by Masood A K H T A R Memon, 2023
This study aims to explore the learning outcomes of EFL learners with a focus on Vocabulary Acqui... more This study aims to explore the learning outcomes of EFL learners with a focus on Vocabulary Acquisition (VA) taught through CLIL (Content & Language Integrated Learning) in comparison to the conventional language teaching of EFL units. Linguists proposed several methods and trends in the field of language learning. CLIL is the most recent and effective method that gained widespread popularity and is widely utilized and implemented in Europe and other parts of the world. It is a dual-focused method of language teaching, especially in foreign or second language teaching with a focus on the content or the subject. This highlights language teaching through content, the learners are taught science, geography, history, or physics with a special focus on language structures simultaneously. Using a mixed methodology, the experimental research method of pretest and post-test was utilized to find out the answers to the research questions. The study was conducted at a military institute that explored gaining the level of VA among EFL learners by conducting the pretest and posttest research design. The study revealed that the learners taught through CLIL units achieved greater Vocabulary Acquisition than the EFL learners of the target language.

International Journal of English Linguistics, May 5, 2018
The purpose of this investigation was to document acoustic characteristics of Pakistani English (... more The purpose of this investigation was to document acoustic characteristics of Pakistani English (PaKE) vowel sounds. The experiment was designed to examine the properties of ten vowels produced by Pakistani ESL learners. The analysis is based on the voice samples of recorded 50 CVC words. Total 5000 (10× 10 × 50=5000) voiced samples were analyzed. The data consisted of 50 words of ten English vowel sounds [i: ɪ e ɔ: ae ə ɑ: u: ɒ ʊ]. Ten ESL speakers recorded their voice samples on Praat speech processing tool installed on laptop. Three parameters were considered i.e., fundamental frequency (F0), vowel quality (F1-F2) and duration. Formant patterns were judged manually by visual inspection on Praat Speech Processing Tool. Analysis of formant frequency shows numerous differences between male and female of F1 and F2, fundamental frequency and duration of English vowels. The voice samples provide evidence for higher and lower frequency of vowel sounds. Additionally, the data analysis illustrates that there were statistical differences in the values of short and long vowels coupled with vowel space plot showing explicit differences in locating the production of vowels of male & female vowel space acoustic realizations.

International Journal of English Linguistics, 2018
This study aims to investigate the word stress placement in English and Sindhi words in learners ... more This study aims to investigate the word stress placement in English and Sindhi words in learners from Indo-Aryan language and American English backgrounds. Since correct placement of word stress is key for L2 English intelligibility, and it is known that native language background affects English language learners’ word stress perception and production. The study explores English language learners’ intuition through behavioral data from the native speakers of Sindhi and American native speakers to compare their awareness of word stress in L1 and L2. It further investigates learner’s stress patterns by measuring their reports of word stress location in their Sindhi and in their L2 English. There were twenty native speakers (10 from Sindh, Pakistan-10 from Illinois State, America) who were recruited from the location in their countries. Results of three experiments show that Sindhi native speakers have less awareness of stress location in their native language than native English cont...

International Journal of English Linguistics, 2018
Acoustic analysis tests the hypothesis that the physical properties of Pakistani English (PaKE) v... more Acoustic analysis tests the hypothesis that the physical properties of Pakistani English (PaKE) vowels differ in terms of acoustic measurements of Native American English speakers. The present paper aims to document the physical behavior of English vowels produced by PaKE learners. The major goal of this paper is to measure the production of sound frequencies coupled with vowel duration. The primary aim of this paper is to explore the different frequencies and duration of the vowels involved in articulation of PaKE. English vowels selected for this purpose are: /æ/, /ɛ/, /ɪ/, /ɒ/ and /ə/. Total ten samplings were obtained from the department of computer science at Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi. The study was based on the analysis of 500 (10×5×10=500) voice samples. Five vowel minimal pairs were selected and written in a carrier phrase [I say CVC now]. Ten speakers (5 male & five female) recorded their 500 voice samples using Praat speech processing tool and a high-qual...

The present paper investigates two important teaching methods of English in a second language cla... more The present paper investigates two important teaching methods of English in a second language classroom setting i.e., Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching. This close-ended study was carried out to compare and analyze Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The study basically looks at both teaching methods from the perspective of English language teachers show they prioritize either GMT or CLT methods as to be more effective tools of teaching at college level in three districts of Sindh. For data collection, a questionnaire was designed containing twenty queries favoring GTM in first ten and CLT in next ten queries in sequence in order to find out which teaching method is more effective. The questionnaire was close-ended with a Likert Scale range of five: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree and strongly disagree. The participating subjects were randomly recruited from three districts of Sindh e.g....

International Journal of English Linguistics, 2018
The purpose of this investigation was to document acoustic characteristics of Pakistani English (... more The purpose of this investigation was to document acoustic characteristics of Pakistani English (PaKE) vowel sounds. The experiment was designed to examine the properties of ten vowels produced by Pakistani ESL learners. The analysis is based on the voice samples of recorded 50 CVC words. Total 5000 (10× 10 × 50=5000) voiced samples were analyzed. The data consisted of 50 words of ten English vowel sounds [i: ɪ e ɔ: ae ə ɑ: u: ɒ ʊ]. Ten ESL speakers recorded their voice samples on Praat speech processing tool installed on laptop. Three parameters were considered i.e., fundamental frequency (F0), vowel quality (F1-F2) and duration. Formant patterns were judged manually by visual inspection on Praat. Analysis of formant frequency shows numerous differences between male and female of F1 and F2, fundamental frequency and duration of English vowels. The voice samples provide evidence for higher and lower frequency of vowel sounds. In addition, the data analysis illustrates that there wer...

Intentional Journal of English Linguistics , 2018
Acoustic analysis tests the hypothesis that the physical properties of Pakistani English (PaKE) v... more Acoustic analysis tests the hypothesis that the physical properties of Pakistani English (PaKE) vowels differ in terms of acoustic measurements of Native American English speakers. The present paper aims to document the physical behavior of English vowels produced by PaKE learners. The major goal of this paper is to measure the production of sound frequencies coupled with vowel duration. The primary aim of this paper is to explore the different frequencies and duration of the vowels involved in articulation of PaKE. English vowels selected for this purpose are: /ae/, /ɛ/, /ɪ/, /ɒ/ and /ə/. Total ten samplings were obtained from the department of computer science at Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi. The study was based on the analysis of 500 (10×5×10=500) voice samples. Five vowel minimal pairs were selected and written in a carrier phrase [I say CVC now]. Ten speakers (5 male & five female) recorded their 500 voice samples using Praat speech processing tool and a high-quality microphone on laptop in a computer laboratory with no background sound. Three parameters were considered for the analysis of PaKE vowels i.e., duration of five vowels, fundamental frequency (F1 and F2). It was hypothesized that the properties of PaKE vowels are different from that of English native speakers. The hypothesis was accepted since the acoustic measurements of PaKE and English Native American speakers' physical properties of sounds were discovered different.
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