Foundational Public Health Services

PHAB is the steward of the Foundational Public Health Services framework.

PHAB offers technical assistance services related to understanding and implementing the FPHS within health departments and systems. Services listed below are examples of what PHAB can provide. Scope and services can be customized to fit your health department’s or system’s needs. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and we can structure offerings to meet your requirements.


Webinars & Trainings

PHAB offers on-demand courses within the Learning Center available to departments just getting started with accreditation, departments working on reaccreditation, and the wider public health field.

On-demand courses focused on the Foundational Public Health Services include:

  • Foundational Public Health Services: Primer for Local Boards of Health
  • The Foundational Public Health Services: A Framework for Systems Change
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of the FPHS and provides participants with an opportunity to begin exploring how the FPHS applies to their health department and health department system.
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of various tools that can be used to build and expand the FPHS within a health department and/or system. Participants will begin to explore how these tools can enhance their transformation efforts.
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of various FPHS assessment tools that can be used to understand capacity and needs of the workforce, to use in guiding strategic planning efforts including the Capacity and Cost Assessment, Readiness Assessment and Workforce Calculator. Participants will begin to explore how these tools can enhance their workforce planning efforts.

In-Depth Workshops

This 3-hour workshop provides an in-depth introduction to the FPHS, followed by exercises to allow participants to place themselves within the FPHS, engage in discussion with colleagues about where there are needs and gaps emerging, and begin planning for using the FPHS in their health department or system. Additional in-depth topics may be included as requested.

Consultation and Facilitation Services

PHAB will facilitate a 2-3 day in-person session for your state public health system that guides your team through a strategic planning process for FPHS implementation/systems transformation including a cross walk of the system’s public health activities to the FPHS, assessment tools that can be leveraged to support identification of strengths/gaps in foundational activities, and more. Participants leave with the key elements of a strategic plan for systems change (draft vision, priorities, objective/strategies). PHAB can also provide support to a local facilitator leading this work.