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Paginate all the things
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


List of collections for admins is limited to 10

This is a big issue, as we cannot adequately monitor any lists if >=10 lists have been modified since then.
Currently we only show the first 50 things. People might want to show more things!

Add pagination to

  • GatherLists
  • a collection on Special:Gather
  • a list of collections on Special:Gather

Event Timeline

JKatzWMF assigned this task to Jdlrobson.
JKatzWMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
JKatzWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JKatzWMF added a project: Gather.
JKatzWMF added subscribers: JKatzWMF, Yurik.
Jdlrobson added subscribers: aaron, Jdlrobson.

I flagged this an issue before. Without pagination this is not good enough (but in mean time we can use api to moderate where necessary) :)

@Jdlrobson: ok thanks! made a shitty python script to pull all collections
for now...but it literally just pprints the results.

Shoot merged in wrong direction

Jdlrobson renamed this task from List of collections for admins is limited to 10 to Paginate all the things.Mar 31 2015, 2:55 PM
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson edited a custom field.

How do you plan to implement pagination in general? API should be the one returning a set of pages and a way to continue. Going forwad is easy, going backwards is a bit more difficult, but duable.

Change 201045 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jhernandez):
Add pagination on Special:Gather for list of collections

Merged patches, added styling along the way (progressive centered button) and extracted the html to views\Pagination (really small).

JKatzWMF moved this task from Ready for signoff to Done on the Gather Sprint Enwiki board.
JKatzWMF edited a custom field.

Just removed points from this (3) since it appears to be identical to T93426 (which has 3 points)