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Background. End-stage renal failure patients, including those on peritoneal dialysis (PD), exhibit several nontraditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. A role of CD4 1 CD28 null T lymphocytes in the genesis of coronary artery disease... more
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      Chronic kidney diseaseCardiovascular diseaseClinical SciencesC reactive protein
Aim: Fractalkine (CX3CL1), a chemokine, and its receptor CX3CR1 (expressed on T lymphocytes), have been shown to be abnormal in atherosclerosis. We investigated whether CX3CL1 levels and CX3CR1 expression were altered in patients with... more
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      Flow CytometryAtherosclerosisChronic kidney diseaseChemokines and chemokine receptors
Background. The serum levels of neopterin, a marker associated with cell-mediated immunity are elevated in chronic kidney disease (CKD). We evaluated serum neopterin levels and investigated its association with markers of inflammation in... more
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      ImmunologyChronic kidney diseaseInflammationCardiovascular disease
Signaling through Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR9), a mediator of innate immune responses, could have a role in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Some studies have shown an association between polymorphisms in the TLR9... more
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    • Academia Edu
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      NephrologyKidney transplantationTreatment OutcomeIndia
Background: Measures to prevent chronic calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) toxicity have included limiting exposure by switching to sirolimus (SIR). SIR may favorably influence T regulator cell (T reg ) population. This randomized controlled... more
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      MedicineRenal transplantation
Background. CD4 + CD28 null T cells are expanded in peripheral blood of patients with chronic kidney disease and associated with subclinical atherosclerosis. However, triggers for the oligoclonal expansion and activation of these cells... more
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Abstract Genetic susceptibility probably plays a role in the development and/or progression of diabetic kidney disease. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 4 (SUMO4) mRNA is expressed in human kidney. Substitution of methionine with valine... more
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      DiabetesChronic kidney diseaseDiabetes Mellitus and Its ComplicationsSUMO
Background: The rate and factors that influence progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in developing countries like India are unknown. A pan-country prospective, observational cohort study is needed to address these knowledge gaps.... more
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      Chronic kidney diseaseBiobankingBiobanksCohort Study
Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN), the leading cause of end-stage renal disease worldwide, might have a genetic component. We investigated variations in a set of 2 genes with susceptibility to DN in north Indian population.
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      GeneticsDiabetesMembrane ProteinsIndia
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Kidney International (2016) 90, 905-906; International (2016) 90, 906-907;
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      GeneticsImmunologyGenomicsIndian studies
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BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: CNDP1 gene, present on chromosome 18q22.3-23, encodes carnosinase, the rate-limiting enzyme in hydrolysis of carnosine to ß-alanine and L-histidine. Linkage of CTG trinucleotide (leucine) repeat polymorphism in... more
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Aim Despite its importance in bone and cardiovascular disease in subjects with kidney disease, there is no data on fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) perturbations in nephrotic syndrome. We evaluated FGF23 and markers of mineral bone... more
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    • Chronic kidney disease
This study aims to determine risk factors for CKD progression and CVD development in Indian people through the international comparisons to determine ethnic and geographical differences. Authors also apply the bio-repository to discover... more
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      Chronic kidney diseaseDialysisKidney
Vitamin D deficiency associates with mortality in patients with CKD, and vitamin D supplementation might mitigate cardiovascular disease risk in CKD. In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we investigated the effect... more
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      Chronic kidney diseaseCardiovascular diseaseRandomized Controlled TrialsCardiovascular research
Use of active forms of vitamin D is advocated in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) for treatment of mineral bone disease because of the presumption that native forms of vitamin D would not undergo significant activation to... more
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      Bone BiologyChronic kidney diseaseVitamin DCKD-MBD
Vitamin D deficiency is common and associated with mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the commonest cause of mortality in CKD patients. In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled... more
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      Bone BiologyChronic kidney diseaseVitamin DCKD-MBD
Please cite this article as: Yadav AK, Kumar V, Banerjee D, Gupta KL, Jha V, Effect of vitamin D supplementation on serum sclerostin levels in chronic kidney disease, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2010),... more
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    • CKD-MBD