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The effectiveness of cell-free rhamnolipid biosurfactant, derived from the culture medium at the end of fermentation was investigated for the removal of two different kinds of oil from contaminated sandy soils. The crude cultivation... more
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BACKGROUND: Oil spills are a frequent source of environmental contamination. As a consequence, remediation of soils, waters and sediments is a great challenge in this area of research. This study aims at using a new type of soil... more
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A biorremediação é uma alternativa atraente para o tratamento de solos contaminados com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. No entanto, a efetividade do processo pode ser limitada não só pelas características do contaminante, mas também pela sua... more
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    • Soil contamination
Surfactants are being actively investigated as promising agents to enhance the bioremediation of spilled out over soil. The aim of this work was to evaluate the addition of surfactants in order to improve the bioremediation of petroleum... more
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      Critical Micelle ConcentrationField capacity
Low solubility and adsorption on soil matrix are the two major features of high molecular weight hydrocarbons that limit their availability to microorganisms. Consequently, the use of surfactants in contaminated soils is an interesting... more
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      P/BV RatioField capacity
BACKGROUND: Oil spills are a frequent source of environmental contamination. As a consequence, remediation of soils, waters and sediments is a great challenge in this area of research. This study aims at using a new type of soil... more
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A biorremediação é uma alternativa atraente para o tratamento de solos contaminados com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. No entanto, a efetividade do processo pode ser limitada não só pelas características do contaminante, mas também pela sua... more
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    • Soil contamination
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This study aimed to test different protocols for the extraction of microbial DNA from the coral Mussismilia harttii. Four different commercial kits were tested, three of them based on methods for DNA extraction from soil (FastDNA SPIN Kit... more
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    • Microbiology
Bioremediation processes are being applied nowadays for treatment of contaminated soils by petroleum products. However, only chemical analyses are used for efficiency verification, without taking into account a biological indicator. The... more
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    • Environmental Soil Science
Background Beginning in the last century, coral reefs have suffered the consequences of anthropogenic activities, including oil contamination. Chemical remediation methods, such as dispersants, can cause substantial harm to corals and... more
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This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Low solubility and adsorption on soil matrix are the two major features of high molecular weight hydrocarbons that limit their availability to microorganisms. Consequently, the use of surfactants in contaminated soils is an interesting... more
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      P/BV RatioField capacity
The effectiveness of cell-free rhamnolipid biosurfactant, derived from the culture medium at the end of fermentation was investigated for the removal of two different kinds of oil from contaminated sandy soils. The crude cultivation... more
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    • Chemistry
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The facility with which hydrocarbons can be removed from soils varies inversely with aging of soil samples as a result of weathering. Weathering refers to the result of biological, chemical and physical processes that can affect the type... more
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      Environmental ScienceMedicineSoil contaminationSoil Microbiology
Bioremediation processes are being applied nowadays for treatment of contaminated soils by petroleum products. However, only chemical analyses are used for efficiency verification, without taking into account a biological indicator. The... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Soil Science
Several of the biggest oil spills occurred close to coral reef areas • A patent survey was led to assess innovation activity on ocean oilbioremediation • Deposits' rises after reported spills show reactive behavior of innovation... more
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      Environmental ScienceMedicineHydrocarbon BiodegradationOil Spills in the Marine Environment
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    • Environmental Science
A capacidade de bactérias nativas em biodegradar os hidrocarbonetos em sub-superfície têm sido estudados de maneira consistente desde a década de 1970, tendo em vista que esta classe de contaminantes pode oferecer severos riscos à saúde... more
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    • Environmental Science