Papers by Helena Seidl da Fonseca

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt , 2023
Auf einer Halbinsel des Traunsees befndet sich die einzige bekannte Seeufersiedlung der Hallstatt... more Auf einer Halbinsel des Traunsees befndet sich die einzige bekannte Seeufersiedlung der Hallstattzeit in Österreich. Aufgrund der verkehrsgeografschen Lage sowie von Grab- und Siedlungsfunden wird seit Langem eine Funktion im Handel mit dem Salz aus der Saline von Hallstatt vermutet, die sich rund 33km südlich von Traunkirchen befndet. Mittels minimalinvasiver Prospektionen unter Wasser und an Land gelang es in den Jahren 2020 und 2021, die Ausdehnung und Mächtigkeit der ältereisenzeitlichen Siedlungsschichten in Traunkirchen und ihre exakte Datierung zu klären. Durch die Bohrungen lässt sich eine ehemalige Bucht des Traunsees nachweisen, die einen idealen natürlichen Hafen an der Spitze der exponierten Halbinsel bot. Aufgrund der neuen Prospektionsergebnisse und umfangreicher Recherchen zeichnet sich ab, dass Traunkirchen seine Bedeutung während der Hallstattzeit nicht primär als Umschlagplatz im Salztransport, sondern vielmehr als Ausgangspunkt für die Versorgung der Saline mit Lebensmitteln und als Basis für die Lastenträger, Säumer oder Bootsleute erlangte.

Heritage, 2024
With the “Talents Internship program” established by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG,... more With the “Talents Internship program” established by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG, Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft), 14- to 17-year-old students from
various school types visited the Natural History Museum and the Kuratorium Pfahlbauten in summer 2022 to gain practical experience in research. The internship focused on a sustainability approach, discussing recycling methods, the sustainable use of resources and the circular economy in prehistory. The UNESCO World Heritage “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” was used as a research area for the project. The project also aimed to make the content developed by the students available to the public as a digital media tool. The pupils brought an illustration of a prehistoric lake shore settlement to life and created an interactive image available at the website of Kuratorium Pfahlbauten.
Various scenes of the illustration have been augmented with animations created by the students of HTL Spengergasse in Vienna. Students from federal secondary schools from Vienna (Stubenbastei) and Upper Austria (Traun) researched the information about the objects and wrote texts that, as a description of the animated videos, introduce the users to the prehistoric artifact and explain the recycling process behind it. The students worked independently using the scientific literature, 140-year-old inventory books and 6000-year-old objects from the collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna. The activities and the supporting program within the internship were recorded by the students in blog posts, available at the Pfahlbauten-Blog. The co-creative approach of the FFG Talent Internship made it possible to introduce a group of school students to the process of scientific work and the communication of results. It was honored with the Creative App Award at CHNT 2023.
Keywords: digital mediation tool; prehistoric pile dwellings; UNESCO World Heritage; prehistoric recycling methods; science meets school; students internship; youth development
Environmental Archaeology

Studies in Digital Heritage, 2017
We present a complete, video-based 3d documentation process for the submerged remains of Neolithi... more We present a complete, video-based 3d documentation process for the submerged remains of Neolithic pile dwellings at the UNESCO World Heritage Site "See am Mondsee" in Austria. We discuss good practice routines and solutions, such as cable management, supporting the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) when strong currents are prevalent, and documentation/record keeping. The recorded site is a Neolithic lake village dating to the 4th millenium BC. Based on initial reconstruction results, we improved the image matching process of our Structure from Motion (SfM) pipeline (built around the free end-user application VisualSFM), by replacing its default feature detector (SiftGPU) with our own implementation of adaptive feature detection. The campaign was accompanied by a German television film crew. Their documentary was shown on the German public television (ARD) broadcast "W wie Wissen".

Studies in Digital Heritage, 2017
At the 21st Cultural Heritage and New Technologies conference (CHNT), which took place from Nov... more At the 21st Cultural Heritage and New Technologies conference (CHNT), which took place from Novembe 16th to 18th 2016 in Vienna, Austria, Carmen Löw organized a round table to discuss first experiences with social data from the use of social media in archaeology. The participants presented two Facebook accounts and one weblog owned by a UNESCO World Heritage, a research project and a private company. So far, social data has received too little attention in archaeology. Regardless of the limitations encountered with a user group with special age, sex and other regulations, social data helps us to understand at least a part of our stakeholders better and to adjust the information we offer in social media to their interests. To communicate in a professional manner, it is mandatory to understand who is on the receiving end of the information transportation process. Tools, all well-known and widely used in the world of economics, are often not affordable for scientific research in huma...
Fundberichte aus Österreich 58, 2019
Für die inhaltliche Gestaltung der oberösterreichischen Landesausstellung zum Thema Pfahlbauten w... more Für die inhaltliche Gestaltung der oberösterreichischen Landesausstellung zum Thema Pfahlbauten wurde ein mehrjähriger Forschungsplan mit dem Namen „Zeitensprung“ initiiert. Dieser Forschungsplan umfasste seit 2015 sechs Ausgrabungskampagnen an drei unterschiedlichen prähistorischen Seeufersiedlungen (Seewalchen I und Weyregg II am Attersee; Mooswinkel am Mondsee). Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf die genauere Untersuchung bekannter Pfahlbaustationen zu den Themen: Dorfstrukturen, Umwelt und historische Abfolge.
Im Jahr 2019 wurde der 2018 begonnene Ausgrabungsschnitt an der neolithischen Seeufersiedlung Mooswinkel am Mondsee erweitert.
Fundberichte aus Österreich 59, 2020
Zum Zweck einer aktuellen und an moderne Forschungsstandards heranreichende Präsentation des UNES... more Zum Zweck einer aktuellen und an moderne Forschungsstandards heranreichende Präsentation des UNESCO-Welterbes „Prähistorische Pfahlbauten um die Alpen“ in Österreich wurde 2014 vom Kuratorium Pfahlbauten gemeinsam mit dem OÖ Landesmuseum (2021: OÖ-Kultur GmbH) ein mehrjähriger Forschungsplan mit dem Namen „Zeitensprung“ initiiert.
Dieser Forschungsplan umfasste seit 2015 sechs Ausgrabungskampagnen an drei unterschiedlichen prähistorischen Seeufersiedlungen (Seewalchen I und Weyregg II am Attersee; Mooswinkel am Mondsee). Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf die genauere Untersuchung bekannter Pfahlbaustationen zu den Themen: Dorfstrukturen, Umwelt und historische Abfolge. Im Jahr 2020 wurde der 2018 begonnene Ausgrabungsschnitt an der neolithischen Seeufersiedlung Mooswinkel am Mondsee weiter ergraben.

Studies in Digital Heritage, 2017
We present a complete, video-based 3d documentation process for the submerged remains of Neolithi... more We present a complete, video-based 3d documentation process for the submerged remains of Neolithic pile dwellings at the UNESCO World Heritage Site "See am Mondsee "in Austria. We discuss good practice routines and solutions, such as cable management, supporting the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) when strong currents are prevalent, and documentation/record keeping. The recorded site is a Neolithic lake village dating to the 4th millenium BC. Based on initial reconstruction results, we improved the image matching process of our Structure from Motion (SfM) pipeline (built around the free end-user application VisualSFM), by replacing its default feature detector (SiftGPU) with our own implementation of adaptive feature detection. The campaign was accompanied by a German television film crew. Their documentary was shown on the German public television (ARD) broadcast "W wie Wissen" .
Conference Presentations by Helena Seidl da Fonseca
N.E.R.D. New European Researchers and Discoveries in Underwaterarchaeology Conference. Beiträge der internationalen Konferenz der Arbeitsgruppe für maritime und limnische Archäologie 21.-23. November 2014 in Kiel., 2016
The paper gives a short overview of the situation of the underwater sites of the UNESCO World Her... more The paper gives a short overview of the situation of the underwater sites of the UNESCO World Heritage "Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps" in Austria. The work of the national management association "Kuratorium Pfahlbauten" is presented. The focus is set on the challenging conservation situation of the underwater sites and the implemented monitoring system for a better understanding of the damaging impacts.
Furthermore, some ongoing research projects involving the UNESCO World Heritage and associated sites are presented.
Papers by Helena Seidl da Fonseca
various school types visited the Natural History Museum and the Kuratorium Pfahlbauten in summer 2022 to gain practical experience in research. The internship focused on a sustainability approach, discussing recycling methods, the sustainable use of resources and the circular economy in prehistory. The UNESCO World Heritage “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” was used as a research area for the project. The project also aimed to make the content developed by the students available to the public as a digital media tool. The pupils brought an illustration of a prehistoric lake shore settlement to life and created an interactive image available at the website of Kuratorium Pfahlbauten.
Various scenes of the illustration have been augmented with animations created by the students of HTL Spengergasse in Vienna. Students from federal secondary schools from Vienna (Stubenbastei) and Upper Austria (Traun) researched the information about the objects and wrote texts that, as a description of the animated videos, introduce the users to the prehistoric artifact and explain the recycling process behind it. The students worked independently using the scientific literature, 140-year-old inventory books and 6000-year-old objects from the collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna. The activities and the supporting program within the internship were recorded by the students in blog posts, available at the Pfahlbauten-Blog. The co-creative approach of the FFG Talent Internship made it possible to introduce a group of school students to the process of scientific work and the communication of results. It was honored with the Creative App Award at CHNT 2023.
Keywords: digital mediation tool; prehistoric pile dwellings; UNESCO World Heritage; prehistoric recycling methods; science meets school; students internship; youth development
Im Jahr 2019 wurde der 2018 begonnene Ausgrabungsschnitt an der neolithischen Seeufersiedlung Mooswinkel am Mondsee erweitert.
Dieser Forschungsplan umfasste seit 2015 sechs Ausgrabungskampagnen an drei unterschiedlichen prähistorischen Seeufersiedlungen (Seewalchen I und Weyregg II am Attersee; Mooswinkel am Mondsee). Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf die genauere Untersuchung bekannter Pfahlbaustationen zu den Themen: Dorfstrukturen, Umwelt und historische Abfolge. Im Jahr 2020 wurde der 2018 begonnene Ausgrabungsschnitt an der neolithischen Seeufersiedlung Mooswinkel am Mondsee weiter ergraben.
Conference Presentations by Helena Seidl da Fonseca
Furthermore, some ongoing research projects involving the UNESCO World Heritage and associated sites are presented.
various school types visited the Natural History Museum and the Kuratorium Pfahlbauten in summer 2022 to gain practical experience in research. The internship focused on a sustainability approach, discussing recycling methods, the sustainable use of resources and the circular economy in prehistory. The UNESCO World Heritage “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” was used as a research area for the project. The project also aimed to make the content developed by the students available to the public as a digital media tool. The pupils brought an illustration of a prehistoric lake shore settlement to life and created an interactive image available at the website of Kuratorium Pfahlbauten.
Various scenes of the illustration have been augmented with animations created by the students of HTL Spengergasse in Vienna. Students from federal secondary schools from Vienna (Stubenbastei) and Upper Austria (Traun) researched the information about the objects and wrote texts that, as a description of the animated videos, introduce the users to the prehistoric artifact and explain the recycling process behind it. The students worked independently using the scientific literature, 140-year-old inventory books and 6000-year-old objects from the collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna. The activities and the supporting program within the internship were recorded by the students in blog posts, available at the Pfahlbauten-Blog. The co-creative approach of the FFG Talent Internship made it possible to introduce a group of school students to the process of scientific work and the communication of results. It was honored with the Creative App Award at CHNT 2023.
Keywords: digital mediation tool; prehistoric pile dwellings; UNESCO World Heritage; prehistoric recycling methods; science meets school; students internship; youth development
Im Jahr 2019 wurde der 2018 begonnene Ausgrabungsschnitt an der neolithischen Seeufersiedlung Mooswinkel am Mondsee erweitert.
Dieser Forschungsplan umfasste seit 2015 sechs Ausgrabungskampagnen an drei unterschiedlichen prähistorischen Seeufersiedlungen (Seewalchen I und Weyregg II am Attersee; Mooswinkel am Mondsee). Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf die genauere Untersuchung bekannter Pfahlbaustationen zu den Themen: Dorfstrukturen, Umwelt und historische Abfolge. Im Jahr 2020 wurde der 2018 begonnene Ausgrabungsschnitt an der neolithischen Seeufersiedlung Mooswinkel am Mondsee weiter ergraben.
Furthermore, some ongoing research projects involving the UNESCO World Heritage and associated sites are presented.