представлений суперянгиана $Y_{\hbar}(A(m,n))$ специальной линейной супералгебры Ли и квантовой петлевой супералгебры $U_q(LA(m,n))$, исследуется связь между ними. Основным результатом работы является конструкция изоморфизма в категории супералгебр Хопфа между пополнениями суперянгиана и квантовой петлевой супералгебры, наделенными так называемыми дринфельдовскими коумножениями. Формулируется теорема об эквивалентности тензорных категорий модулей суперянгиана и квантовой петлевой супералгебры, усиливающая предыдущий результат. Также описывается связь между квазитреугольными структурами и абелевыми разностными уравнениями, которые определяются абелевыми частями универсальных $R$-матриц.
Вестник Донского государственного технического университета, 2018
The classification of Yangian irreducible finite-dimensional representations of Lie superalgebra ... more The classification of Yangian irreducible finite-dimensional representations of Lie superalgebra sl(1,2) – Hopf superalgebra is obtained. The classification is of great use in modern theoretical and mathematical physics. Some feasible applications of this result in mathematical physics are offered.
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, 2020
С использованием подхода Гаутама и Толедано-Ларедо вводятся аналоги категории $\mathfrak O$ для п... more С использованием подхода Гаутама и Толедано-Ларедо вводятся аналоги категории $\mathfrak O$ для представлений янгиана $Y_\hbar(A(m,n))$ специальной линейной супералгебры Ли и квантовой петлевой супералгебры $U_q(LA(m,n))$. Исследуется связь между ними и сформулирована гипотеза об эквивалентности этих категорий.
Asymptotic Combinatorics with Application to Mathematical Physics, 2002
Some basic results of the theory of Yangians of Lie superalgebras are described. The Yangian of a... more Some basic results of the theory of Yangians of Lie superalgebras are described. The Yangian of a classical Lie superalgebra is described as a result of quantization of the Lie superbialgebra of polynomial loops. Two systems of generators and defining relations are introduced, and their equivalence is proved. The PBW theorem for the Yangians of classical Lie superalgebras is formulated and proved. All irreducible finite-dimensional representations of the Yangians of Lie superalgebras of type A(m,n) are described in terms of Drinfel’d polynomials. A notion of the double of a Yangian and a formula for the universal R-matrix for the double of a Yangian are discussed for the Yangian of a Lie superalgebra of type A(m,n).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Drinfeld Yangian of a queer Lie superalgebra sq1 is defined as the quantization of a Lie bisupere... more Drinfeld Yangian of a queer Lie superalgebra sq1 is defined as the quantization of a Lie bisuperelgebra of twisted polynomial currents. An analogue of the new system of generators of Drinfeld is being constructed. It is proved for the case Lie superalgebra sq1 that this so defined Yangian and the Yangian, introduced earlier by M. Nazarov using the Faddeev-Reshetikhin-Takhtadzhjan approach, are isomorphic.
Vestnik of Don State Technical University, 2018
Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2013
Atomic and molecular processes relevant to the volumetric recombination phenomena were investigat... more Atomic and molecular processes relevant to the volumetric recombination phenomena were investigated in a linear divertor plasma simulator MAP-11. Volumetric recombination is induced in He plasma by puffing of He or Hz. In the He puffing case, the reduction of the ion flux is dominated by the electron-ion recombination. In the Hz puffing case, however, it is dominated by the molecule-assisted recombination (MAR), which is characterized by the disappearance of the Helium Rydberg spectra and by the existence of the hydrogen negative ions. Current achievement and the future prospect are described.
Papers by Владимир Алексеевич Стукопин