? ?

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Feb. 19th, 2009

i rule


Job Fairs

I'm about to graduate in May and I only know of my own school's job fair for teachers... is there anywhere I can look up info on other teaching job fairs in my area? Thanks!!

Jan. 26th, 2009

i rule


(no subject)

I have hit a bit of a roadblock...

My school is pushing us all to do an electronic portfolio which sounds great and all but I want to have something in my hand at an interview rather than hoping they have internet access in the room we're in. I have no guidance in a paper portfolio so here are my questions...

Where do I get a "portfolio" to put my documents in?

And are there any online resources to help guide me?


Aug. 13th, 2008



I finally got a PE job!!!

So basically I have a PE job, granted I still need to be approved by the superindent and the school board. Its a very tiny school where, one full grade level is in one classroom, its 1-6. And they will have PE once a week. Any Suggestions of what I should teach or any piece of equipment that I might possiably need to order that you all found to be helpful. The schools actually has alot of equipment already, I know I will need to order some music CDs, any good suggestions for music would be helpfull as well. Hope you all had a wonderful summer and will have a good start to the upcoming school year. I know vacation was not long enough for me. 

May. 9th, 2008



(no subject)

 Is anyone else finding the PE job market rather competitive or is it just in my area?

Jan. 23rd, 2008




Question for you, I am applying for a phys ed postion in the district that i work in as a para. Should I get a recomdation/refereces from both my principal and supervisor. And when i apply should i use both even if they are from the school? Also is it okay to use the same ppl from your recommdations for references? Thanks

Jan. 20th, 2008

four exercise


Resource Books

I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions about good resource books. I'm looking for some Adventure Ed curriculum books as well as anything for swimming. I'm trying to build up my library of resources so any suggestions about books that really work for you would be great!! Thanks in advance!!

Jan. 1st, 2008

Get in Shape



Just a note to all PE teachers... If you read health or fitness magazines there are a few on sale for three dollars for a year subscription. Not sure when it ends but this is a really good deal. I like them to get new ideas for the weight room plus they've always been my guilty pleasure.

The mags are:

Men's Fitness
Muscle and Fitness

at Discount Mags


Dec. 3rd, 2007

Get in Shape


Amazon reviews just don't cut it!!

I had a question to some veteran PE teachers... I am taking some methods classes at college next semester before I student teach and it was highly recommended I get some lesson plan idea books with various areas in them. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on ones they use regularly... k-12 is good. Thanks in advace!!

Nov. 16th, 2007



(no subject)

I love attending PE professional conferences, they are so fun. Is anyone going to attend EDA or AHPERD this year? 

Nov. 13th, 2007

Janis Joplin


Softball + Touch football

Hey guys I just thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Kristy, I am an aussie and have just finished uni last week and start teaching next January.

I have just talked to my head teacher who has organised my classses and asked me what sports I want to coach next year and we decided on touch footy and softball.

Has anyone coached them before? I feel fairly confident with both of them but was just wondering if anyone had done them before and how you found it?

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