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The French Invasion is upon us! (fans of Phoenix)

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[09 Nov 2010|07:14pm]


Moscou la mystique (+Diaporama). Voyage à la rencontre des revenants et des lieux les plus terrifiants de la capitale russe:

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Phoenix on La Blogotheque [03 Dec 2009|05:01pm]


If you're not familiar with La Blogotheque, they post these amazing videos of traveling shows in which artists perform all over Paris. There's additional footage available HERE.
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GRAMMY NOMINATION [03 Dec 2009|04:58pm]


First Grammy Nomination for Independent Label Glassnote Records

(New York, NY), December 3, 2009 – Capping off an incredible year, Phoenix has been nominated for their first-ever Grammy Award in the category of Best Alternative Album for their acclaimed 2009 release,Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (Loyaute/Glassnote).

2009 has been a career-defining year for the band: armed with an arsenal of incredible songs, multiple television appearances under their belts, including a high voltage appearance on Saturday Night Live in April, significant radio airplay, key licenses and sold out shows across America, Phoenix has truly arrived. Propelled by lead singles“1901” and “Lisztomania,” Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, which has sold over 200,000 copies in North America, is being heralded as one of the best albums of the year, and their Grammy nomination in the Best Alternative Album category solidifies their indelible mark on the music world today.

Phoenix’s Grammy nomination is the first for new independent label Glassnote Records. “We are thrilled and honored that Phoenix is recognized with this Grammy nomination,” says Glassnote President Daniel Glass. “We believe they made the best album of the year.”

Phoenix are currently playing select shows across America.


Congratulations PHOENIX!
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Phoenix Secret NYC Show on 12.03 for iheartradio! [23 Nov 2009|03:03pm]

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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[13 Jul 2009|08:42pm]

Phoenix performing "Lisztomania" at Calvi on the Rocks festival:,45075.php

+ une session acoustique � The InterfaceCollapse )

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Icons [27 May 2009|07:03pm]


[19] Phoenix
[26] Merlin Extras
[ 1] Santiago Cabrera
[ 2] Colin Morgan (theatre)

Here @ oxmotic_icons 

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New song! [26 May 2008|06:59pm]

See a teaser video on their Myspace and download the entire song for free.
I'm so looking forward to the new album! :D
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Wow, long time no post. [23 Jan 2008|11:30pm]

This place obviously died a long while ago.

But I just wanted to say, how good is all the saxophone on their first album, United.

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PHOENIX BABIES. [07 Dec 2006|11:28pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

so in case you guys didn't hear - and Phoenix haven't announced it on their website, which is a little funny - Sofia and Thomas had their baby. she was born November 29 and named Romy. there's a teeny-tiny writeup in this week's TIME which i will scan if anyone's interested.

not only does she join the proud ranks of Sagittarians everywhere, she's also got hella good genes going there!

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Some upcoming appearances... [20 Sep 2006|04:58pm]

  • Phoenix will perform on KCRW's ‘Morning becomes eclectic’ SEPT 21ST (Tomorrow) !
    You can watch and listen to the show's live session via the worldwide web. Just go to

  • Phoenix will be on NBC's "Late night with Conan O'Brien" next Friday, Sept 29th!

    Check your local listings for more information.

    Feel free to share any other news or happenings.
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    This cannot be true. [27 May 2006|12:15pm]


    Confirm or disconfirm, kthnx. I die either way.

    Thomas, why hast thou forsaken me?
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    sorry for the lack of updates [10 Apr 2006|10:09pm]

    I'm sure most of you know by now that the new Phoenix album, It's Never Been Like That, will be hitting stores in May.

    Check out the new cover art!Collapse )

    And don't forget about the tour...Collapse )

    Hopefully, some of you can attend the shows. The updates would be glorious.
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    [30 Dec 2005|08:15pm]

    Whoa! What a lack of updating!

    So, I recently checked Phoenix's main site, and I noticed this little gift on the forum. It's a remix of "Il Sait" by Phoenix. Good stuff.

    I also noticed that there will be a third album released in Spring. Even nicer.

    Hope everyone had a splendid holiday!
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    Some random icons [11 Jul 2005|04:24pm]

    I made these, and I thought I would share them. Kind of wanted to promote the community as well. So, if you take one be sure to credit "phoenixfans" in the keywords.

    Teasers (There's more under the cut):
    Image hosted by Image hosted by

    You can give me your number. When it's all over I'll let you know.Collapse )
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    Special Acoustic Session [11 Jul 2005|01:27pm]


    For everyone in the US, on July 19th a special acoustic session recorded in San Francisco will be available for download on iTunes. The acoustic session includes: "Run, Run, Run", "I'm An Actor", and "Everything Is Everything".

    Be sure to check it out.
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    Just to pass the time [07 Jun 2005|10:43am]

    I meant to post this a while back, but you all should check out for some great live tracks and radio sessions.

    Not to mention miscellaneous jems like these:
    "Cindy So Loud"
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    Summer Tourdates [23 May 2005|06:02pm]

    Catch the guys on tour during the summer before they head back to the studio.

    11th June: Hurricane Fest – Germany
    12th June: Southside Fest – Germany
    16th June: Opening act for Beck / PARIS (Zènith)
    15th July: Melt Fest - Germany
    16th July: Ilosaarirock – Finland
    22th July: Slottsfell – Norway
    23th July: Tromso Bukta Fest – Norway
    30th July: Ostersund Storsjöyran – Sweden
    6th August: Haldern Fest - Germany
    3 comments|post comment

    don't you know my name... [25 Apr 2005|12:47pm]

    [ mood | chipper ]

    ...I knew it yesterday...

    Party time indeed. Nashville was a blast. Aside from a few minor setbacks (i.e. having to turn around to get the tickets I forgot, sitting in the rain, no encore) the weekend was a complete success. Phoenix was of course great, but so were the band before and after them. I don't really remember their names, but they know who they are.

    This was the best show we have seen them do on this tour. I was surprised by the fan base Phoenix has at Vandy. Thanks to Lawrence for the drumstick wave and the big bright smile...we love you too. And to Deck and Christian for the making of the funny faces at us...also with the love.

    2 new songs...Jetplane and the one that had one too many measures...fantastic.

    7 comments|post comment

    ...DETROIT SHOW... [09 Apr 2005|09:40pm]

    [ mood | angry ]

    Well, we're really glad that our venue screwed up (St. Andrews Hall/The Shelter) so the show was CANCELLED! That's right---Cancelled.We should've just kept the Chicago tickets we had before and not sold them on E-bay. So now we never get to see Phoenix perform and we didn't even get t-shirts. We did get an autograph and a picture, but still. It's the music we were there for-not to see 4 guys.

    We still love the music, but next time they need to come to THE BLIND PIG IN ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN or the STATE THEATER OR THE MICHIGAN THEATER.

    It seemed extremely disorganized and quite unprofessional (to whom it may concern). Whoever is running this band (if it is their fault, which the three of us hope it's not) needs to really get it together. We go to shows all the time and we've never had a show cancelled on us. Maybe there should be another show added to the end of the tour (please)?

    We know Detroit isn't the nicest city. We know. Next time they should come to ANN ARBOR. More people will come. It is college aged kids who actually listen to their music. Honestly, we and our friends listen to it a lot.


    - Lori, Christina and Lauren

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    Myspace users [29 Mar 2005|11:43pm]


    Ok, so I started a Phoenix group thing on Myspace. If you have Myspace, then join I wanna try and get as many people to join as I possibly can so, tell you friends. lol. here's the link....

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