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In medical imaging, image denoising has become a very essential exercise all through the diagnosis. Compromise between the preservation of useful diagnostic information and noise suppression must be respected in medical images. One of the... more
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    • Medical Image Processing
EEG recording are used to analyze the electrical signals generated by the brain. It is used in diagnosing and monitoring process of neurological disorder such as Epilepsy. Epilepsy cannot be controlled by available medical treatments. Its... more
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In Medical Industry, the patient's information plays a very vital role for telediagnosis and telesurgery.
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In medical image processing, image denoising has become a very essential exercise all through the diagnose. Negotiation between the preservation of useful diagnostic information and noise suppression must be treasured in medical images.... more
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    • Engineering
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      Medical Image ProcessingElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Image compression is significant in the medical industry. The sequence of images produced is of great importance which requires lossless compression technique. Among the several lossless image compression algorithms JPEG-LS becomes a... more
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Medical image security can be enhanced using the reversible watermarking technique, it allows us to embed the relevant information with the image, which provides confidentiality, integrity and authentication by embedding RSA encrypted... more
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Medical image content authentication is very important, since medical image contents are more and more widely distributed. Reversible watermarking becomes a promising technique to embed the information into medical images. In this paper,... more
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The necessity in medical image compression continuously grows during the last decade. In advanced medical life large number of medical images is processed in hospitals and medical centers around the world. These images are in the form of... more
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In multimedia environment many videos have been introduced which occupies more memory space, especially in the medical field. In this paper, a new low complexity and lossless image compression system for capsule endoscopy (CE) is... more
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Human action recognition has a wide range of promising applications like video surveillance, intelligent interface, and video retrieval. The objective of this project is to recognize and annotate different human activities present in... more
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      Multiple Instance LearningBag of Words
Medical image sequences are produced in enormous amount which requires a large storage capacity. These image sequences are of great importance, hence it is necessary to develop a system that produces high degree of compression while... more
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    • Computer Science
Protection of Medical image contents becomes the important issue in computer network security. Digital Watermarking has becomes a promising technique for medical content authentication, it allows to embed relevant information with the... more
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      Computer ScienceElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Protection of Medical image contents becomes the important issue in computer network security. Digital Watermarking has becomes a promising technique for medical content authentication, it allows to embed relevant information with the... more
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    • Computer Science
The demand to preserve raw image data for further processing has been increased with the hasty growth of digital technology. In medical industry the images are generally in the form of sequences which are much correlated. These images are... more
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In mammograms, a cluster of micro calcifications shows an early sign of breast cancer. An accurate and efficient classification scheme is needed for detection of tumour in mammograms. A Computer-Aided-Detection (CAD) system for automatic... more
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Background: Stress has become an integrated part of our life. Stress was modelled as four stages by Hans Selye’s in his General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model. Objective: The main objective of this work is to design an efficient... more
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      PsychologyStroop effect