? ?
02 August 2010 @ 09:37 pm
I bought this book because it was like, 74% off because of some wicked sale at the book store.

It's hardcover so to me that's a good deal. I haven't started it yet but I've heard relatively good things, especially compared to Scarlett (which I haven't read but never really plan to).

Has anyone read it? What did you think?

And even though I think we've done a 'What Are You Reading?' post recently...meh. What are you reading right now?

I'm reading

I friggin' LOVE Jasper Fforde. I'm really looking forward to reading Shades of Grey sometime soon.
Current Mood: boredbored
02 August 2010 @ 03:25 am

That's right.

This man:
Stephen Fry Pictures, Images and Photos
(a.k.a. National Treasure, Almost American, Friend of Hugh Laurie, All Around Genius and Good Person)

will be playing Mr. Bennett.

Usually the news that someone in Hollywood is making ANOTHER Pride and Prejudice would make my eyes glaze over in boredom, but OMG IT'S STEPHEN FRY!

That is all. Discuss!
Current Mood: happyhappy
31 July 2010 @ 01:43 am
chat post

talk to me, and each other!
What's On The Pianoforte?: pink - so what
30 July 2010 @ 02:41 pm
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


 this weeks theme is


It can be Austen, Harry anything really make a mix that goes along with the book. It be for a particular scene or just the feel of the book in general.

I would also suggest putting a link to download the book with your mixtape, but it's up to you.

If you could suggest some themes as well for coming weeks that would be awesome.
28 July 2010 @ 05:32 pm

peguin books game from here
and I want everything here
Tags: ,
28 July 2010 @ 11:42 am
As per the majority suggestion in yesterday's friending meme it looks like I a few of us want another watch-a-long.


Suggestions for film choices in the comments please then I'll get Jess to arrange it, hahaha no, well ok probably, she's good at it may as well use her while we can.

Some of my suggestions.

Northanger Abbey with JJ Field
The Young Victoria
St Trinians 2
Frequently asked questions about Time Travel
Letters to Juliet
28 July 2010 @ 10:52 am
What are you looking forward to releasing. Films, books, games, tech.

Share your excitement and anticipation Pemblians.

I am looking forward to The next SIMS3 expansion Late Night due out in September

Players will be able to take their Sims into the bustling urban setting where they'll be able to become a local celebrity, member of a music band, mixologist, director, and more. To gain entrance into the most elite clubs in town, players need to keep their attitude in check otherwise they'll be given the cold shoulder by tough bouncers or find another way onto the list.

If chilling is the player's forte, their Sims can lounge at a chic club or dive bar or if they like to live on the edge, they can discover the secret of becoming a vampire. Whether embarking on a new career, painting the town red, or throwing a party on the rooftop of a penthouse, it's always up to the player to tell their unique stories with The Sims 3. What will happen when the lights go out and Sims get all access?

What I'm not looking forward too my broyfrand Lee (shut up Michelle) Pace playing Garret in Breaking Dawn. DON'T DO IT NED!
27 July 2010 @ 05:02 pm
We have some new peoples at Pemberley so it's time for a good old fashioned friending post. This one has a bit of a foody flavour.

Cut and paste the text area into the comments.

Feel free to add your twitter, tumblr, or anything else.

What's On The Pianoforte?: Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me (Single Mix)
25 July 2010 @ 11:38 pm
This has been making the rounds. Enjoy!

25 July 2010 @ 01:37 pm
write a letter to someone

they can be a member of the community, a celebrity, your family, your best friend, that one guy you think is hot, or an anonymous person that you won't tell us about

it can be as long or short as you want

post as many as you want

just do your thing
Current Mood: aggravatedaggravated
What's On The Pianoforte?: cookin' soul - jay-z vs oasis - wonderback