? ?
20 December 2010 @ 08:07 pm
25 Festive Icons  

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011 012 013 014 015
016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025

Comments are love!
Credit (m_h or pepsicons) if you use any
Textless icons are not bases
Upload to your own image host
Enjoy <3
Current Mood: happyhappy
Current Music: The Pogues ft Kirsty MacColl - Fairytale of New York
Marta: xmasnikunena on December 20th, 2010 09:22 pm (UTC)
Awwwwwwwww beautifuuuuuuuuul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MH: Christmas Cookiesm_h on December 20th, 2010 09:59 pm (UTC)
Thank you very much :D :D :D
»LEANNE«: «XMAS» Yes I Want All 3 Coz I'm Greedy :un4tunate on December 21st, 2010 02:40 pm (UTC)
Gorgeous icons, so pretty!! :)
MH: Christmas Fernando Alonsom_h on December 22nd, 2010 12:07 pm (UTC)
Thank you :D :D :D You don't want much for Christmas do you? :P
»LEANNE«: «XMAS» Yes I Want All 3 Coz I'm Greedy :un4tunate on December 22nd, 2010 12:27 pm (UTC)
LMFAO no, not at all, infact I suggested to f1_roxie that she should add more people onto my icon coz there wasn't enough on it ;P :DDDD
MH: Christmas Fernando Alonsom_h on December 22nd, 2010 12:32 pm (UTC)
LOL, now that I would like to have seen :P
Tina: Christmas Coffeetinini on December 21st, 2010 02:57 pm (UTC)
OMG these are perfect for Christmas!! I always am sad that I can only use the Christmas Icons for suh a short time. *pout* I'm gonna d/l a couple and of course credit. Although, I'm not so sure aboit that cause it's still raining and You Know Who should have get a grip on that by now. You really need to teach him some manners!! :-P
MH: Christmas Cookiesm_h on December 22nd, 2010 12:13 pm (UTC)
I really meant to get the icons made sooner so that there was more chance to use them, but I failed at that :( Anyway, I'm glad you like them :D :D Enjoy the ones you've taken :)
LOL, You Know Who clearly hasn't gone into full strop mode yet. Obviously he's not pissed off enough, maybe someone is making him too happy.... ;)
F1_Roxie: Bob & Simon ♥f1_roxie on December 21st, 2010 05:22 pm (UTC)
awww these are sooo cute, i luff them all they're gawjes, so gonna nab a bunch will credit. & about tumblr just get one seriously they're quite addictive though.
MH: Christmas Fernando Alonsom_h on December 22nd, 2010 12:16 pm (UTC)
Thank you!! :D :D I'm glad you like them!! I can see myself getting one just to try and figure out why people have them and what goes on them, lol.
YxYxY:3Y: couple horse rideyunravensyen on December 22nd, 2010 03:08 pm (UTC)
aww... the kitten are cute. =)
Snagged a few. Thanks for sharing. =)
MH: Cat Presentm_h on December 22nd, 2010 04:40 pm (UTC)
Thank you very much :) I'm glad you like them :D The kittens are adorable!
schnupperhase: F1 - snow!Mikablue_hobbit on December 23rd, 2010 10:52 am (UTC)
Awww these are so cute! I was looking for kitty Christmas icons all over and these are just perfect. Thank you for sharing!
MH: Cat Closeupm_h on December 30th, 2010 07:20 pm (UTC)
Thank you!! I'm glad you like them :D :D
Кресцентия: Gold dropkriegsengel on December 29th, 2010 07:04 pm (UTC)
Took # 2, 5, 6 & 12, thank you.=)