Conference Presentations by Wolfgang Moser
S knjigo v svet. Osrednji simpozij Bralne značke: 21. november 2023. Glavna predstavitev, slovenska verzija, 2023
(1)Podoba knjižnic
(2)“Uporaba“ ljudi, da zvabimo bodoče učitelje v knjižnice?
(3)... more Vsebina
(1)Podoba knjižnic
(2)“Uporaba“ ljudi, da zvabimo bodoče učitelje v knjižnice?
(3)Program Buchstart in opismenjevanje na Štajerskem(in v drugih predelih Avstrije) + dva izziva
(4)Nekaj načel družinske pismenosti in odprta vprašanja
Keynote presentation for The Reading Badge Symposium, Ljubljana, 21 Nov. 2023, 2023
(1)The image of libraries
(2)“Using“ people for getting future teachers into libraries?... more Content:
(1)The image of libraries
(2)“Using“ people for getting future teachers into libraries?
(3) Overview of book start and literacy activities in Styria (and other parts of Austria)
(4)Some principles of family literacy and open questions
Knjižničarji – moderatorji družinske pismenosti / Librarians as Family Literacy Facilitators (conference), 2019
Presentation about the role of family in literacy education:
Librarians and libraries must be fi... more Presentation about the role of family in literacy education:
Librarians and libraries must be fit for families: space, furniture, accessibility for prams … Librarians are the most important “media”, beacuse young children focus more on people who present books than the book itself. Literacy activities need direct contact, personal relationship (triad: child book parent).
Conclusion: Activities, if possible with books, are more needed than the mere presence of books. Books must be in the hands of children, not in the shelves!
Books by Wolfgang Moser

Sprachenportraits. ske - Impulse 4. Praxisreihe, 2011
Short language descriotions focusing on the main languages of foreign language teachin g in Austr... more Short language descriotions focusing on the main languages of foreign language teachin g in Austria, the Austrain minority languages and the most widespread languages of the world.
Each of the 40 chapters consists of the name of the respective language in German and in the language concerned, gives information on the distribution worldwide and in Austria (as a colloquial language based on the census 2001 and as school language according to statistical information from the Ministry of Education), an outline of the history of the respective language, descriptions of special features in structure, vocabulary and phonetics, examples of foreign and loanwords from the languages concerned and German influences on them, the numbers from one to ten and the words for yes and no and, finally, some remarkable peculiarities of the respective language.
Papers by Wolfgang Moser
Steirisches Jahrbuch für Politik 2023, hrsg. Beatrix Karl, Klaus Poier, Manfred Prisching, Anita Ziegerhofer, 2024
Bildung ist ein Menschenrecht - von der Kindheit bis in das (hohe) Alter, besagt Artikel 26 der A... more Bildung ist ein Menschenrecht - von der Kindheit bis in das (hohe) Alter, besagt Artikel 26 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte aus dem Jahr 1948; das Recht endet nicht in einem bestimmten Alter oder mit einem bereits erreichten Schul- oder Studienabschluss. Damit aber Erwachsenenbildung wirksam werden kann, muss sie sich wirtschaftlich unbesorgt entwickeln können und sich weiterhin und vermehrt wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Seriosität, den Grundwerten der Demokratie und des Humanismus sowie der objektiven und kritischen Darstellung verpflichtet sein. Nur so kann sie Orientierung in der heutigen komplexen Welt geben.
bn.bibliotheksnachrichten, 2024
What do people know about the street(s) they live in?
A recent adult education project at the ura... more What do people know about the street(s) they live in?
A recent adult education project at the urania Steiermark, based in Graz, Austria, links life, family history and social space. Depending on the generation, streets trigger different memories, experiences and future expectations.
The project focussed on documenting history, actual facts and the assumed future of the personal environment.
13 volunteers participated in the highly awarded Autrian citizen science project.

R. Egger und G. Bisovsky (Hrsg.), Die Volkshochschule im 21. Jahrhundert, Lernweltforschung 43,, 2023
In adult education, it is well known and described in numerous manuals how course rooms must be e... more In adult education, it is well known and described in numerous manuals how course rooms must be equipped for face-to-face courses and what didactic skills lecturers must have. This is different for online and hybrid courses. Therefore, digitally experienced lecturers from Urania Steiermark were asked under what circumstances digitally mediated offers lead to the desired learning success.
Good technical equipment and suitable rooms (without reverberation) are basic requirements; but the internet connection and device suitability on the learner's side are beyond the influence of the educational institution. In addition, new didactics for virtual learning locations and more intensive learning support are needed to compensate for missing communicative and social skills and activities (e.g. eye contact, spatial attention to the speaker).
This means that the opinions of these speakers, who took part in Urania etc., are correct. Teaching sign language, Swedish, Korean, family history and yoga largely corresponds to the sentiment of digital adult education from the Styrian Education Network/Bildungsnetzwerk (2021).
Die Österreichische Volkshochschule. Magazin für Erwachsenenbildung, 2021
The author who manages a centre of adult education (Urania Steiermark) in Graz, Austria, shows th... more The author who manages a centre of adult education (Urania Steiermark) in Graz, Austria, shows that the Austrian laws and the price policy of some adult education providers discriminate older people. He pleads for the expansion of existing funding instruments and for neglecting employability in the respective age group.
bn.bibliotheksnachrichten, 2022
How can you get future teachers and school lbrarians to know and use local public libraries? The ... more How can you get future teachers and school lbrarians to know and use local public libraries? The author who is a teacher trainer (library science, reading education, children's literature) at the University College of Teacher Education Styria (Padagogsche Hochschule Steiermark) is covinced that it is necessary to deepen the emotional attachment between teachers and libraries.
bn.bibliotheksnachrichten, 2021
Based on three novels (Boris Pahor: Piazza Oberdan, 2005; UMberto Eco: Il nome della rosa, 1980; ... more Based on three novels (Boris Pahor: Piazza Oberdan, 2005; UMberto Eco: Il nome della rosa, 1980; Elias Canetti: Die Blendung, 1935) and several examples of destroyed libraries, the author focusses on the role of fire in books and libraries. What about libraries, in which the books are burned? Libraries need books. And Books need people to read and talk about them.
Conference Presentations by Wolfgang Moser
(1)Podoba knjižnic
(2)“Uporaba“ ljudi, da zvabimo bodoče učitelje v knjižnice?
(3)Program Buchstart in opismenjevanje na Štajerskem(in v drugih predelih Avstrije) + dva izziva
(4)Nekaj načel družinske pismenosti in odprta vprašanja
(1)The image of libraries
(2)“Using“ people for getting future teachers into libraries?
(3) Overview of book start and literacy activities in Styria (and other parts of Austria)
(4)Some principles of family literacy and open questions
Librarians and libraries must be fit for families: space, furniture, accessibility for prams … Librarians are the most important “media”, beacuse young children focus more on people who present books than the book itself. Literacy activities need direct contact, personal relationship (triad: child book parent).
Conclusion: Activities, if possible with books, are more needed than the mere presence of books. Books must be in the hands of children, not in the shelves!
Books by Wolfgang Moser
Each of the 40 chapters consists of the name of the respective language in German and in the language concerned, gives information on the distribution worldwide and in Austria (as a colloquial language based on the census 2001 and as school language according to statistical information from the Ministry of Education), an outline of the history of the respective language, descriptions of special features in structure, vocabulary and phonetics, examples of foreign and loanwords from the languages concerned and German influences on them, the numbers from one to ten and the words for yes and no and, finally, some remarkable peculiarities of the respective language.
Papers by Wolfgang Moser
A recent adult education project at the urania Steiermark, based in Graz, Austria, links life, family history and social space. Depending on the generation, streets trigger different memories, experiences and future expectations.
The project focussed on documenting history, actual facts and the assumed future of the personal environment.
13 volunteers participated in the highly awarded Autrian citizen science project.
Good technical equipment and suitable rooms (without reverberation) are basic requirements; but the internet connection and device suitability on the learner's side are beyond the influence of the educational institution. In addition, new didactics for virtual learning locations and more intensive learning support are needed to compensate for missing communicative and social skills and activities (e.g. eye contact, spatial attention to the speaker).
This means that the opinions of these speakers, who took part in Urania etc., are correct. Teaching sign language, Swedish, Korean, family history and yoga largely corresponds to the sentiment of digital adult education from the Styrian Education Network/Bildungsnetzwerk (2021).
(1)Podoba knjižnic
(2)“Uporaba“ ljudi, da zvabimo bodoče učitelje v knjižnice?
(3)Program Buchstart in opismenjevanje na Štajerskem(in v drugih predelih Avstrije) + dva izziva
(4)Nekaj načel družinske pismenosti in odprta vprašanja
(1)The image of libraries
(2)“Using“ people for getting future teachers into libraries?
(3) Overview of book start and literacy activities in Styria (and other parts of Austria)
(4)Some principles of family literacy and open questions
Librarians and libraries must be fit for families: space, furniture, accessibility for prams … Librarians are the most important “media”, beacuse young children focus more on people who present books than the book itself. Literacy activities need direct contact, personal relationship (triad: child book parent).
Conclusion: Activities, if possible with books, are more needed than the mere presence of books. Books must be in the hands of children, not in the shelves!
Each of the 40 chapters consists of the name of the respective language in German and in the language concerned, gives information on the distribution worldwide and in Austria (as a colloquial language based on the census 2001 and as school language according to statistical information from the Ministry of Education), an outline of the history of the respective language, descriptions of special features in structure, vocabulary and phonetics, examples of foreign and loanwords from the languages concerned and German influences on them, the numbers from one to ten and the words for yes and no and, finally, some remarkable peculiarities of the respective language.
A recent adult education project at the urania Steiermark, based in Graz, Austria, links life, family history and social space. Depending on the generation, streets trigger different memories, experiences and future expectations.
The project focussed on documenting history, actual facts and the assumed future of the personal environment.
13 volunteers participated in the highly awarded Autrian citizen science project.
Good technical equipment and suitable rooms (without reverberation) are basic requirements; but the internet connection and device suitability on the learner's side are beyond the influence of the educational institution. In addition, new didactics for virtual learning locations and more intensive learning support are needed to compensate for missing communicative and social skills and activities (e.g. eye contact, spatial attention to the speaker).
This means that the opinions of these speakers, who took part in Urania etc., are correct. Teaching sign language, Swedish, Korean, family history and yoga largely corresponds to the sentiment of digital adult education from the Styrian Education Network/Bildungsnetzwerk (2021).