What: The Pokemon Southwest Regional Championship (Phoenix -PokeFur- Meet-Up) When: Saturday May 22! Time: 10:00AM-3pm Where: Phoenix Convention Center North Hallway A (3rd Floor)
Just a chance to catch the light-rail, meet some folks socialize, draw, play games.
** EDIT 2010-05-23 ** Event Over so Pictures Removed! Thanks for attending!
Not sure who I have to thank (never got the IM) but it was a wonderful meet at Papago Park with about 50+ furs there, largest gathering yet that I have attended in the Phoenix area.
Honestly this is how a starting con should begin. With that said, a couple updates. for some possible gatherings, though this is more a 4-1-1 rather than any actual details. Check out Yahoo and the azfurs list for more details.
Coming soon, Pokemon Regional Video Game Tournament, Saturday May 22nd - Phoenix Civic Center. (Thanks raspberryroo for pointing it out).
I am trying to contact those manning it to check out additional details see if folks may be able to congregate as a group. Additionally,if you come with the latest game you get a "Shiny" Eevee, but these also make for excellent places for family-fun as well as to trade Pokemon and meet others. Curiously I wonder do we have any Pokefursuiters? ;)
On the more mature party front, Memorial Day will have a party at the Mesa Party Place Hub. I am sure we'll get more details but if not I'll try to keep folks informed as I believe an open invite was given.
Other than that folks this is all I have to write for now!
fursuiting, hang out and socialize just like the normal Wednesday and Saturday furmeets :3 maybe play games, get active run around, go hiking, have fun all up to you
I am holding a party over at my place on of course on Halloween, Saturday October 31st and just wanted to make sure folks get an invite. I am located around I-17 & Glendale in (Central) Phoenix. Please give me a heads up if you'd like to come or even just stop by and I'll get you some directions.
My neighborhood gets hit by trick or treaters around 4:30 PM ~ 6:30 PM, so folks in fursuits might get some real entertainment by just walking about and saying hello to folks or giving out candy to the kids.
The party plan is to start around 6:00 PM but like I said if you'd like to stop by earlier contact me! I'll have Spaghetti and a few other items, everyone is encouraged to bring something if they like.
As those of you who have attended the past few Denny's meets know, Susan is no longer able to be our server. You also know that she put up with a lot from us. Well, the other Denny's staff members aren't going to be quite so tolerant. So, as the primary organizer of this weekly meet, I am forced to implement some new guidelines.
1) If you are going to come, please order at least one drink. Unlike Susan, the other servers won't find it cool to serve us; it's work.
2) This one I can't enforce, but just a friendly reminder: it is VERY rude not to tip if the server did their job. They are having one person wait on thirty people; ask for a drink refill if you need one!
3) Please don't sit on the floor. That shows a great deal of immaturity.
4) Unless you are ordering something that it comes with, do not eat the jellies or drink the creamers. Once again, it's incredibly rude to do that.
I feel like a jerk for having to do this, but it's something that needs to be done. If you have any questions, please ask.
Anyone from Phoenix planning on coming down to the Ren Fest on President's (err King's) Day Monday Feb 16, 2008? This is the last 2 for 1 day (with appropriate coupon).
If you want to find me look for the person in the black hat with gold and silver trim and say 'hey' or something.
The annual VNSA book sale is next weekend (Feb. 14 and 15).
If you're not familiar with what this is, let me tell you! It is an annual event held at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. They fill one of the exhibition halls with tables piles high with all manner of books that people have donated. They have an endless selection of categories to choose from (both fiction and nonfiction) and the best part: nearly all of the books are under $10, most under $5!
This is a yearly event for me as it is a great time to stock up on reading material. I was wondering if any of you would be interested in a furry trip there. It would be on Saturday, and we would have to get there fairly early, say 9am.
If anyone has questions, comments, or suggestions, post here or I will be at VI tonight!
I, Tabbi, am hosting this year's furry New Year Party!
What can I bring? -FUDZ! I'll provide some snacks, but the more, the merrier, right? -Drinks, alcoholic and not -Music (and related equipment). I have a basic stereo, but nothing high-tech. -Fursuits! Fursuits! Fursuits! This IS a furry party!
What CAN'T I bring? -Recreational drugs -Salvia. I've tried it. It is NOT a party drug. x.x -Negative attitudes -Drama
What if I want to get toasted? -LOL, sure! I will provide crash space if you need it!
One Final Note: Those of you who know me know that I am down with just about everything. This IS my house. If I feel uncomfortable with something going on, I will ask you to stop. If you choose to ignore me, I will kick you out. PLEASE don't make me do that!!
Sound fun? Good! Hope to see you there!
2961 E. Sequoia Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85050
Party will start at 6pm. If you want to be awesome and help me set up, feel free to show up as early as 5:00! As for an end time, I'm not setting one. It could go all night, for all I care. As I said, I will provide crash space. =^.^=
I counted at least 31 folks in attendance and seventeen of you I managed to either write down or memorize your names, woohoo!
Thank you Badger for helping make this a regular event that furs can find other furs,
I'd also like to thank Patrick and Lucky Coyote for breaking up some of the awkwardness, since I haven't been there in months I found it was good to have someone that came up to talk.