? ?
31 May 2010 @ 01:27 pm

And you've had some time to rest your poor feet (or at least, I have anyways) What did you think?

By far, the most memorable part of the weekend for me was the little proposal at the end of the Art Auction (she said yes to beetlejuice!) but I can imagine that seeing Stan Lee would be just as memorable. 

All in all, we're so glad you came out to see us, and feel free to share your con stories! We'd love to hear them. :)

27 May 2010 @ 12:23 pm

Are you pumped? Because we totally are!

So for some quick updates....

If you want to know which badge art that you voted for you're going to be wearing, head on over here.

Hours tonight are:

Thursday Preview Night May 27th (open to Full Event Memberships only):

Registration 4-10 PM
Exhibitor Hall 6-9 PM
Programming at Convention Center 6 PM - 11:30 PM
Programming at Hyatt Regency 6 PM - 2 AM

Keep an eye out for our awesome exclusives at the con- here too, and don't forget to either download the programming guide, or use our lovely CON*quest so you can create your own schedule and print it out for yourself. (Or do it the regular way, and pick it up in person and circle, circle away with your sharpie! That's cool!)

And before you go, make sure you know the Convention rules, so your costume can be at its full awesomeness level.

That's it for right now! More to come!

18 May 2010 @ 11:02 pm

We'll be giving a FREE Pop Culture Paradise T-shirt to anyone who brings us in a copy of their con ticket confirmation email (while supplies last).  The t-shirt saves you money everytime you wear it in our store or whenever we catch you wearing outside of our store!

PoP Culture Paradise
707 S. Forest Ave. Suite A   ON ASU CAMPUS!
Tempe, AZ. 85281
Ph: 480-557-6640
Store Hours: Mon-Thursday  11-700pm (Wednesdays till 8pm)
                     Friday               11-1000pm
                     Saturday           Noon-800pm
                     Sunday             Noon-500pm

So there are about 9 days left until con and you must be saying to yourself, "Dang this is sweet."

Because it is. Just like your energy drink. Mmmmm....Mana & Health.

This Saturday, May 1st is Free Comic book day! We'll be at the following locations:

Atomic Comics Chandler
3155 W. Chandler Blvd
Chandler, AZ 85226
Sat- 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Sat 1:30 pm-5:30 pm

Atomic Comics Mesa
1120 S. Country Club
Mesa, AZ 85210
Sat- 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Sat 1:30 pm-5:30 pm

Atomic Comics Paradise Valley
12621 N. Tatum
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Sat- 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Sat 1:30 pm-5:30 pm

Atomic Comics Phoenix
2815 W. Peoria
Phoenix, AZ 85029
Sat- 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Sat 1:30 pm-5:30 pm

5909 N. Granite Reef Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Sat- 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Sat 1:30 pm-5:30 pm

Jesse James Comics
10620 N.43rd Ave
Glendale, AZ 85304
Sat- 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Sat 1:00 pm-5:00 pm

Samurai Comics Phoenix
1051 E. Camelback
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Sat- 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Sat 1:00 pm-5:00 pm

Samurai Comics West
10720 W. Indian School Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85037
Sat- 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Sat 1:00 pm-5:00 pm

So please, come join us!

And on a more serious note, if you have any questions regarding Arizona's new Immigration law SB1070, please know that the law does not take affect until after the legislative session, or August at the earliest. Phoenix Comicon and its events are therefore not affected by the law, and as an organization does not exert any control over the legislative process. If you need to find out more about this law and Phoenix Comicon, please feel free to email us.

And that's all for today, folks!

Just kidding. (It's totally soy sauce.)

Let's start off with mentioning how awesome it is that one of our guests is getting his book turned into a movie [Specifically: "Here, There Be Dragons" and "The Search for the Red Dragon," the first two books in James A. Owen's popular young-adult fantasy series "The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica.]  And it's going to be awesome. Why? Because the co-producer of the Lord of the Rings is aboard, that's why.

Also, because Young Adult books and movies tend to be pretty bad ass.

And if you don't believe me? This is the summary the article gives:

So far, "Geographica," which Owen also illustrates, includes four novels revolving around a secret book that contains the unpublished maps and journals of history's most famous author-adventurers. Included as protagonists are a young J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, future giants of the fantasy-adventure genre whose famous works are imagined by Owen to have been inspired by these fictional adventures.

Wright said Owen's series is "the best gift any fanboy of Tolkien, Lucas and Spielberg could receive. Here is a character-driven franchise that is both familiar and fresh, where wit and intelligence, not just rifles and regiments, win the day."

Did you just wonder why those books were not on your shelf?

Yeah, I thought so.

Also, if you haven't noticed, we have a calendar of events up, which helpfully reminds you as to when Iron Man II comes out (May 7th)

Oh, yeah and we have this little thing that will plan your weekend at Phoenix comicon now.

Don't know what Con*Quest is?  It's simple, actually. Go to our website. Mouse over programming, and hit Con*Quest. Sign up with a user name. Every time you want to put something on your PERSONAL schedule (Any events/programming we're holding, basically.) click the plus sign at the top of the box. Do this for every day you plan to go.


Can you make the NASA panel AND the brain-eating contest? Why yes, you can! Can you go to the Avatar panel, and hit up  the UAT panel too? Yes! YOU CAN. (You can also lament that true Avatards dig a boy with an arrow on his forehead, and not random blue people, but I digress.)



That is always heartbreaking, seriously.

Get planning my fellow Geeks! You need to schedule in time to hit that panel you've been dying to see.



02 April 2010 @ 06:49 pm

You won't feel like it's a cruel joke when we tell you who's coming to Comicon!

Drumroll, please...

Was that you I totally just heard give a squeal of excitement worthy of a tween girl at a Hanson  N'sync  Jonas Brothers Justin Bieber concert? Don't be ashamed. It happens to the best of us.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: "Oh my God. This is Stan the Man Lee. And it isn't April Fool's anymore just like you said! WHAT CAN I DO TO MEET THE MAN WHO  HAS MORE AWESOME ON HIS RESUME THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT POSSIBLE?"

And I give you this, as the answer:

You can totally see Stan Lee on Sunday. And get an autograph, if you're quick about it. Squee worthy? Well, if you don't feel weird for using the word squee,  (You know in your heart, that it is appropriate for the man who co-created Iron Man, the X-men, and Spider Man deserves a word that is so full of excitement and awesome that befits him)- then yes, it is so Squee worthy. Your years of action figures, obsessive collecting of The Hulk, the garage filled back-cataloguing of every comic ever, the posters in your bedroom of Storm and your DVD of Iron Man will all thank you. You'll remember this moment forever as the best not-an-april  fool's-joke ever in the years to come. When you prop up grandchildren on your knee, you can harken back to the day you excitedly registered to get an autograph from Stan Lee, and your eyes will become misty with the magic of a good comic and meeting your idol once more.

Your friends who didn't go will turn green with envy, and they'll wonder to themselves- "Wow, how stupid was I, for missing out?" And you'll give a grin too big for your face, one full of self-satisfaction that only comes from a little bit of awesome from someone else rubbing off on you, and say: "Man, I don't know. You really shoulda gone."

And it'll be a moment you can relish forever.

And between you and me, we can let that little squeal slip under the radar. That was totally your sister/niece/cousin/the TV.
26 March 2010 @ 01:51 pm

We like to keep things going in our world. And we like to keep things fun! Here's our upcoming events:

Wednesday, April 7th from 6:30-9pm
Phoenix Bookmans - Community Room

Cosplay participants create costumes and don accessories that represent a favorite character or idea. As a intergral part of the Phoenix Comicon experience, we want to help you with ideas and basic instructions on how to design a costume that is both creative and cost-effective. The class will go over basic costume design and techniques, then allow participants to gather ideas using Bookmans extensive Anime/Comic/Fantasy collection as inspiration. A second workshop will be offered on Saturday, April 10th from 2-6pm in Chandler to make the costumes.

Saturday, April 10th at 2pm at Gangplank in Chandler
Costuming 201 - Costume Construction

Now that you know what character you want to be and a basic idea of how to build it - let's get to work. Cosplay veterans and Do-it-Yourself Queen Sharon Bowerman will be on hand to help cut, sew, and tape, helping you bring your costume character to life. Be sure to bring all the materials necessary for your costume to the event. There will be limited sewing machines on hand, so be prepared to get creative.

Comic Create Costume Party
Saturday, April 17th from 1-4pm
Mesa Bookmans

This Comic Create has an activity for everyone! Come dressed in an unique superhero outfit you've designed for the costume competition. No Supermans allowed, only original characters. Local comic artists will be providing live demonstrations of their work, potentially using your character as the inspiration for their next strip! Interested in learning about how the artists develop their characters? Attend a presentation on the inspiration for their work and how the characters have evolved from an idea onto the page.
Winners of the costume competition will be announced at 3pm. All participants must be registered by 2:30pm.

15 March 2010 @ 11:13 am

We will be having the Film 101 class, taught by Clintus, this upcoming Saturday, March 20th, from 1-4pm at the Phoenix Bookmans.

The first 2 hours or so will be for Clintus. As per our original discussion, Clintus will be covering:
- how to film a fight scene
- shoot dialogue
- basic editing and lighting
- establishing flow in your film

How awesome.

And, of course, if you don't still have tickets:

 Listen to 91.5 TODAY 12-1pm for "Talk of the Nation." Pledge drive, and you can call in for Phoenix Comicon tix!
KJZZ 91.5 FM broadcasts news, interviews, acoustic jazz, comedy and blues in Phoenix, Arizona. KJZZ, a National Public Radio Member Station, is a service of Rio Salado College and Maricopa Community Colleges.


Symphony of Science is totally worth geeking out to, and in plenty of time for Kevin Grazier and Seth Shostak. Sure there's a lot of autotune, but that makes it fun.

You almost feel like the next one should start: SPACE- THE FINAL FRONTIER....

02 March 2010 @ 02:57 pm

We have a blog up on the Phoenix Comicon Website for some behind-the-scenes and updates!

Check it out over