Papers by Thomas Lawrence

Throughout the various stages of research, writing, and editing, I have benefited enormously from... more Throughout the various stages of research, writing, and editing, I have benefited enormously from the expert guidance and support of many individuals. I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Michael Kulikowski, for placing his encyclopedic knowledge of Roman history at my disposal. Thank you for your patience, your dedication to my work, and perhaps most of all, for your faith in my abilities. I would also like to thank Dr. Tina Shepardson and Dr. Maura Lafferty who offered valuable insights into several key points of this dissertation and worked tirelessly, especially in the final stage of this process, to ensure that I met the Graduate School deadlines. In addition to reading and editing these chapters, Dr. Shepardson brought muchneeded attention to the religious implications of the various political changes discussed in this dissertation, while Dr. Lafferty applied her phenomenal linguistic knowledge to my translations of the primary sources. I would like to thank Dr. Thomas Burman who read and edited these chapters and brought an essential, outside historical perspective to my research on the late Roman period. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Kay Reed, Sarah Stone, and Julie Harden in the Graduate School for all of their help, guidance, and patience as I struggled to finish this dissertation on time. This dissertation would not have been possible without the support of these individuals. I offer my sincere thanks for their dedication to this project and their monumental efforts on my behalf.
Papers by Thomas Lawrence