Conference Presentations by kousalya Devi

more likely in a Continual Basis. Absence of supportive policies and access to funds has marked t... more more likely in a Continual Basis. Absence of supportive policies and access to funds has marked the Agricultural Entrepreneurs with slow growth rate, meager turnovers, technologically suppressed and even closure of business to some extremes. However, in the recent decades, farmers changing role in a free market focused economy has made them becoming of more entrepreneurial and competitive in their farming businesses. In a State like Tamilnadu, Agro-Entrepreneurship is not an old chapter it is of relatively a new occurrence. Therefore, the main aim of this research study is to study the marketing strategy and techniques of agricultural entrepreneurs in Salem District and to discussing the entrepreneurs marketing solutions for Agro-Products and to analyzing the personal profile factors of the agricultural back rounded entrepreneurs and to study problems faced by rural Agricultural based entrepreneurs in Salem district then promote innovation to further strengthening the competitiveness of rural Agro-based Entrepreneurs. Penetrate wider and deeper to the opportunities and challenges of Agricultural Entrepreneurs and their contributions to the State economy. Also, the paper would aim in addressing suggestive and remedial measures and policy implications based on the research findings.

more likely in a Continual Basis. Absence of supportive policies and access to funds has marked t... more more likely in a Continual Basis. Absence of supportive policies and access to funds has marked the Agricultural Entrepreneurs with slow growth rate, meager turnovers, technologically suppressed and even closure of business to some extremes. However, in the recent decades, farmers changing role in a free market focused economy has made them becoming of more entrepreneurial and competitive in their farming businesses. In a State like Tamilnadu, Agro-Entrepreneurship is not an old chapter it is of relatively a new occurrence. Therefore, the main aim of this research study is to study the marketing strategy and techniques of agricultural entrepreneurs in Salem District and to discussing the entrepreneurs marketing solutions for Agro-Products and to analyzing the personal profile factors of the agricultural back rounded entrepreneurs and to study problems faced by rural Agricultural based entrepreneurs in Salem district then promote innovation to further strengthening the competitiveness of rural Agro-based Entrepreneurs. Penetrate wider and deeper to the opportunities and challenges of Agricultural Entrepreneurs and their contributions to the State economy. Also, the paper would aim in addressing suggestive and remedial measures and policy implications based on the research findings.

Entrepreneurship is gaining importance in India in the wake of economic liberalization and global... more Entrepreneurship is gaining importance in India in the wake of economic liberalization and globalization. The policy and institutional framework for developing entrepreneurial skills, providing vocation education, training and development has widened the horizon for economic empowerment of youths in India. Entrepreneurial talents and capabilities are latent in all communities but their translation to innovative action depends on appropriate motivations and environment and these motivations can be generated through training and development. Training rural people for entrepreneurial and managerial capabilities should be conceived as one of the most important factors for accelerating growth. Efforts are being made along these lines, however they are limited only to bring changes quantitatively but not qualitatively. Hence appropriate training and development interventions are needed to bring qualitative changes in the situation. An attempt was made in this study to examine the conceptual framework on training and development for rural entrepreneurs in India.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship development, training and development, Need for training, Entrepreneurial schemes

In India, entrepreneurship has traditionally been considered a male privilege. However, in tandem... more In India, entrepreneurship has traditionally been considered a male privilege. However, in tandem with an altering socio-cultural environment and an increase in educational opportunities, women have started recognizing their inherent talents and business skills. The major objective of the present study was to develop and validate a suitable tool to illustrate the work-life balance (WLB) issues faced by rural women entrepreneurs of Salem district in Tamilnadu. We also sought to understand the important factors influencing the WLB of these women entrepreneurs. With the increasing number of women engaging in entrepreneurial undertakings, it is deemed relevant to capture the entrepreneurial competencies and work life balance experiences of rural women entrepreneurs. This study discussing about that rural women entrepreneurs in the Salem district of Tamilnadu is strong in the goal setting, information seeking, and systematic planning and monitoring competencies. It was further discussed that they are generally able to maintain work life balance through proper time management and striving to spend more time with family members through a wide array of activities done together with their spouses and children. The aim of this study is to discuss the issues and problems regarding women entrepreneurship in rural India. This paper is mostly based on secondary data and some observations; for the identification of these issues the author has reviewed different research articles and reports. This study revealed that role overload, dependent care issues, quality of health, problems with time management and lack of proper social support are the major factors influencing the WLB of women entrepreneurs in India. Furthermore, even though the vast majority of the entrepreneurs examined in this study suffers from WLB issues, there are significant differences in the level of WLB issues faced by the various categories of women entrepreneurs. The present study provides recommendations for human resource professionals, management consultants, academicians and rural women entrepreneurs themselves to deal with the major WLB issues and problems faced by the Salem district rural women entrepreneurs. [
Papers by kousalya Devi
Entrepreneurship as an factor of economic development is now recognized. A number of financial in... more Entrepreneurship as an factor of economic development is now recognized. A number of financial institutions provide support to women entrepreneurs for their innovative and imaginative scheme of activities aimed can become a vital link for harnessing huge and unused human skills to channelize them towards accelerating the gender mainstreaming and p entrepreneur on equivalence with men entrepreneurs.

In today's world, women entrepreneurs are playing very vital role and they have become important ... more In today's world, women entrepreneurs are playing very vital role and they have become important part of the global business environment and it's really important for the sustained economic development and social progress. In India, though women are playing key role in the society, but still their entrepreneurial ability has not been properly tapped due to the lower status of women in the society. The main purpose of this paper is to find out the status of women entrepreneurs in India. This paper includes rationale grounds behind the women entrepreneurship. Another main purpose of this paper is to analyze Role of social and economic factors in rural women entrepreneurship development of women enterprise in three Talukas of Salem district. Main reasons for women to become an entrepreneur, the social and economic factors that are serving the women to put their views into action are also included in this study. On the basis of this study some suggestions are given to encourage and develop the spirit of rural women entrepreneurship to become a successful entrepreneur in Salem district.

In recent years Indianwomen are actively run their family and at the same time they working, hand... more In recent years Indianwomen are actively run their family and at the same time they working, handle multiple critical situations and problems in this society. While compare with the men and women are better in entrepreneurship. In this day's women are meet such kind of expenses like purchasing food items, jewellery, costly dresses, personal use cosmetic products, FMCG products, for that purpose they need money. At one stage, their husband and family members not gave financial support. So, they go for job or start a new business at home and open small shops for their personal income. These kinds of activities induce to develop women entrepreneurship. In Salem district of Tamil Nadu women were engaged textile, food processing, cottage, coiler, street vendors, small road side food shops, cosmetic product production and grinding mill units etc., Hence these women entrepreneurs are facing such difficulties while doing businesses. In this study, the researcher was discussing about the problems and problem overcoming techniques handled by the women entrepreneurs in Salem district. The objective of the study is to analyse the problems faced on women entrepreneur's business and problems handling techniques in Salem city. The next is to discussing about the economic development through the women entrepreneurs in Salem. The researcher used descriptive research design and simple random sampling technique were used. Scope of the study is to create the trends in women entrepreneurship and their development in economy.

The study examined rural women entrepreneurship in agro-food processing in Salem. Women entrepren... more The study examined rural women entrepreneurship in agro-food processing in Salem. Women entrepreneurs in rural parts of Tamil Nadu are bringing about a steady and silent change in the health sector with millet-based products. While organic products, food especially, are currently ruling the roost worldwide, Agro-products are steadily becoming the next big thing. The start up capital was low which could affect the growth and sustainability of the enterprise. Majority of the women agro-food processors had no entrepreneurial training. Women empowerment can be better achieved through entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an adventure to do something new or a strong desire to pursue an independent occupation. It may be an inner urge to make use of skills and talents in a positive and profitable way.. The futuristic outlook and planning are the two vital attributes of an entrepreneur. Women have these two qualities by birth. Concerted effort must be put in to raise the level of women entrepreneurship in SSI. Social activists, NGOs, Government agencies and corporate sector should play an active role in the transformation of women and in driving the women to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in small scale industries. Introduction At a time when junk food has urban youngsters under its thrall, there is a need for interesting, appetizing and healthy alternatives to burgers, pizzas and the like. Agro-based products could be a good option in this respect and women entrepreneurs in rural Tamil Nadu are capitalizing on this need by using their business acumen to make and sell them. Women entrepreneurs in rural parts of Tamil Nadu are bringing about a steady and silent change in the health sector with agro-based products. While organic products, food especially, are currently ruling the roost worldwide, Agro are steadily becoming the next big thing. " They have always been there, it's just that in recent years people are starting to recognize their worth, " says Kalyani Karnan, leader of a Joint Liability Group of five women in kajjilnaikanpatti village in Salem. She had taken a loan from Gramalaya Microfin Foundation (GMF), a microfinance non-profit organization and a field partner of crowd-funding organization Milaap, to start a Agro-based products business. Kalyani and Vijaya, a member of her group, have been making and selling millet-based health powder for seven months now. The powder contains bajra, jowar, ragi, wheat, cashews, and other healthy side ingredients. The two women dry the ingredients,

Why we are showing attention to study higher education like M.Phil and Ph.D in recent era. The pu... more Why we are showing attention to study higher education like M.Phil and Ph.D in recent era. The purpose is to earn more, accomplishment a better job like (Assistant Professor, Human Resource manager, Analysist, Entrepreneurs), developing analytical/ Research thoughts and receiving funds form government and other agencies like UGC, ICSSR, AICTE, CSIR, DRDO, DAE etc., After completing Ph. D there are some difficulties faced by research scholars. Such Problems are unemployment, there is no right job and salary for doctoral students in India. There are very few employment opportunities available for research scholars, mainly they are depending upon the Assistant Professor posts, Fellowships and Post-Doctoral fellowships (PDF). The objective of the research is to generate awareness about Ph. D programme and list out the available job opportunities and build self-confidence and sustainability after getting doctoral degree. The importance of the study is to develop satisfaction among career opportunities of research scholars. The scope of the research is to study availability of source and entrepreneurship.

In recent years women entrepreneurs are emerging and growing faster in developing counties. Espec... more In recent years women entrepreneurs are emerging and growing faster in developing counties. Especially in India women's are back bone of every household in rural communities. Every economic development is based on the bottom of the villages, rural areas. In that, the women entrepreneur's contribution more participation in the financial growth of rural areas. In this research the researcher focusses financial facility availability and sources of finance and finance accessing techniques to establish an enterprise. Women's are facing a number of problems and challenges while starting an enterprise. Particularly, financial issues like, capital, loans, collaterals, investment, working capital, own funds, etc., Women entrepreneurs suffer a lot in raising and meeting the financial needs of an enterprise. Bankers, creditors and financial institutions are not coming forward to offer financial assistance to women borrowers at the ground in their much less creditworthiness and more chances of failure. the objective of the study is to discuss the available financial sources and to analyse the financial sources, accessing techniques followed by rural women entrepreneurs and to suggest financial sources which is better to availed easily to start/run an enterprise in India. Rural females are deftly and conscious in saving money. They start savings in her kitchen itself, so it is an important technique to access own financial sources and aware sources of finance in local financial institutions. The scope of the research is to study the financial source and training available in government and private sectors.
Conference Presentations by kousalya Devi
Keywords: Entrepreneurship development, training and development, Need for training, Entrepreneurial schemes
Papers by kousalya Devi
Keywords: Entrepreneurship development, training and development, Need for training, Entrepreneurial schemes