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Change the "Collections" icon in left nav menu
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


I'm attaching an svg of the icon here.

Event Timeline

MSyed assigned this task to JKatzWMF.
MSyed raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MSyed updated the task description. (Show Details)
MSyed subscribed.

This is where the icon should go:

Screenshot_2015-03-24_15.22.32.png (526×403 px, 83 KB)

Added icon. I've had to edit it to change the color to white and the document size to something a bit more square or the icon would be scaled and be too small (document size was 1280x800, changed it to 1000x800). Also optimized with svgo.

How it looks:

Screen_Shot_2015-03-31_at_1.18.46_PM.png (460×394 px, 47 KB)

The edited icon:

I think something might have happened with the ResourceLoader image module.

Change 201592 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson):
Abuse the hook to add all icons to Minerva

It was showing only on special pages. I'm abusing the hook in this patchset but it will do the job for the time being. See T93257

Had to change addModuleStyles to addModules to get it to work actually. But it seems to work now. (Patch is merging, ) can you confirm @Jdlrobson?