Papers by Lilianny Sigit Arifin

DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 2021
Vertical housings have been developed to solve housing quality degradation due to rapid urbanizat... more Vertical housings have been developed to solve housing quality degradation due to rapid urbanization. These housings are often lack of privacy and comfort, since the lay-out mostly consists of one open plan space with limited area. This paper presents a lightweight and multi-purpose partition to improve the living quality in vertical housings. The lightweight characteristic is intended to minimize structural loads, while the multi-purpose property allows the partition to be transformed into some furniture for spatial efficiency. A literature review and material surveys were performed prior to material selection and the design process. Then, physical model experiments were carried out to simulate the installation process and the transformation process of the partition modules into some furniture. Result show that the partition’s weight is only 11-36.7% of the common partition wall, and when installed, the transformable property enables an adaptable space which can be adjusted to the ...
Pengembangan modep COP sebagai best practises yang dapat direplikasi oleh institusi lain
DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 2021
The Kayutangan Corridor is one of the areas in Malang that holds many historical values, namely a... more The Kayutangan Corridor is one of the areas in Malang that holds many historical values, namely as a shopping center in the Dutch colonial era. However, the glory and history of kayutangan began to fade with the times. This research's general objective is to provide a design proposal for the Kayutangan corridor that can present historical stories of the buildings along the corridor, such as an open-air museum, with the building as its object. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with a signage theory approach. The final result of this study is the proposed signage and pedestrian design in the Kayutangan corridor.

ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2020
Title: Service-Learning in Architecture Education: A Critical Moment in A Reflection For over the... more Title: Service-Learning in Architecture Education: A Critical Moment in A Reflection For over the years, service-learning pedagogy is understood as an appropriate method in experiential education because it focuses on initiatives that has the capacity to change the social well–being of individuals and students' commitment to society's general well–being. Learning entails transformation both individually and from the social work experience through reflection. Geleta and Gilliam (2003) said that reflection is a critical element that connect the service experience in meaningful ways with students' thoughts, sensations, and values. There are four key elements to support practical strategies for meaningful reflection: continuity and connectivity in reflective process on the learning experience and objectives, higher-level thinking, atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, and contextual reflection. This paper explores the implications of contextual reflection about critical mo...

DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 2019
This research reveals meaning of “boundary line” due to the precast module system in Seruni 8 blo... more This research reveals meaning of “boundary line” due to the precast module system in Seruni 8 block, ‘Rusunawa’ Bumi Cengkareng Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia. The Grounded Theory method, with the type of “constant comparison”, which is a semi-grounded theory, is chosen to express the meaning of the “boundary line” from the residents’ point of view. The coding process in data processing uses computer program Maxqda. The results of this study indicate that well-established relationships between occupants can transform the boundaries of private corridor ownership (individual territory) into joint ownership (communal territory) as a place to socialize and share goods placed in the corridor, and maintain the cleanliness of the corridor together, so that the “boundary line” due to the precast module system for residents of the Seruni 8 block, ‘Rusunawa’ Bumi Cengkareng Indah, Jakarta, does not affect the meaning of the boundaries as the individual territory, because the communal territory is ...
rate of one thousand per Second it will require seven teen quintillions (17,000,000,000,000,000,0... more rate of one thousand per Second it will require seven teen quintillions (17,000,000,000,000,000,000) of years to empty it. 'Such a computation seems almost like trifling with science, indeed apparently trifling with the human intellect; but it is with these subtle theories that our physicists are wrestling, delving into the in nermost chamber of the infinitely minute, to build for us, upon the most stable foundation, the macrocosm of a universe. Immigration Increaaing.
Service-learning program allows students to use the range of skills gained during undergraduate s... more Service-learning program allows students to use the range of skills gained during undergraduate study, to produce work that helps community to solve their problems, as part of the heart of much urban areas, and find ways to provide and reinforce affordable housing. Students ...

Habitat International, 2005
This study examines housing needs of migrant women working on an industrial estate in Surabaya, I... more This study examines housing needs of migrant women working on an industrial estate in Surabaya, Indonesia. Information was gathered through a combination of household surveys and life stories. This article presents findings generated through the life story research. Such research places the initiative for what is brought out with the story teller; involves personal interpretation of situations and events by both the teller and the researcher; and promotes cumulative generation of understanding by the latter, through recurrent interaction and continuous reflection. The approach helped clarify the main factors influencing the migrant workers' perceived need for housing. The women try to adapt by combining values and responding to expectations and demands of two different worlds: the relatively traditional rural community which they came from and the modernized urban society to which they migrated. This process of adaptation is analyzed through three main roles with related norms and expected behaviors: those of rural-urban migrant, young single daughter, and independent income earner. The findings contradict a main message from similar research, namely, that housing choice is primarily determined by price, reflecting a prime concern of the women with satisfying basic material needs. Instead, the choice was found to be much more influenced by a desire to respect norms and behaviors to which the women were socialized at home without excluding themselves from exploiting new opportunities in their present urban environment.
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2017
This paper give the contribution to the characteristic of women factory workers in housing choice... more This paper give the contribution to the characteristic of women factory workers in housing choice. The phenomena about women factory workers have low affordability in housing, was explored again by life story research approach. With qualitative methods, it was found that the cheap price is not the key factors that influincing them in housing choice. But their characteristic as young workers, migrant workers, and women workers showed the essential factors in housing choice.

Sharing a corridor space in a rusunawa could form patterns of adaptation and exemplify the phenom... more Sharing a corridor space in a rusunawa could form patterns of adaptation and exemplify the phenomenon of territorial mastery. This research aims to understand the form of this mastery as perceived by the occupants using the Grounded Theory method. The results show a theory of territorial mastery that can be developed from the findings in the field is a new theory of territorial characteristics, based on hard and soft territory. The hard territory is territorial control that is tangible or intangible, fixed or unchanged, and firm, whose existence is clear in a space that can be seen, occupied or controlled and maintained, and recognized by other residents. On the other hand, the soft territory is territorial control that is tangible and intangible, and which allows for flexible and soft shifts because it is an expression of the family and cultural emotions of guyub, so that mastery of the soft territory occurs not only because of tolerance, but also because of the prioritization of t...

The rapid develoment of modern city was not totally achieved by hundreds of old dwellings within ... more The rapid develoment of modern city was not totally achieved by hundreds of old dwellings within it. Old settlements and residences, which are settled side-by-side, consisting of small-sized houses called �Kampung�, keep making a better living environment and socio-economical condition, even accomplishing creative remarkable programs toward green and clean sustainable habitats. These programs come from the Aga Khan Award for Architecture called �Kampung Improvement Programme [KIP] on 1968-1993, C-KIP (1995-2003) and Surabaya�s Government Green and Clean competition creativity agenda from 2005 to now. This paper explores the objective and the spectacular programs on old kampungs. Each kampung participated in achieving the highest award by introducing many programs such as planting greenaries and fruits, recycling dry and wet wastes, producing greenary gas and eco-friendly fertilizer, filtering and reusing grey water, and planting medical plants as well as conducting waste bank in ord...
Penelitian ini akan memberikan jawaban terhadap issue permukiman Nelayan yang kumuh dan tidak seh... more Penelitian ini akan memberikan jawaban terhadap issue permukiman Nelayan yang kumuh dan tidak sehat. Ada tiga buah konstribusi yang berguna untuk bidang permukiman masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah, khususnya kaum nelayan: 1) secara individual: menyelesaikan problem ekonomi (rumah sebagai tempat memperoleh penghasilan sampingan) dan problem lingkungan yang sehat serta kebutuhan lahan penjemuran ikan. 2) secara komunal: memberi gambaran baru pada masyarakat luas, bahwa rumah nelayan memang dapat berfungsi sebagai rumah produktif yang sehat dan nyaman, serta layak huni secara fisik dan psikis, bukan sebagai petak kecil yang kumuh dan gelap. 3) secara regional: mengangkat nilai lokal permukiman nelayan untuk ikut memberikan spesial ikon terhadap kota Surabaya sebagai kota pantai, dan juga menjaga kelestarian budaya rakyat setempat.
Most humans now live in cities, and urban design is a powerful tool of adaptation. No matter how ... more Most humans now live in cities, and urban design is a powerful tool of adaptation. No matter how well one understands a city�s history, its ecosystems, and its enduring context, no matter how carefully one tries to anticipate the future, there will always be unforeseen circumstances to which a city must adapt. Architect and Planner must be aware how to integrate nature, historical value, people�s memory through space experience with the rapidness of technology. The interconnectedness between biotic, abiotic and manmade elements in the city can push it to be a comfortable place for living. This study shows the role of space experience of Surabaya from royal time until nowadays with focus both on story and ecological perspectives, can contribute as a determinant for creating city identity

Urban expansion converts rural villages lead to an agglomeration of settlement. Nowadays, the kam... more Urban expansion converts rural villages lead to an agglomeration of settlement. Nowadays, the kampung nelayan Kenjeran area are dense by the housing estates. The existence of “kenjeran†fishing neighborhood is neglected by the city planners. Actually the Kampung Improvement Programme had given good infrastructure. Unfortunately the KIP was conducted in generally way without considering the specific type of community, like fishing community. They need place for drying up the fishes, but this main needs do not covered yet. As a consequence, they still use part of the alley or even they make stack top of the small canal. Thus the potentiality of fishing community is not appreciated yet as the potential that based on natural livelihood and indeed showing the characteristics of the sustainable livelihood as neighborhood. Since the industrial revolution, people have switched from craft products to mass-produced goods. This was due primarily to price, but also to the poor quality of cr...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Awareness of the increasing global issues regarding global warming and climate change has encoura... more Awareness of the increasing global issues regarding global warming and climate change has encouraged building designers to look back on knowledge of traditional architecture as energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. This study focuses on the traditional architecture of Rumah Kaki Seribu as sustainable architecture. Rumah Kaki Seribu is a traditional architecture located in the Arfak Mountains, West Papua, inhabited by the Arfak Tribe. Each architectural element of Rumah Kaki Seribu has a different sustainability value. The sustainability value of Rumah Kaki Seribu discussed is the concentration on the fireplace element and the roof element. The fireplace and roof elements were analyzed using the eco-cultural concept of the six competing logics of sustainable architecture by Simon Guy and Graham Farmer. Eco-cultural logic is a logic that is closely related to traditional architecture. The characteristics of sustainable buildings that use eco-cultural logic can be determined by l...
Papers by Lilianny Sigit Arifin