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This study presents the integrated biostratigraphic (calcareous nannofossils and foraminifera), petrographic, geochemical and ichnological analyzes of the Gramame Formation (Maastrichtian) at the CIPASA Quarry section, in the... more
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Due to the nature of seismic inversion problems, there are multiple possible solutions that can equally fit the observed seismic data while diverging from the real subsurface model. Consequently, it is important to assess how... more
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    • Geophysics
This letter presents ACOR-V , a new computationally efficient Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based algorithm, tailored for continuous domain problems. The ACOR-V algorithm is well suited for application in seismic inversion problems owing... more
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      Geomatic EngineeringElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Seismic impedance provides information on the relative proportion of different facies types. It is important to integrate such seismic data in the construction of detailed 3-D facies models, which are used for reservoir management. Two... more
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    • Stochastic Simulation
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    • Geology
We have developed a new iterative geostatistical seismic amplitude variation with angle (AVA) inversion algorithm that inverts prestack seismic data, sorted by angle gathers, directly for high-resolution density, P-wave velocity, S-wave... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsSeismic Inversion
We propose a Bayesian approach for seismic inversion to estimate acoustic impedance, porosity and lithofacies within the reservoir conditioned to post-stack seismic and well data. The link between elastic and petrophysical properties is... more
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      EngineeringGeologyComputer ScienceComputational Physics
A maneira mais efetiva de se integrar o dado sísmico no processo de caracterização de reservatórios é por meio da geração de modelos de impedância derivados do processo de inversão sísmica. Neste trabalho foram comparados os resultados... more
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      GeographyGeologySeismic InversionOil Field
The present paper addresses the problem of factor of safety (FS) determination in 3D slope stability analysis. For that purpose, use is made of two numerical methods/techniques in three benchmark problems: numerical limit analysis (NLA)... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringNumerical AnalysisLimit Analysis
This paper describes how a Bayesian framework can be modeled and applied on seismic data to estimate the wavelet. The method works on poststack and pre-stack data, in both, the convolutional forward model is considered, but it differ in... more
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      MathematicsGibbs sampling
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsMineralogyGeophysical Prospecting
Resumo O EXP100 é o programa estratégico da Exploração da Petrobras. Suas ambições preconizam a utilização de 100% dos dados técnicos disponíveis nos projetos exploratórios até 2025 e o desenvolvimento de soluções de reservatório antes da... more
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