Sunday, November 13th, 2016 |
1:24 am [kouji_alone]
Thursday, March 21st, 2013 |
12:12 am [calikocat]
First Post, First Phantom Fic
I've posted this on my own LJ, twisting the hellmouth (as there's a bit of a crossover with Buffy) and I've lurked here a bit and thought what the heck, there might be some other lurkers here that would like to see new ficage. Maybe someone else will be inspired to write/post new fics as well. Title: New Ghost Story Rating: ? About the same as the show. Word Count: 6,943 Summery: He'd thought that his sophomore year would have been better than this. Every time he tried to save the day Vlad's team beat him to the punch. Danny assumed that his days of saving Amity Park were over. Danny/Dash Warnings: None. Nothing explicit happens. Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. If I did, there would have been a lot more of it and Danny/Dash would have been cannon. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This fic was purely for my own enjoyment, and to get the idea out of my head. No money is being made from this, so no suing. ( New Ghost StoryCollapse ) Current Mood: accomplished |
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 |
9:17 pm [lyssrae]
I come bearing a new fic
Title: Centennial Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate, and hate itself is not the opposite of love. DannyDash for the 100 Themes Challenge Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom. All characters in this belong to Butch Hartman and the theme list belongs to darknessversuslight on DeviantArt; the only thing I own is the writing for each theme and how they all tie together in the end. Before you get to the endings, you have to have an introduction. Current Mood: giddy |
Saturday, January 15th, 2011 |
7:16 pm [lyssrae]
Fanfic entry . . . ? Title: Track Record Summary: Not everybody has a great track record when it comes to relationships. Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom. All characters in this belong to Butch Hartman; the only thing I own is the plot of this story. Rating: T Because no relationship is going to be perfect, after all.Well, here goes nothing, I suppose. I hope you guys like it . . . by the way, yes it is a multi-chapter story. The link(s) to the next chapter are at the bottom, naturally. Also. Just in case anyone has found this before, I've also posted it on FanFiction.Net under a different name. Same story, same author, different names (because I'm weird like that). |
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010 |
10:57 am [a11i_sun]
Friday, October 2nd, 2009 |
4:36 am [9643]
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009 |
4:24 pm [allieweasley]
Spreading some love (?) 'Lo everyone. I'm relatively new to Danny/Dash, however last summer I read so many good fics about them and I thought I'd spread the love. ^.^ So I'm thinking about making a google site dedicated to them. Guestbook. Fanlisting. Fanfiction. Fanart. Icons. Etc!! If this community is still active I'd love to know your thoughts. =DD Also I started a forum about this on HERE. Thx. n-n |
Tuesday, December 16th, 2008 |
11:34 pm [kuroda_kumiko]
Umm, I've been looking for this one fic for freaking ever and I was hoping someone here could help me find it. It was an alternate universe where Danny moves to Amity Park from Wisconsin. Danny can see ghosts, but no one else can and Dash is telepathic and not a jock. Skulker was the school bully and Technus had a crush on Johnny. And Danny's mom was working together with Vlad, the school principal, to do experiments on the students. It was a slash fic, obviously, with Dash/Danny and I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me find it. Current Mood: hopeful |
Friday, September 5th, 2008 |
1:13 am [wisecracks]
Story time
Time to rise and shine, people! I bring you muse bait. Use it, spread it, build on it, get this awesomely perverted place back on track. Mods, please let me know if anything is missing from the post. Title: Le Freak C'est Chic Author: Wisecracks Rating: PG13-R, for suggestive themes Word Count: 1023 Summary: After a night of looting, Danny Phantom takes a detour. Missing scene from "Control Freaks". Warnings: None Disclaimer: DO NOT OWN. Belongs to Butch Hartman and Nick who ran it into the ground. Non profit fan work. XOXO Crossposted to: dannyphantom( Read more...Collapse ) |
Sunday, August 10th, 2008 |
2:22 am [cherie_8675] |
Saturday, August 9th, 2008 |
2:04 am [wisecracks]
Guys, i got all nostalgic and decided to peek in. This is depressing. Where'd all the slashers go? Anyone wanna kick around plotbunnies like a hacky sack? Current Mood: hopeful |
Friday, May 16th, 2008 |
8:27 pm [mazzles91]
Little help? Hey, I'm looking for a story if anybody can help me out.
The main storyline is basically Danny and Dash are at college together & Danny starts getting attacked by these two ghosts - Palsy and Pain (for what reason I don't remember - I haven't read this fic in over a year). Of course, it is Swagger Bishie. Any help anyone can give me would be much appriciated!!! |
Thursday, August 23rd, 2007 |
10:59 am [caytin]
Fic Search!
I've been looking for this fic all week. I don't remember the title or author. The fic is basically Danny crossdressing in order for Dash to like him. Dash ends up liking the girl him, which he doesn't know is Danny. Any help would be appreciated. |
Monday, July 31st, 2006 |
12:12 am [yaoiboi69]
Tuesday, March 7th, 2006 |
1:05 am [phantomsues]
Wow, my first challenge fic. I hope I kept Dash in character okay... Title: How I Finally Got Fen-toad’s Attention Rating: PG Pairing: Swagger Bishie Warnings: Well, slash, but duh. Oh, and it's written in first person, train of thought style. Disclaimer: Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman. Challenge: # 2: Danny is being mocked in the school yard when the jocks find out his preferences. What happens when Dash confronts Danny under the large tree in the park after school? (Prompt) Baseball ( How I Finally Got Fen-toad’s AttentionCollapse ) |
Monday, March 6th, 2006 |
3:59 pm [phantomsues]
Just a little 300 word drabble that wouldn't leave me alone. The pairing is Pitch Pearl, or Fenton/Phantom for the uninitiated. ( Phantasmal AllegoryCollapse ) |
Tuesday, October 18th, 2005 |
9:29 pm [kaelysta]
I made another commuinty! Ok so I just went ahead and did it...
Mwa haha... I made another community... I know, but I was bored... dp_stamping This is just a start... I haven't finished setting it up yet... What else does it need... and what characters should I add to the list? I trust your opinions :) So many questions I know... Also, would anyone like to Co-Mod? And if anyone has any character stamps they would like to donate I would be forever in your debt! :) Current Mood: amused |
Friday, October 14th, 2005 |
9:50 pm [ex_knight_m] |
MOD Challenge# 2 Challenge: Danny is being mocked in the school yard when the jocks find out his preferences. What happens when Dash confronts Danny under the large tree in the park after school? Prompt: Baseball |
Thursday, October 13th, 2005 |
10:03 pm [kaelysta]
My feeble atempt at writing Ok so I like to put my self down... but seriously.. I never even took English in school... So I'm trying! Here goes... this isn't for any challeng by the way...
Title: Any ideas... It doesn't have one yet Rating: hmm... some swearing... Word Count: 925 Summery:Danny has just about had it with his life in Amity Park, so when he gets accepted to a college in Pennsylvania he decides to go for it. Unfortunately through the appearance of someone from his past, Danny finds out that no matter how far away he gets from home, he can't totally escape. Warnings: none Disclaimer:I don't own Danny Phantom or its characters... wish I did though! Oh well!
Thank you to my lovley beta knight_move
( Chapter 1Collapse )
Current Mood: embarrassed |
Sunday, October 9th, 2005 |
10:39 am [kaelysta]