Papers by Montasir Hassan

English Language Teaching
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted how we use language globally, resulting in an in... more The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted how we use language globally, resulting in an increase in new terms and expressions. Bangladesh, like the rest of the world, has also experienced this linguistic transformation. This study aims to identify and analyze the words, phrases, and acronyms that have gained prominence in English language usage during and after the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. The study focuses on both global and Bangladesh-specific language usage. Through a systematic literature review and quantitative analysis of a corpus spanning from January to June 2020 in Bangladesh, the study compiled and examined COVID-19-related vocabulary. The objective was to pinpoint the specific terms and expressions that gained prominence in English during this period. Additionally, the study analyzed a selection of the newly emerged words to determine the techniques of word formation. This study's findings enhance our knowledge of language change dynamics and offer valuable i...

English Language Teaching, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted how we use language globally, resulting in an in... more The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted how we use language globally, resulting in an increase in new terms and expressions. Bangladesh, like the rest of the world, has also experienced this linguistic transformation. This study aims to identify and analyze the words, phrases, and acronyms that have gained prominence in English language usage during and after the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. The study focuses on both global and Bangladesh-specific language usage. Through a systematic literature review and quantitative analysis of a corpus spanning from January to June 2020 in Bangladesh, the study compiled and examined COVID-19-related vocabulary. The objective was to pinpoint the specific terms and expressions that gained prominence in English during this period. Additionally, the study analyzed a selection of the newly emerged words to determine the techniques of word formation. This study's findings enhance our knowledge of language change dynamics and offer valuable insights into the direct relationship between societal upheavals, such as the global pandemic, and language evolution. The research illuminates how language adapts and expands in response to significant events, providing valuable insights into the interplay between language and society.
Prime University Journal, 2013
Since the independence of Bangladesh, the ELT curriculum design of the country has undergone many... more Since the independence of Bangladesh, the ELT curriculum design of the country has undergone many changes. For the ELT methodology, English practitioners in Bangladesh followed Grammar-Translation Method (GTM). The shift in the paradigm from the GTM to CLT occurred around 2001. But, unfortunately the desired goals of introducing CLT has not yet been achieved due to a number of reasons. However, the aim of this paper is to find out EFL teachers’ perception of CLT at the Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh. This paper also tries to uncover the barriers to successful implementation of CLT at HSC Level and make some effective recommendations.

English Language and Literature Studies, 2018
The present Study examines the difficulties facing English teachers in teaching literary texts in... more The present Study examines the difficulties facing English teachers in teaching literary texts in English for Today (11-12) textbook which has been prescribed by the NCTB (National Curriculum Textbook Board) of Bangladesh from the academic session 2015-2016. Literature has always been an integral part of teaching foreign languages. In the era of CA (Communicative Approach), the aim of reading literature has been changed. From this view point, in July 2015, the NCTB has published a new version of English textbook for classes XI-XII, and included some literary texts in this book. The emphasis of these literary texts is not just on content but on the exploitation of the texts to trigger a variety of language activities. Based on a semi-structured interview with six HSC (Higher Secondary) level English teachers from four colleges of Dhaka city, this study particularly focuses on the newly included literary texts to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the materials; and identifies t...
Project Proposal for Identifying the English Language Needs of Undergraduate Students at Jagannat... more Project Proposal for Identifying the English Language Needs of Undergraduate Students at Jagannath University: Juxtaposing Students’ Competencies with Academic and Workplace Requirements Submitted to: The Director (Research) Jagannath University 9-10, Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka-1100
Sexism in English is a much condemned issue now-a-days. As English has established itself to be t... more Sexism in English is a much condemned issue now-a-days. As English has established itself to be the international way of communication for political, business, educational, social correspondence all over the world, its multidimensional effect has shaped the spirit of speakers of other languages. The effect of various lexical elements of English language also provoked confusions in the mind of the non-native speakers of English language especially due to sexism. In Bangladesh, English has been taught for more than 50 years. Therefore, Bangladeshi learners and users of English frequently encounter many predicaments due to sexist components

Method to Postmethod: A Review of Kumaravadivelu’s Arguments in ELT, 2020
For many years, the goal of language pedagogy was to find the right method— a methodological magi... more For many years, the goal of language pedagogy was to find the right method— a methodological magic formula that would work for all learners at all times (Brown, 1994). On the other hand, in the late twentieth century, the legitimacy of the concept of method came under questions. Some ELT practitioners and theorists began to express their dissatisfaction with the methods and approaches. Nunan (1991), e.g., asserts that there never was and probably never will be a method for all. Some go even further to assert that “the best approach” does not exist at all, because different teaching contexts ask for different approaches (Prabhu, 1990). This dissatisfaction of a group of scholars with the concept of method leads the way to a shift in paradigm: from the era of method to an era of postmethod. The present article attempts to shed lights and deconstruct the concept of method, describe the reasons of antimethod sentiments, and delineate the emerging postmethod condition. It then presents Kumaravadivelu’s arguments for a postmethod condition as an alternative to method. Finally, Kumaravadivelu’s argumentfor a postmethod condition is followed by a critical analysis offered by different researchers. Keywords: Method, postmethod pedagogy, Kumaravadivelu, ELT
The Daily Independent, 2020

The present Study examines the difficulties facing English teachers in teaching literary texts in... more The present Study examines the difficulties facing English teachers in teaching literary texts in English for Today (11-12) textbook which has been prescribed by the NCTB (National Curriculum Textbook Board) of Bangladesh from the academic session 2015-2016. Literature has always been an integral part of teaching foreign languages. In the era of CA (Communicative Approach), the aim of reading literature has been changed. From this view point, in July 2015, the NCTB has published a new version of English textbook for classes XI-XII, and included some literary texts in this book. The emphasis of these literary texts is not just on content but on the exploitation of the texts to trigger a variety of language activities. Based on a semi-structured interview with six HSC (Higher Secondary) level English teachers from four colleges of Dhaka city, this study particularly focuses on the newly included literary texts to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the materials; and identifies the difficulties that the teachers may encounter. Finally, some recommendations are drawn by means of valuable opinions of the participants. Keywords: CA (communicative approach), EFL (English as a foreign language), literary texts
Project Proposal for
Identifying the English Language Needs
of Undergraduate Students at Jaganna... more Project Proposal for
Identifying the English Language Needs
of Undergraduate Students at Jagannath University: Juxtaposing Students’ Competencies with Academic and Workplace Requirements
Submitted to:
The Director (Research)
Jagannath University
9-10, Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka-1100
(This article is a part of the web-exclusive series from our latest issue 'The Bangladesh Paradox... more (This article is a part of the web-exclusive series from our latest issue 'The Bangladesh Paradox'. More from the print quarterly here.)

There are perceptions that literature may not be suitable
for language teaching and lear... more Abstract
There are perceptions that literature may not be suitable
for language teaching and learning in EFL classes, let alone
Shakespeare. But, in the shifting paradigms of ELT, the aim of
reading literature has been changed. Now-a-days increasing
attention has been given to the possibility of incorporating
literature in EFL/ESL classes. So, the present paper at first,
briefly discusses the importance of incorporating literature as
well as the literary texts of Shakespeare for teaching English
as a foreign language at tertiary level. Shakespeare is often
avoided by EFL teachers considering it too complex for their
students. Therefore, the next sections of the paper aim at
identifying some difficulties in understanding Shakespeare’s
language; proposes some suggestions to minimise those
superfluous difficulties skillfully and thus, exploit the literary
texts of Shakespeare especially for the first year undergraduate
students of English departments in Bangladesh at the very
begining of their undergraduate studies. Finally, it highlights
some strategies with examples to be used in EFL classrooms
that can benefit the learners of English departments in many
Keywords: Shakespeare, EFL, ELT, Tertiary Level, learner

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is defined as the branch of English language educati... more ABSTRACT
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is defined as the branch of English language education which focuses on training in specific domains of English to accomplish specific academic and workplace tasks. On the other hand, Needs Analysis (NA) is the primary pre-requisite of any curriculum design. Unfortunately, to our knowledge no systematic or empirical studies have been conducted so far in Bangladesh to assess the English language needs of our Engineering students. So, the main aim of this paper is to investigate the English language needs of engineering students. Having this in mind, selected five research studies concerning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Needs Analysis of engineering students have been evaluated and reviewed. The findings of the selected researches demonstrate language learning needs, lacks and wants; problems and difficulties, and preferences of classroom teaching style of students who study engineering programs. Finally, based on theoretical ground and the researchers’ personal teaching experiences the paper offers some recommendations and strategies that might provide an insight to ESP teachers, especially in Bangladesh, in designing an Engineering English course.
Keywords: ESP, Needs Analysis, language learning needs, engineering students.
Sexism in English is a much condemned issue now-a-days. As English has established itself to be t... more Sexism in English is a much condemned issue now-a-days. As English has established itself to be the international way of communication for political, business, educational, social correspondence all over the world, its multidimensional effect has shaped the spirit of speakers of other languages. The effect of various lexical elements of English language also provoked confusions in the mind of the non-native speakers of English language especially due to sexism. In Bangladesh, English has been taught for more than 50 years. Therefore, Bangladeshi learners and users of English frequently encounter many predicaments due to sexist components
Room no. 605-608, New Academic Building, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100,BD
Courses Offered:
... more Courses Offered:
✔️Undergraduate Programme
1. BA (Honours) in English Language, Duration - 4 Years
✔️Certificate Courses
2. Certificate Course in English Language (CCEL), Duration -04 Months
3.Certificate Course in French Language (CCFL), Duration -04 Months
4. Certificate Course in Arabic Language (CCAL), Duration -04 Months
✔️Diploma Course
5. Diploma in English Language (DEL), Duration -10 Months
Book Reviews by Montasir Hassan
Introduction to Linguistics by M. Maniruzzaman is a well-written
textbook introducing th... more Abstract
Introduction to Linguistics by M. Maniruzzaman is a well-written
textbook introducing the important topics of basic linguistics. The chapters take up a somewhat original format which has made the book more accessible to general readers of varied interests. The book covers various fundamental aspects of language study, including phonetics and
phonology, pragmatics, syntax, morphology, semantics, sociolinguistics,
and psycholinguistics. In addition, the author provides many exercises
throughout the textbook to assist undergraduate and postgraduate
learners in the learning process by allowing the reader to put theory
immediately into practice. The book clearly serves various academic
purposes for both novices and experts in the fields of Applied Linguistics
and English Language Studies.
Keywords: Linguistics, textbook, language study, phonetics and phonology
Books by Montasir Hassan

The emergence of English as a global language has brought about significant changes in the policy... more The emergence of English as a global language has brought about significant changes in the policy and practice in education all over the world. To keep pace with the competitive global world and to enable the graduates with the essential English language skills relevant to the workplace requirements, English language foundation courses have been included at the tertiary level curriculum in Bangladesh. The present chapter has been designed to investigate Bangladeshi potential employers’ perspectives on the required English employability skills of the graduates that have been identified by them as essential for obtaining employment and for success in the workplace.
The study also attempts to explore to what extent the university graduates fulfil the employers’ requirements with their English language proficiency. Based on qualitative research, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with employers to elicit information about the above-mentioned issues. Finally, based on the findings of the interviews, the study proposes some recommendations to improve and modify the existing English language courses in ensuring the students’ employment prospects within the country and abroad.
Papers by Montasir Hassan
Identifying the English Language Needs
of Undergraduate Students at Jagannath University: Juxtaposing Students’ Competencies with Academic and Workplace Requirements
Submitted to:
The Director (Research)
Jagannath University
9-10, Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka-1100
There are perceptions that literature may not be suitable
for language teaching and learning in EFL classes, let alone
Shakespeare. But, in the shifting paradigms of ELT, the aim of
reading literature has been changed. Now-a-days increasing
attention has been given to the possibility of incorporating
literature in EFL/ESL classes. So, the present paper at first,
briefly discusses the importance of incorporating literature as
well as the literary texts of Shakespeare for teaching English
as a foreign language at tertiary level. Shakespeare is often
avoided by EFL teachers considering it too complex for their
students. Therefore, the next sections of the paper aim at
identifying some difficulties in understanding Shakespeare’s
language; proposes some suggestions to minimise those
superfluous difficulties skillfully and thus, exploit the literary
texts of Shakespeare especially for the first year undergraduate
students of English departments in Bangladesh at the very
begining of their undergraduate studies. Finally, it highlights
some strategies with examples to be used in EFL classrooms
that can benefit the learners of English departments in many
Keywords: Shakespeare, EFL, ELT, Tertiary Level, learner
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is defined as the branch of English language education which focuses on training in specific domains of English to accomplish specific academic and workplace tasks. On the other hand, Needs Analysis (NA) is the primary pre-requisite of any curriculum design. Unfortunately, to our knowledge no systematic or empirical studies have been conducted so far in Bangladesh to assess the English language needs of our Engineering students. So, the main aim of this paper is to investigate the English language needs of engineering students. Having this in mind, selected five research studies concerning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Needs Analysis of engineering students have been evaluated and reviewed. The findings of the selected researches demonstrate language learning needs, lacks and wants; problems and difficulties, and preferences of classroom teaching style of students who study engineering programs. Finally, based on theoretical ground and the researchers’ personal teaching experiences the paper offers some recommendations and strategies that might provide an insight to ESP teachers, especially in Bangladesh, in designing an Engineering English course.
Keywords: ESP, Needs Analysis, language learning needs, engineering students.
✔️Undergraduate Programme
1. BA (Honours) in English Language, Duration - 4 Years
✔️Certificate Courses
2. Certificate Course in English Language (CCEL), Duration -04 Months
3.Certificate Course in French Language (CCFL), Duration -04 Months
4. Certificate Course in Arabic Language (CCAL), Duration -04 Months
✔️Diploma Course
5. Diploma in English Language (DEL), Duration -10 Months
Book Reviews by Montasir Hassan
Introduction to Linguistics by M. Maniruzzaman is a well-written
textbook introducing the important topics of basic linguistics. The chapters take up a somewhat original format which has made the book more accessible to general readers of varied interests. The book covers various fundamental aspects of language study, including phonetics and
phonology, pragmatics, syntax, morphology, semantics, sociolinguistics,
and psycholinguistics. In addition, the author provides many exercises
throughout the textbook to assist undergraduate and postgraduate
learners in the learning process by allowing the reader to put theory
immediately into practice. The book clearly serves various academic
purposes for both novices and experts in the fields of Applied Linguistics
and English Language Studies.
Keywords: Linguistics, textbook, language study, phonetics and phonology
Books by Montasir Hassan
The study also attempts to explore to what extent the university graduates fulfil the employers’ requirements with their English language proficiency. Based on qualitative research, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with employers to elicit information about the above-mentioned issues. Finally, based on the findings of the interviews, the study proposes some recommendations to improve and modify the existing English language courses in ensuring the students’ employment prospects within the country and abroad.
Identifying the English Language Needs
of Undergraduate Students at Jagannath University: Juxtaposing Students’ Competencies with Academic and Workplace Requirements
Submitted to:
The Director (Research)
Jagannath University
9-10, Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka-1100
There are perceptions that literature may not be suitable
for language teaching and learning in EFL classes, let alone
Shakespeare. But, in the shifting paradigms of ELT, the aim of
reading literature has been changed. Now-a-days increasing
attention has been given to the possibility of incorporating
literature in EFL/ESL classes. So, the present paper at first,
briefly discusses the importance of incorporating literature as
well as the literary texts of Shakespeare for teaching English
as a foreign language at tertiary level. Shakespeare is often
avoided by EFL teachers considering it too complex for their
students. Therefore, the next sections of the paper aim at
identifying some difficulties in understanding Shakespeare’s
language; proposes some suggestions to minimise those
superfluous difficulties skillfully and thus, exploit the literary
texts of Shakespeare especially for the first year undergraduate
students of English departments in Bangladesh at the very
begining of their undergraduate studies. Finally, it highlights
some strategies with examples to be used in EFL classrooms
that can benefit the learners of English departments in many
Keywords: Shakespeare, EFL, ELT, Tertiary Level, learner
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is defined as the branch of English language education which focuses on training in specific domains of English to accomplish specific academic and workplace tasks. On the other hand, Needs Analysis (NA) is the primary pre-requisite of any curriculum design. Unfortunately, to our knowledge no systematic or empirical studies have been conducted so far in Bangladesh to assess the English language needs of our Engineering students. So, the main aim of this paper is to investigate the English language needs of engineering students. Having this in mind, selected five research studies concerning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Needs Analysis of engineering students have been evaluated and reviewed. The findings of the selected researches demonstrate language learning needs, lacks and wants; problems and difficulties, and preferences of classroom teaching style of students who study engineering programs. Finally, based on theoretical ground and the researchers’ personal teaching experiences the paper offers some recommendations and strategies that might provide an insight to ESP teachers, especially in Bangladesh, in designing an Engineering English course.
Keywords: ESP, Needs Analysis, language learning needs, engineering students.
✔️Undergraduate Programme
1. BA (Honours) in English Language, Duration - 4 Years
✔️Certificate Courses
2. Certificate Course in English Language (CCEL), Duration -04 Months
3.Certificate Course in French Language (CCFL), Duration -04 Months
4. Certificate Course in Arabic Language (CCAL), Duration -04 Months
✔️Diploma Course
5. Diploma in English Language (DEL), Duration -10 Months
Introduction to Linguistics by M. Maniruzzaman is a well-written
textbook introducing the important topics of basic linguistics. The chapters take up a somewhat original format which has made the book more accessible to general readers of varied interests. The book covers various fundamental aspects of language study, including phonetics and
phonology, pragmatics, syntax, morphology, semantics, sociolinguistics,
and psycholinguistics. In addition, the author provides many exercises
throughout the textbook to assist undergraduate and postgraduate
learners in the learning process by allowing the reader to put theory
immediately into practice. The book clearly serves various academic
purposes for both novices and experts in the fields of Applied Linguistics
and English Language Studies.
Keywords: Linguistics, textbook, language study, phonetics and phonology
The study also attempts to explore to what extent the university graduates fulfil the employers’ requirements with their English language proficiency. Based on qualitative research, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with employers to elicit information about the above-mentioned issues. Finally, based on the findings of the interviews, the study proposes some recommendations to improve and modify the existing English language courses in ensuring the students’ employment prospects within the country and abroad.