PHAB offers technical assistance services related to using our tools and resources to support workforce development efforts. Services listed below are examples of what PHAB can provide. Scope and services can be customized to fit your health department’s or system’s needs. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and we can structure offerings to meet your requirements.

Resources & Tools

Webinars & Trainings

This one-hour virtual presentation provides an overview of the workforce plan template and user guide and provides participants opportunity to begin to identify an approach for using the template in your health department. 

This one-hour webinar provides an overview of various FPHS assessment tools that can be used to understand capacity and needs of the workforce, to use in guiding strategic planning efforts including the Capacity and Cost Assessment, Readiness Assessment and Workforce Calculator. Participants will begin to explore how these tools can enhance their workforce planning efforts.

This one-hour webinar provides an overview of service and resource sharing approaches as related to sharing staff, key steps to assessing if a workforce sharing approach is needed and will provide participants opportunity to begin thinking about how service and resource sharing applies to their health department and/or health department system’s workforce planning efforts.

In-Depth Workshops

This full day (6-8 hours) in person workshop provides a step-by-step approach to drafting a workforce plan. Using a mix of lecture and team-based work time, participants will begin drafting (or revising) a workforce plan using the template and with support from PHAB staff. This workshop can be offered for a single health department or multiple health departments.

Consultation & Facilitation

Workforce planning is critical to ensuring adequate staffing levels, skillsets, ability to respond to public health crises, and to deliver on Foundational Public Health Services. PHAB has created a template that aligns with v2022 of the Standards and Measures for Initial Accreditation that can be used by your health department to help write a workforce plan. PHAB can provide 1:1 consultation to your health department or a local facilitator to support workforce plan development. Support may include but is not limited to: guidance for conducting needs assessments, using the workforce calculator to estimate staffing needs, establishing workforce goals and objectives, and guidance for creating a workforce training plan. The type of support and number of hours will be determined based on your health department’s specific needs.