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1] Many orogenic belts experience alternations in shortening and extension (tectonic mode switches) during continuous plate convergence. The geodynamics of such alternations are not well understood. We present a record of Late Cretaceous... more
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1] Many orogenic belts experience alternations in shortening and extension (tectonic mode switches) during continuous plate convergence. The geodynamics of such alternations are not well understood. We present a record of Late Cretaceous... more
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Well-preserved marine fossils in carbonate rocks permit detailed studies of the end-Permian extinction event in the marine realm. However, the rarity of fossils in terrestrial depositional environments makes it more challenging to attain... more
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    • Permian-Triassic transition
Stable isotopes of inorganic and organic carbon are commonly used in chemostratigraphy to correlate marine and terrestrial sedimentary sequences based on the assumption that the carbon isotopic signature of the exogenic carbon pool... more
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: The objective of this project was to develop an ecohydrologically-based stream type classification and methodology for four military reservations in the southwestern United States representing the four Level III Eco regions that occur... more
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    • Geography
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyClimate ChangeEcology
Two new long sediment cores (EC1 and EC3), recovered from different locations within the infilled basin at Les Echets, France, provide a new high-resolution record of terrestrial and lacustrine responses to climatic changes during Marine... more
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The stable isotope composition of benthic ostracods from a deep-lake sediment core (JO2004-1) recovered from Lake Ohrid (Albania-Macedonia) was studied to investigate regional responses to climate change at the interface between the... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeSea surface temperatureMacedonia
The Mg and Sr isotopic compositions (δ 26 Mg and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) of pore fluids and bulk carbonates from Ocean Drilling Project Site 1171 (South Tasman Rise; 2148.2 m water depth) are reported, in order to evaluate the potential of... more
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Geochemical proxy-based reconstructions widely utilize the trace elemental and isotopic compositions of marine biogenic carbonates to interpret past climatic and oceanographic conditions. However, such proxy-based reconstructions are... more
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The study of past biotic interactions is important not only to understand the paleoecological history of a community, but also to test the evolutionary role of such interactions. Drill holes in invertebrate exoskeletons provide one of the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyEcology
Fossilized foraminiferal tests are widely used as proxies to constrain paleoenvironments, including past sea surface and bottom water temperatures and the chemical composition of ancient seawater. However, relatively little is known about... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPhysical sciencesMineral
Autoregressive statistical models of monthly salinity variations in the mainstem of Chesapeake Bay are developed for use in climate change applications. Observations of salinity and Susquehanna River flow from 1984 to 1994 are used to... more
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    • Climate Change
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      GeochemistryTransmission Electron MicroscopyElectron DiffractionMicrobial Respiration
Microstructural changes induced by the microbial reduction of Fe(III) in nontronite by Shewanella oneidensis were studied using environmental cell (EC)-transmission electron microscopy (TEM), conventional TEM, and X-ray powder diffraction... more
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      GeologyTransmission Electron MicroscopySoil sciences
Using a multicomponent inverse model, we quantified the rates of organic matter (OM) remineralization and the relative importance of major terminal electron acceptors [Fe(III)-(oxy)hydroxides and SO ] in salt marsh sediments 2Ϫ 4 with... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSolute transport
We investigated interactions between ferruginous smectite (NAu-1) and facultative dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria, Shewanella oneidensis, in order to determine whether the bacteria are directly respiring structural Fe(III) or... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryTime SeriesChemical Geology
 Shallow marine carbonate sediments near the Dry Tortugas undergo extensive biogeochemical diagenesis upon deposition, resulting in postdepositional fabric comprised of micritic aggregates of clay-sized particles, a matrix of peloidal... more
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Burrow irrigation by benthic infauna affects chemical mass transfer regimes in marine and estuarine sediments. The bioirrigation facilitates rapid exchange of solutes between oxygenated overlying water and anoxic pore water, and thus... more
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Biologically enhanced pore water irrigation affects the course of early diagenesis in shallow marine sediments, as illustrated here for the carbonate sediments from North Key Harbor, Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida. Whereas... more
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      OceanographyMarineNational ParkPore Water