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Add Shan language (shn) to Names.php
Closed, ResolvedPublic


First export of Shan language was made with I23caefae3374028db6475f66244c1ec3627f49ec.

Now it's time to add Shan to MediaWiki core.

In languages/data/Names.php:

		'shn' => 'ၽႃႇသႃႇတႆး ', # Shan

In RELEASE-NOTES-1.28, section "Languages updated in 1.28":

* Languages added:
** shn (Shan), thanks to translators Khun Sar, Nemo bis, Piangpha, Saiddzone
   Saimawnkham, Saosukham, and Sengwan

(Normally I would commit a patch but I have trouble with "git review" to core under Windows 8.1)

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

Nikerabbit triaged this task as High priority.