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Journal created:
on 15 February 2005 (#6140592)
on 9 January 2015
Palo Alto, California, United States
Posting Access:
All Members
do you take pictures you'd like to post?
Photobug is a term I once heard used, that's stuck with me ever since, referring to a person that loves to take pictures. Some are artists expressing themselves, some are just people that have cameras, and others treat the camera like a crack pipe. Either way, these people take a lot of pictures!

I should know, I'm one of them.

Are you a photobug? Join this community and post your work. Whether you have a handy tripod nearby or a webcam and some creativity, we'd like to see you work. If you're big into photographic impossibilities, digital alteration, so long as a camera was involved I know I'd like to see it; probably many others would as well.

Just to be clear, this community is open to any and all of your photographic works...with one exception. If you like to take pics of yourself, or others, naked or in some erotic format, don't post here. I've got another community, de Free Porn the SequelHouse·of·Skin, which is specifically setup for that kind of work.

Only real rule here is the usage of the LJ-cut tag:

1) any pictures greater than 800x600 should be cloaked in an LJ-cut
2) posting more than 1 picture should have usage of de LJ-cut

I do have one request, purely for the sake of curiosity so you don't have to: the first time you post, please mention the specifications for the kind of camera you used. If you use more than one camera, you may wish to specify with each post but that's entirely up to you.

If you want to advertise any kind of community please do so at Livejournal OverdoseWe·Need·a·Life and not here. I used to allow advertising in any of my communities if it kept to the theme of that community but I'd like to cut down on that a bit...until it dwindles to nothing.

Art Communities of this Moderator:
Art by InkComic·Art, PRETTY COLORSEpileptic·Arts, Here there be dragonsEyeCatching·Art, Lots and lots of IconsIconnage·Art, Round 2MUGEN·Art, & PhotobugsPhotobugs

your moderator is The DopplegangerRay
If you've got anything you need to talk with me about, complaints or questions or suggestions, do so here: Clicky!
, 35mm, abandoned places, animal photography, aperture, architectural photography, art, attention whore, b&w, b&w photography, black and white, black and white photography, botanical photography, cam whores, camera, camera obsession, camera phones, cameras, cams, candid photography, collages, colour photography, composition, coolpix cameras, creativity, digicams, digital art, digital camera, digital cameras, digital cams, digital photography, eccentricity, f-stop, fetish photography, food photography, freedom of choice, galleries, gallery, high contrast, high contrast photos, image hosting, image making, images, lens cap, lighting, lomography, macrography, manual, micrography, models, motion photography, my camera, nature photography, novelty camera, paintshop pro, paintshoppro, photo, photo albums, photo art, photo communities, photo journals, photo manipulation, photobucket, photobugs, photograph, photographers, photographic, photographs, photography, photojournalism, photolog, photos, photoshop, photoshoppe, pics, picture, pictures, polaroid, polaroids, poloroids, portraits, portraiture, rayography, saturation, seeing, self expression, self portraits, self portraiture, self-discovery, self-expression, self-portraits, self-portraiture, selfportraits, snapshots, spiritualism, sports photography, street photography, surrealism, taking pictures, the eye, tripod, vain, vanity, vintage cameras, vistas, visual art, web camera, web cameras, web cams, webcam, webcams, zoological photography

Rating position
