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What are the code?


Yeah how to get out of bunnytaur ass if you tried to climb on her?


is this still being updated or is it on hiatus

How do you escape the bunnytuar's ass


When will this be updated?

Is there going to be a way to become small or start the game small like Rif?


hopeful the disposal stuff will be readded soon UwU


I'm not opposed to the idea, as long as it will be optional for people who are not into that. ;)

I think this should be the case in every porn game to ensure all of us have fun :)


fair, I'm mostly saying it because the original THETA did have it, and I'm just excited to see it ported over

Bunny-taur vore cuddle scene is a little buggy, it displays something about an if statement in the error.

(2 edits)

When i eat scone and then go back she is not in my stomach but instead is still in the shop and i can eat her again but the same thing happens and this can be repeated infinitely

This is on mobile

i also have this, but i think it happens so you dont lose access to the shop


found a bug: if you get eaten and get out, it wont change the location title (for example phi’s stomach when im talking to him)


Thanks for catching that! Should be an easy fix for the next update


Love the game so far i have some things to add like them cuming inside you and then going inside you after so that they are in there own cum and the over way around if u have male parts. Sex scene would be nice. When you or the over cook vore they or you can have sex and then cum then inside the over thing. Impregnation and Impregnating.

But ove than that I like where its going and can't wait for more


Hey can there be a scene where Our Female Character is vored by a Giant Frog with Aqua from KonoSuba and Our Character and Aqua struggling like in that scene from Season 2 can that happen?




Funniest response to a comment like that ever.


Hay there is a small bug I found it's if you make a npc follow you and eat them they stay following you and is eaten 


Thanks! I figured out what was causing and it should be fixed in the next update!


this looks really cool. Can’t wait to play it