Papers by Zeynep Kalkavan-Aydin

Iris Journal of Educational Research, 2024
The case report describes the translanguaging practices used by a non-native foreign language tea... more The case report describes the translanguaging practices used by a non-native foreign language teacher as a scaffolding strategy in a course teaching German as a foreign language, Level B1.1, in Jordan (in cooperation with the German Jordanian University). Both the teacher and the learners speak Arabic as their first language and English as a second language. Using Multimodal Interactional Analysis, this in-depth analysis of a case study shows that translanguaging is used in the classroom discourse for different purposes and as a scaffold. Various practices of translanguaging can be identified in the data, such as using cues and listener signals for continuity of discourse, translating isolated words or sequences and expanding utterances, questions, descriptions or explanations. While the teacher mainly communicates in the target language German during classroom interaction and uses translanguaging very carefully for individual learning support, the learner's resort to translations and complex linguistic acts, such as explaining or describing. This makes it clear that multilingualism is used in this lesson for deeper learning and cognitive engagement.

Zeitschrift für Interaktionsforschung (ZIAF), 2024
In foreign language teaching, native speakers are not always the ones teaching the target languag... more In foreign language teaching, native speakers are not always the ones teaching the target language. But what is the role of a teacher‘s multilingual skills when teaching German as a foreign language (GFL), and how are these skills used, promoted, or required by learners in the classroom? Using a case study of GFL taught to adults in Jordan, this article examines the languages, communicative strategies and multilingual practices employed by the non-native foreign language
teacher. The results show that the teacher’s own multilingual profile positively influences the presence of multilingualism in the classroom. This article provides a theoretical introduction to the topic, followed by an overview of the case study and its design. In the context of foreign language teaching, the specific phases of a lesson and the reasons why teachers switch languages and use multilingualism will then be investigated using discourse analysis methods. The focus is on the
teacher’s strategies during classroom interactions.
Keywords: case study; multilingualism; language alternation; (non-native) foreign language teachers; classroom interaction

Fokus DaF/DaZ: Gegenwärtige Tendenzen in Forschung und Lehre, 2024
Abstract: Classroom interaction involves several variables that are necessary to create an effect... more Abstract: Classroom interaction involves several variables that are necessary to create an effective and dynamic learning environment. The teacher plays a central role in this setting. In a multilingual context and in second/foreign language teaching, this can be observed in various situations, e.g., when teachers use their multilingual resources (e.g., to explain tasks). This paper outlines how foreign language teachers of German as a foreign language (GFL) use their multilingual resources
in courses of adult learners with Arabic as a first language. It discusses how interactional and multilingual awareness of teachers in L2 classrooms can be seen in the video-enhanced data and how code-switching is implemented in classroom interaction. The study aims to investigate how teachers use Arabic and English in teaching German. The article outlines some relevant points about classroom interaction against the background of interaction in the context of teaching research and strategies used by GFL teachers.
Keywords: classroom interaction, multilingualism, code-switching, translanguaging, teaching, teacher role, interactional and multilingual awareness
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 17, 2023
Von Anapher bis Zweitsprache-Facetten kommunikativer Welten, 2022
Interaktion am Tablet in der Herkunftssprache Türkisch (deutsch-türkische Interaktion zum digital... more Interaktion am Tablet in der Herkunftssprache Türkisch (deutsch-türkische Interaktion zum digitalen Bilderbuch SPOT von Grundschulkindern)

ZIAF, 2023
Kognitive Aktivierung gelingt im Unterricht insbesondere durch Interaktion, etwa durch konstrukti... more Kognitive Aktivierung gelingt im Unterricht insbesondere durch Interaktion, etwa durch konstruktive Fragen oder Feedback-Strategien. Im Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie kognitive Aktivierung in der DaF-Vermittlung auf einem niedrigen Sprachniveau unter Einbezug mehrsprachiger Fähigkeiten Anwendung findet. Bei der Datenbasis handelt es sich um Unterrichtsvideos zum DaF-Unterricht mit erwachsenen Lernenden in einem Sprachkurs auf dem Niveau A.1.2 mit Arabisch als Erstsprache und Englisch als erste Fremdsprache. Nach einer theoretischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Fokus auf Mehrsprachigkeit, Feedback und kognitiver Aktivierung folgt die Beschreibung der Datengrundlage. Es wird untersucht, wie Mehrsprachigkeit im Kontext Deutsch, Arabisch und Englisch in der Unterrichtsinteraktion bzw. beim Feedback von Lehrenden und Lernenden genutzt wird und welche Interaktionsprozesse sich dadurch öffnen bzw. öffnen können.
Workshop Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit. Band 17., 2024
Die Relevanz eines sprachsensiblen Fachunterrichts ist in den letzten Jahren verstärkt in den Fok... more Die Relevanz eines sprachsensiblen Fachunterrichts ist in den letzten Jahren verstärkt in den Fokus bildungspolitischer, fachwissenschaftlicher und fachdidaktischer Diskussionen gerückt. Dabei geht es unter anderem um die Sprachsensibilität im Fachunterricht, die sich insbesondere in der Unterrichtsinteraktion widerspiegelt. Untersuchungen zum Unterricht in spezifischen Klassenformen in der berufsorientierten (Vor-)Qualifizierung fehlen noch weitgehend. Der Beitrag knüpft an diese Forschungslücke an und setzt sich zum Ziel, ein Teilkorpus aus dem Projekt "Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung sprachbildender Lernunterstützung in berufsbildenden Lehramtsstudiengängen" (gefördert vom Ministerium BW) zu untersuchen, das aus videographiertem Unterricht in sogenannten AVdual-Klassen 1 besteht.
Papers by Zeynep Kalkavan-Aydin
teacher. The results show that the teacher’s own multilingual profile positively influences the presence of multilingualism in the classroom. This article provides a theoretical introduction to the topic, followed by an overview of the case study and its design. In the context of foreign language teaching, the specific phases of a lesson and the reasons why teachers switch languages and use multilingualism will then be investigated using discourse analysis methods. The focus is on the
teacher’s strategies during classroom interactions.
Keywords: case study; multilingualism; language alternation; (non-native) foreign language teachers; classroom interaction
in courses of adult learners with Arabic as a first language. It discusses how interactional and multilingual awareness of teachers in L2 classrooms can be seen in the video-enhanced data and how code-switching is implemented in classroom interaction. The study aims to investigate how teachers use Arabic and English in teaching German. The article outlines some relevant points about classroom interaction against the background of interaction in the context of teaching research and strategies used by GFL teachers.
Keywords: classroom interaction, multilingualism, code-switching, translanguaging, teaching, teacher role, interactional and multilingual awareness
teacher. The results show that the teacher’s own multilingual profile positively influences the presence of multilingualism in the classroom. This article provides a theoretical introduction to the topic, followed by an overview of the case study and its design. In the context of foreign language teaching, the specific phases of a lesson and the reasons why teachers switch languages and use multilingualism will then be investigated using discourse analysis methods. The focus is on the
teacher’s strategies during classroom interactions.
Keywords: case study; multilingualism; language alternation; (non-native) foreign language teachers; classroom interaction
in courses of adult learners with Arabic as a first language. It discusses how interactional and multilingual awareness of teachers in L2 classrooms can be seen in the video-enhanced data and how code-switching is implemented in classroom interaction. The study aims to investigate how teachers use Arabic and English in teaching German. The article outlines some relevant points about classroom interaction against the background of interaction in the context of teaching research and strategies used by GFL teachers.
Keywords: classroom interaction, multilingualism, code-switching, translanguaging, teaching, teacher role, interactional and multilingual awareness