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Journal created:
on 12 December 2006 (#11813734)
on 20 October 2007
PGSM Last Icon Maker Standing
Posting Access:
Select Members

Welcome to pgsm_lims, a Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Last Icon Maker Standing community. We will have a series of challenges based on the Sailor Moon: Live Action series to help us determine the Last Icon Maker Standing. Anyone is invited to participate, no matter what their skill level, please just remember to read and follow the rules.

Community created by: dark_branwen
Maintained by: contradictz

Layout codes by: excentric
01. It is strongly advised that you join and friend the community to participate in the challenges.

02. Only those who join the community and sign up will be able to make icons for the challenges, but voting is open to everyone. You have until the end of the first challenge to sign-up to particpate.

03. All icons must remain anonymous until the results of the challenge are posted. If your icon is posted or shown to anyone you will be disqualified from the competition.

04. During the voting process, you will be asked to pick the icons of the highest and lowest quality. These should be the only factors you consider when you cast your vote.

05. At the beginning of the competition everyone will be given one bye. Byes are used if you are unable to complete the challenge that week for whatever reason. By promoting the community you may receive a second bye. You can only receive one extra bye, no matter how many times you promote. You may gain a third bye if you invite someone to the community and they too sign-up for a challenge. Make sure you get them to tell me in the sigh-up post or some other way. If you miss a challenge your bye will automatically used. If you miss a challenge and have no byes left you will be removed from the rest of the competition.

06. When the time has come to vote for the icons, you must not vote for your icon! This defeats the purpose of the contest.

07. Have fun.
Monday: New challenge posted
Saturday: Entries due
Saturday & Sunday: Voting
Monday: Results posted
NOTE: schedule not fixed. You have 5/6 days from when the challenge entry is posted to submit your icons.
Want to affiliate with us: comment here
Previous Winners
Round 1:
Winner: glowing_sunset
Runner-up: flourhurricane

Round 2:
Winner: neshel
Runner-up: dark_branwen
userinfo code thanks to reversescollide
