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Measure how many users have CORS-hostile proxies
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Certain firewalls / proxies strip CORS Allow-Origin headers (example); measure how many users are affected by this:

  • create a test script which sets some global variable
  • before DOM ready, add a script tag pointing to that script with crossorigin="anonymous"
  • after DOM ready, check the global variable; report back if not set.

Results: CORS-enabled loading of script files causes loading failure in about 0.1%-0.15% of the sampled pageviews.

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Tgr changed Security from none to None.Sep 29 2014, 7:30 PM
Tgr subscribed.
Tgr removed a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Change 182765 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza):
Enable CORS logging in ImageMetrics vagrant role


Do you know which DB the beta EL events are recorded to?

Which I forgot to link to the bug, duh.

mysql> select webHost, sum(event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) successful, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_10884476 where event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and timestamp > '20150305033000' group by webHost order by webHost;
| webHost                               | successful | total |
|                             |     0.6579 |    76 |
|         |     1.0000 |     1 |
|    |     0.7890 |   839 |
|         |     0.9495 |    99 |
| |     1.0000 |    27 |
|       |     0.8021 |  2719 |
|         |     1.0000 |     1 |
|         |     0.7601 |  3268 |
|         |     1.0000 |     5 |
|     |     1.0000 |    35 |
|     |     0.0000 |     2 |
|             |     0.0255 |   784 |

CORS success ratio should be 100% or very close to that, so something is still wrong.

Nothing jumps out from the domain or UA distribution of the failures.

Maybe you got the cutoff time for the typo fix merge wrong? See:

select webHost, sum(event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) successful, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_10884476 where event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and timestamp > '20150306000000' group by webHost order by webHost;	0.9819	166	1.0000	1	1.0000	1149	1.0000	99	1.0000	37	0.9994	3397	1.0000	1	1.0000	4138	1.0000	4	1.0000	3	0.0000	2	0.0000	4	0.0550	636

Thanks! I was stupidly assuming that the timestamps I see in Gerrit are UTC, but they were of course localized.

It's curious that it does not work at all in Wikidata beta, but in itself that's not particularly troubling. I'll enable this live during the next SWAT then.

I'll leave this running a bit more, but seems like the ratio of failed loads is around 0.4% which is rather higher than I expected.

Can we revert that change soon?

I'd like to do a sanity check first - do a non-CORS load at the same time as the CORS load, and see how often that fails. I find it hard to believe that half percent of users would be behind CORS-stripping firewalls.

Change 200118 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza):
Add a sanity check to the CORS test

Change 200896 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza):
Add a sanity check to the CORS test

mysql:[email protected] [log]> select sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) cors_blocked, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) sane_cors_blocked, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck) / count(*) normal_load_failed_supported, sum(!event_sanityCheck) / count(*) normal_load_failed_all, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678;
| cors_blocked | sane_cors_blocked | normal_load_failed_supported | normal_load_failed_all | total  |
|       0.0040 |            0.0029 |                       0.0070 |                 0.0090 | 220805 |

(legend: cors_blocked - doing a CORS-enabled load for a test script failed; normal_load_failed_supported - doing a normal (non-CORS-enabled) load for a test script failed (browsers not supporting CORS are not counted); normal_load_failed_all - same but all browsers are counted; sane_cors_blocked - normal load worked but CORS-enabled load failed)

That is,

  • about 0.4% of CORS-enabled script loads fail
  • about 0.7% of normal script loads fail (0.9% when counting browsers which are not CORS-enabled)
  • for about 0.3% of the logged page loads, the CORS-enabled script load fails but the normal one succeeds.

The 0.4% number is consistent with the data logged for the previous schema version and remarkably stable over time.

If the failure is purely to random network conditions, I would expect cors_blocked ~= normal_load_failed_supported and sane_cors_blocked ~= cors_blocked * (1-normal_load_failed_supported). If enabling CORS for a script load can directly cause it to fail, I would expect cors_blocked > normal_load_failed_supported and sane_cors_blocked > cors_blocked * (1-normal_load_failed_supported) (which I think would loosely mean that load failure is positively correlated with CORS being enabled). In contrast, it seems like enabling CORS would make the requests actually fail less often. I would appreciate a review from Analytics to make sure my logic is sound.

From a technical perspective, possible problems I can think of:

  • Caching. In theory CORS and non-CORS requests follow the exact same caching semantics and Access-Control-Max-Age is only relevant for preflighted CORS requests; in practice, who knows? I'll add a cache-busting parameter.
  • No events on failure. The EventLogging code fires when either the onload or the onerror handler fired for both scripts. It is conceivable that some browser doesn't fire onerror on CORS permission errors (although if a major browser did that, I expect I would be able to google up something). Not sure how to account for that, short of logging separate "request fired" and "request complete" events.
  • The CORS request is always fired first. I can't see that mattering, but randomizing the order can't hurt.

Change 203348 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza):
Fix some potential sources of bias for CORS logging

Beta is throwing [ImageMetricsCorsSupport] Missing or empty schema errors. The code seems valid so for now I'm going to assume this some weird side effect of the beta breakage that's going on now.

mysql:[email protected] [log]> select sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) cors_blocked, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) sane_cors_blocked, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck) / count(*) normal_load_failed_supported, sum(!event_sanityCheck) / count(*) normal_load_failed_all, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678 where timestamp > '20150500000000';
| cors_blocked | sane_cors_blocked | normal_load_failed_supported | normal_load_failed_all | total    |
|       0.0026 |            0.0013 |                       0.0015 |                 0.0021 | 36416393 |
1 row in set (3 min 28.46 sec)

mysql:[email protected] [log]> select substr(timestamp, 1, 7) batch, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) cors_blocked, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) sane_cors_blocked, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck) / count(*) normal_load_failed_supported, sum(!event_sanityCheck) / count(*) normal_load_failed_all, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678 group by batch order by batch desc;
| batch   | cors_blocked | sane_cors_blocked | normal_load_failed_supported | normal_load_failed_all | total   |
| 2015081 |       0.0028 |            0.0016 |                       0.0013 |                 0.0019 |  765412 |
| 2015080 |       0.0026 |            0.0015 |                       0.0013 |                 0.0019 | 2991837 |
| 2015073 |       0.0025 |            0.0015 |                       0.0011 |                 0.0017 |  716456 |
| 2015072 |       0.0026 |            0.0015 |                       0.0012 |                 0.0018 | 3725082 |
| 2015071 |       0.0025 |            0.0014 |                       0.0012 |                 0.0017 | 3435098 |
| 2015070 |       0.0028 |            0.0015 |                       0.0014 |                 0.0020 | 2117696 |
| 2015063 |       0.0026 |            0.0016 |                       0.0011 |                 0.0017 |  203508 |
| 2015062 |       0.0027 |            0.0014 |                       0.0014 |                 0.0019 | 2917355 |
| 2015061 |       0.0027 |            0.0013 |                       0.0016 |                 0.0022 | 3540522 |
| 2015060 |       0.0023 |            0.0011 |                       0.0015 |                 0.0022 | 3272449 |
| 2015053 |       0.0021 |            0.0008 |                       0.0016 |                 0.0021 |  728482 |
| 2015052 |       0.0023 |            0.0011 |                       0.0015 |                 0.0021 | 4100134 |
| 2015051 |       0.0029 |            0.0012 |                       0.0021 |                 0.0027 | 4270714 |
| 2015050 |       0.0025 |            0.0012 |                       0.0015 |                 0.0021 | 3713002 |
| 2015043 |       0.0038 |            0.0023 |                       0.0018 |                 0.0025 |  294719 |
| 2015042 |       0.0036 |            0.0026 |                       0.0012 |                 0.0019 | 4233369 |
| 2015041 |       0.0032 |            0.0024 |                       0.0013 |                 0.0020 | 4315902 |
| 2015040 |       0.0031 |            0.0022 |                       0.0022 |                 0.0031 | 3183577 |
18 rows in set (2 min 31.16 sec)
mysql:[email protected] [log]> select substr(timestamp, 1, 7) batch, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) only_cors_failed, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck and event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) only_normal_failed, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) both_failed, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678 group by batch order by batch desc;
| batch   | only_cors_failed | only_normal_failed | both_failed | total   |
| 2015081 |           0.0016 |             0.0001 |      0.0012 |  784970 |
| 2015080 |           0.0015 |             0.0001 |      0.0012 | 2991837 |
| 2015073 |           0.0015 |             0.0001 |      0.0010 |  716456 |
| 2015072 |           0.0015 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 | 3725082 |
| 2015071 |           0.0014 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 | 3435098 |
| 2015070 |           0.0015 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 | 2117696 |
| 2015063 |           0.0016 |             0.0001 |      0.0010 |  203508 |
| 2015062 |           0.0014 |             0.0001 |      0.0013 | 2917355 |
| 2015061 |           0.0013 |             0.0002 |      0.0014 | 3540522 |
| 2015060 |           0.0011 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 | 3272449 |
| 2015053 |           0.0008 |             0.0003 |      0.0013 |  728482 |
| 2015052 |           0.0011 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 | 4100134 |
| 2015051 |           0.0012 |             0.0003 |      0.0018 | 4270714 |
| 2015050 |           0.0012 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 | 3713002 |
| 2015043 |           0.0023 |             0.0003 |      0.0015 |  294719 |
| 2015042 |           0.0026 |             0.0003 |      0.0009 | 4233369 |
| 2015041 |           0.0024 |             0.0004 |      0.0009 | 4315902 |
| 2015040 |           0.0022 |             0.0014 |      0.0009 | 3183577 |
18 rows in set (2 min 2.76 sec)

mysql:[email protected] [log]> select sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) only_cors_failed, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck and event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) only_normal_failed, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) both_failed, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678; 
| only_cors_failed | only_normal_failed | both_failed | total    |
|           0.0016 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 | 48545272 |
1 row in set (1 min 52.14 sec)

The results look sane now, and fairly stable over time.

Loading a script via CORS fails about 0.25% of the time. About half of that seems to be normal network error and the rest (0.1%-0.15% of all script loads) is genuine failure caused by enabling CORS.

A sanity check where percentages are calculated over all browsers, not just CORS-supporting ones, does not show significantly different data.

@Tgr, you should publish this on the blog or something. I'm sure there are other parties out there who would be interested in such a relatively difficult to discover metric.

A bit technical for the blog though. Maybe a tweet?

Geographic distribution of the failure rate:

mysql:[email protected] [log]> select event_country, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) cors_failed, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck and event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) normal_load_failed, sum(event_xhrSupported and event_scriptAttributeSupported and !event_sanityCheck and !event_scriptLoaded) / count(*) both_failed, count(*) total from ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678 where timestamp > '20150500000000' group by event_country having total > 10000 order by cors_failed desc;
| event_country | cors_failed | normal_load_failed | both_failed | total   |
| CN            |      0.0101 |             0.0009 |      0.0020 |  138618 |
| SG            |      0.0050 |             0.0002 |      0.0015 |  155458 |
| NP            |      0.0043 |             0.0003 |      0.0015 |   13738 |
| AO            |      0.0042 |             0.0005 |      0.0021 |   25547 |
| IN            |      0.0041 |             0.0011 |      0.0020 | 1111184 |
| KE            |      0.0039 |             0.0006 |      0.0018 |   18775 |
| PY            |      0.0038 |             0.0002 |      0.0019 |   24470 |
| IR            |      0.0038 |             0.0006 |      0.0026 |  175855 |
| PH            |      0.0037 |             0.0005 |      0.0017 |  310588 |
| BD            |      0.0032 |             0.0003 |      0.0030 |   37023 |
| KG            |      0.0031 |             0.0002 |      0.0011 |   10634 |
| LK            |      0.0031 |             0.0002 |      0.0022 |   25004 |
| MY            |      0.0031 |             0.0003 |      0.0017 |  184671 |
| BO            |      0.0031 |             0.0006 |      0.0019 |   35043 |
| PK            |      0.0031 |             0.0003 |      0.0017 |  104172 |
| VE            |      0.0028 |             0.0005 |      0.0017 |  166700 |
| MA            |      0.0027 |             0.0006 |      0.0031 |   69065 |
| ID            |      0.0027 |             0.0008 |      0.0026 |  293828 |
| NG            |      0.0027 |             0.0005 |      0.0017 |   33694 |
| PE            |      0.0026 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 |  194185 |
| UZ            |      0.0026 |             0.0002 |      0.0009 |   12904 |
| AR            |      0.0026 |             0.0003 |      0.0014 |  390127 |
| KZ            |      0.0025 |             0.0002 |      0.0014 |   94193 |
| EU            |      0.0025 |             0.0001 |      0.0006 |   37641 |
| SA            |      0.0024 |             0.0005 |      0.0013 |  135050 |
| EG            |      0.0024 |             0.0004 |      0.0023 |   79038 |
| GH            |      0.0022 |             0.0005 |      0.0024 |   10342 |
| EC            |      0.0022 |             0.0002 |      0.0014 |  103890 |
| CL            |      0.0022 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 |  216712 |
| BR            |      0.0021 |             0.0003 |      0.0013 |  832546 |
| TH            |      0.0021 |             0.0003 |      0.0015 |  193214 |
| NULL          |      0.0021 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 |  749529 |
| VN            |      0.0020 |             0.0003 |      0.0015 |  139900 |
| CO            |      0.0020 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 |  389164 |
| NI            |      0.0020 |             0.0001 |      0.0019 |   13779 |
| HN            |      0.0020 |             0.0003 |      0.0012 |   23235 |
| PA            |      0.0020 |             0.0003 |      0.0010 |   37763 |
| IQ            |      0.0019 |             0.0005 |      0.0020 |   24825 |
| TN            |      0.0019 |             0.0003 |      0.0015 |   30347 |
| DZ            |      0.0019 |             0.0003 |      0.0022 |   57663 |
| TT            |      0.0019 |             0.0003 |      0.0007 |   11699 |
| CR            |      0.0018 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 |   40779 |
| ZA            |      0.0018 |             0.0004 |      0.0014 |   97369 |
| DO            |      0.0017 |             0.0003 |      0.0013 |   50883 |
| AM            |      0.0017 |             0.0001 |      0.0010 |   20537 |
| SV            |      0.0016 |             0.0003 |      0.0015 |   28650 |
| NZ            |      0.0016 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 |  126594 |
| AZ            |      0.0016 |             0.0003 |      0.0018 |   32169 |
| KW            |      0.0016 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 |   26160 |
| MD            |      0.0016 |             0.0000 |      0.0008 |   22341 |
| UY            |      0.0016 |             0.0001 |      0.0012 |   42569 |
| TW            |      0.0015 |             0.0001 |      0.0019 |  436360 |
| PR            |      0.0015 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 |   27514 |
| BY            |      0.0015 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 |   98798 |
| MX            |      0.0015 |             0.0002 |      0.0011 |  718742 |
| HK            |      0.0015 |             0.0001 |      0.0015 |  228772 |
| GE            |      0.0015 |             0.0000 |      0.0014 |   29403 |
| IL            |      0.0014 |             0.0002 |      0.0011 |  209222 |
|               |      0.0014 |             0.0002 |      0.0024 |  650920 |
| GT            |      0.0014 |             0.0002 |      0.0017 |   60804 |
| AU            |      0.0014 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 |  671303 |
| MO            |      0.0013 |             0.0003 |      0.0019 |   10201 |
| LB            |      0.0013 |             0.0000 |      0.0015 |   19607 |
| MT            |      0.0013 |             0.0000 |      0.0014 |   11138 |
| QA            |      0.0013 |             0.0002 |      0.0010 |   21470 |
| BH            |      0.0013 |             0.0001 |      0.0021 |   11166 |
| JM            |      0.0012 |             0.0005 |      0.0018 |   10016 |
| TR            |      0.0012 |             0.0002 |      0.0012 |  413053 |
| CY            |      0.0012 |             0.0000 |      0.0014 |   13647 |
| AL            |      0.0012 |             0.0002 |      0.0013 |   19841 |
| AE            |      0.0012 |             0.0001 |      0.0014 |   91377 |
| OM            |      0.0012 |             0.0001 |      0.0016 |   13460 |
| KR            |      0.0012 |             0.0001 |      0.0013 |  271081 |
| RU            |      0.0012 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 | 1689406 |
| JO            |      0.0011 |             0.0002 |      0.0017 |   21771 |
| UA            |      0.0011 |             0.0002 |      0.0011 |  419813 |
| US            |      0.0010 |             0.0002 |      0.0007 | 7814344 |
| GR            |      0.0010 |             0.0002 |      0.0017 |  147690 |
| BA            |      0.0010 |             0.0001 |      0.0019 |   32261 |
| CA            |      0.0010 |             0.0001 |      0.0008 | 1058421 |
| ES            |      0.0010 |             0.0002 |      0.0024 |  732602 |
| PT            |      0.0009 |             0.0001 |      0.0015 |  124463 |
| IT            |      0.0009 |             0.0001 |      0.0015 | 1326534 |
| RS            |      0.0009 |             0.0002 |      0.0017 |   94075 |
| FR            |      0.0009 |             0.0002 |      0.0020 | 1363788 |
| HU            |      0.0008 |             0.0001 |      0.0014 |  131021 |
| RO            |      0.0008 |             0.0002 |      0.0018 |  132960 |
| LV            |      0.0008 |             0.0002 |      0.0011 |   31394 |
| EE            |      0.0008 |             0.0001 |      0.0012 |   34372 |
| BG            |      0.0008 |             0.0001 |      0.0014 |   87708 |
| CZ            |      0.0008 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 |  185918 |
| IS            |      0.0007 |             0.0003 |      0.0010 |   11456 |
| DE            |      0.0007 |             0.0002 |      0.0027 | 2154068 |
| IE            |      0.0007 |             0.0001 |      0.0011 |  137305 |
| PL            |      0.0007 |             0.0002 |      0.0019 |  684941 |
| HR            |      0.0007 |             0.0002 |      0.0015 |   78135 |
| SK            |      0.0007 |             0.0002 |      0.0017 |   59113 |
| MK            |      0.0007 |             0.0001 |      0.0017 |   19895 |
| JP            |      0.0006 |             0.0001 |      0.0007 | 3298047 |
| FI            |      0.0006 |             0.0001 |      0.0009 |  214256 |
| GB            |      0.0006 |             0.0001 |      0.0008 | 2050118 |
| SE            |      0.0006 |             0.0001 |      0.0009 |  357772 |
| SI            |      0.0006 |             0.0001 |      0.0014 |   38968 |
| NO            |      0.0006 |             0.0001 |      0.0010 |  154703 |
| AT            |      0.0005 |             0.0001 |      0.0013 |  249389 |
| NL            |      0.0005 |             0.0001 |      0.0009 |  438087 |
| LT            |      0.0005 |             0.0002 |      0.0014 |   43145 |
| LU            |      0.0005 |             0.0001 |      0.0006 |   17643 |
| BE            |      0.0005 |             0.0001 |      0.0010 |  238966 |
| CH            |      0.0004 |             0.0001 |      0.0009 |  253862 |
| DK            |      0.0004 |             0.0001 |      0.0009 |  145021 |
111 rows in set (3 min 35.59 sec)