Pathways Recognition is a program designed to support performance improvement efforts, strengthen infrastructure, and facilitate public health system transformation for local, Tribal, and US territory/freely associated state public health departments not yet ready for accreditation. Pathways can facilitate accreditation readiness for eligible health departments intending to use the program as a step toward accreditation.

Pathways Recognition assesses health departments on the Foundational Capability measures in the Standards and Measures for Initial Accreditation Version 2022. There are 34 measures assessed in the Pathways Recognition program, and they are divided into two tracks –Services and Partnerships and Health Department Systems.

  • Services and Partnerships – Health departments will be assessed on Foundational Capability measures in Domains 1-7 of Standards and Measures for Initial Accreditation Version 2022.

  • Health Department SystemsHealth departments be assessed on Foundational Capability measures in Domains 8-10 of Standards and Measures for Initial Accreditation Version 2022.

To achieve Pathways Recognition, eligible health departments must successfully complete both tracks. The requirements for each track may be completed at one time or separately.

Pathways Recognition is a cohort-based program due to the optional, but highly recommended Learning Community component. Though PHAB will accept applications on a rolling basis, Learning Community cohorts are formed at three times each year: March 1, July 1, and December 1. Please see below for details and important dates associated with joining a Pathways Learning Community cohort.

To join a Pathways cohort, all application requirements must be submitted and approved by PHAB prior to the start date of your desired Learning Community cohort.

Pathways-Associated Activity Summer Spring Winter
Program Duration July 1 – January 31 March 1 – September 30 December 1 – May 31
Readiness Assessment Completed No later than May 15th No later than January 15th No later than October 15th
Required Training Completed No later than June 30th No later than February 28th No later than November 30th
Application Submitted and Approved by PHAB No later than June 15th No later than February 15th No later than November 15th
Official Start Date of Cohort* July 1 March 1 December 1
Documentation Submission Deadline 6 months from official start date 6 months from official start date 6 months from official start date

*Cohort start dates may be changed at PHAB’s discretion and will be communicated in a timely manner if they differ from what is stated in the table above.

The Standards & Measures document serves as the official measures, required documentation, and guidance blueprint for PHAB Pathways Recognition. The Policy document presents the process for seeking and obtaining Pathways Recognition.

Printed copies of Pathways Recognition Standards & Measures and other materials can be purchased through PHAB’s online store.

Why Pathways Recognition?

The Pathways Recognition Program is a meaningful step along a health department’s performance improvement journey. It allows a health department to make sizable progress toward accreditation by demonstrating achievement of the Foundational Capabilities. Pathways Recognition can also support initial accreditation because measures assessed through Pathways can be carried forward and count toward initial accreditation. A discount on future accreditation fees is also built in.


Local, US territory/freely associated state, and Tribal health departments are eligible to apply for Pathways Recognition. PHAB will determine the applicant’s eligibility.

Health departments are encouraged to discuss with PHAB questions about how The Standards, eligibility criteria, or other policy-related items apply to their department based on their organizational structure. Please reach out to [email protected] with questions about the Pathways Recognition Program.

Pathway Recognition Fees

Before applying for Pathways, health departments are required to complete the Readiness and Training process. The fee for this step is $1,299.

The Pathways Recognition Program fees support the external review of a health department’s conformity with Foundational Capabilities Measures, as well as participation in a learning community with other applicants.

Pathways Recognition has two tracks. Health departments may apply to one or both.

  • The fee for one track is $3,050.
  • Health departments completing both tracks would pay a total of $6,100.

View the complete fee schedule for more information.

Getting Started

  • Determine eligibility. Review eligibility requirements to ensure your health department is eligible to apply for Pathways Recognition
  • Review the Introduction to PHAB course to learn more about the Pathways Recognition Program, the value it can bring to your health department and community, and how Pathways Recognition can be used as a step toward application to initial accreditation.
  • Register for the Readiness and Training Process. You will be asked to pay the Readiness and Training fee which gives you access to the Readiness Assessment and PHAB trainings on the Pathways Recognition process, selecting documentation, and how continuous performance improvement will be supported. You will have one year to complete the Readiness Assessment, required trainings, and to complete the program application. Register your department>
  • Review the Policy, Standards & Measures, and additional resources. Remember to use the Standards & Measures as your roadmap as you create and update plans and policies.

For additional questions on how to get started, email [email protected].

Pathways Recognized Departments

  • Siskiyou County Health Department

    In August 2024, Siskiyou County became the first local health department to achieve Pathways Recognition.

    View the press release.