So on Monday, March 1st, I've booked a show that should hopefully be… - We are . . . Penn State! — LiveJournal
? ?
Jonnie [userpic]
by Jonnie (jonnieb)
at February 8th, 2010 (09:53 pm)

So on Monday, March 1st, I've booked a show that should hopefully be the beginning to a long run of them in the future. They're Indie Rock Mondays.

Two of the bands that I know of have vegan members in the band, and rather than just trying to guess what I can feed them all, I'd like some input. What places offer vegan friendly foods or serve vegan friendly foods?

If you're interested, the show is at Club Mezzanine (formerly the Cell Block/the Crowbar). The doors open at 8pm, and the show starts at 8:30. I'll make another post, soon.

