UPY Business and Management Journal (UMBJ), Jan 28, 2022
Tujuan: Untuk menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan iklim organisasi terhadap kualit... more Tujuan: Untuk menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan iklim organisasi terhadap kualitas kehidupan kerja pada pegawai non medis Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sleman. Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai non medis Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sleman yang berjumlah 103 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Temuan: Kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan iklim organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas kehidupan kerja pegawai non medis RSUD Sleman. Orisinalitas: Penelitian dilakukan pada pegawai non medis di RSUD Sleman Implikasi Praktis: Hasil penelitian berimplikasi pada para manajemen agar terbuka dalam sistem perhitungan insentif jasa pelayanan guna untuk memberikan motivasi dan dorongan kepada karyawan dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, iklim organisasi, kualitas kehidupan kerja.
Usaha mikro kecil menengah di Indonesia mulai banyak bermunculan seiring dengan daya saing global... more Usaha mikro kecil menengah di Indonesia mulai banyak bermunculan seiring dengan daya saing global yang semakin ketat. Usaha mikro kecil menengah merupakan suatu penggerak perekonomian, pesatnya perkembangan UMKM akan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi ekonomi Indonesia maka dengan pengolahan yang baik akan menghasilkan usaha kecil menengah yang baik. Maka dari kontribusi tersebut akan semakin baik jika dapat menghadapi berbagai permasalahan UMKM yang ada, salah satunya adalah memanfaatkan ilmu manajemen keuangan, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen pemasaran yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan usaha. Tujuan dari pengabdian Prodi Manajemen Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta ini adalah untuk menciptakan dan mengembangan kreativitas, produktifitas dan kualitasUMKM binaan di Kecamatan Klaten Selatan, supaya bisa memanfaatkan ilmu manajemen keuangan, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen pemasaran secara maksimal. Mengingat bahwa UMKM berpot...
This research examines the effect of employee welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of... more This research examines the effect of employee welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of facilities and programs of service to employee motivation in Rachma Husada Bantul hospital. The population of this study are 104 employees who are 82 employees used as the samples of the research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by using multiple regressions which is also applied for testing the 4 hypotheses. All of the process analyses are assisted by SPSS programs. The results of analyses show that : (1) there is a positive but not significant between welfare programs of economical to employee motivation indicated by the value of β1 0.055, t value 0.465 and sig. 0.643. (2) there is a positive effect of welfare programs of facilities to employee motivation indicated by the value of β2 0.452, t value 3.503 and sig. 0.01. (3) there is a positive effect of welfare programs of service to employee motivation indicated by the value of β3 0.305, t value 3.174 and sig. 0.02. and (4) there is a positive effect of welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of facilities and welfare programs of services to employee motivation indicated by the value of F 26.528, sig. 0.000. Finally, the value of adjusted R2 is 0.486. This means that 48.6% of employee motivation are explained by welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of facilities and welfare programs of service. Where as 51.4% of them are explained by other factors not examined in this study.
The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the influence of entrepreneurial characteristi... more The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurship orientation toward the business success of grocery store in Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling, amounting 60 people. Data was collected by applying questionnaires,analized by using multiple linier regression,and processed with the SPSS application program. Based on the result of data analysis, it was showed that the two independent variables, namely entrepreneurial characteristics (X1), and entrepreneurship orientation (X2), influenced partially and simultaneously on business success (Y), thus partially or simultaneously supporting the three hypotheses. Based on these results, grocery shop entrepreneurs need to apply smart work, for example online marketingKeywords: entrepreneurial characteristics; entrepreneurship orientation; business succes
The research was carried out to find the influence of knowledge, skill and ability of leather ind... more The research was carried out to find the influence of knowledge, skill and ability of leather industry in Manding-Bantul, Yogyakarta. The population of this research were all employees at leather industry in Manding Bantul, Yogyakarta and the sample were 60 respondents. The data was derived from a survey and collected by applying questionnaires and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. This research indicated that factors of knowledge, skill dan ability, all together showed a significant influence on the worker performance. These were indicated by the value of F amounting to 46,328 with the significance level of 0,000, where as R square counting to 0,713. The regression coefficient and the significant level of each factor of knowledge, skill and ability toward worker performance are 0,145 and 0,012; 0,541 and 0,000; 0,304 and 0,000; respectively.
The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent... more The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security on the success of the mobile phone business a long Jalan Moses, Yogyakarta. The respondents of the research were all of the handphone traders a long Jalan Moses, as many as 81 respondents. The data was derived from a survey and collected by applying question-naires, and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. This research indicated that factors of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security, all together showed a significant influence on the business success. These were indicated by the value of F amounting to 24,132 with the significance level of 0,000, where as R square counting to 0,591. The regression coefficient of each factor of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security toward business success are 0,368 (X1); 0,294 (X2); 0,399(X3); 0,311 (X4...
This research examines the effects of organization culture and work motivation to employee perfor... more This research examines the effects of organization culture and work motivation to employee performance in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (PERSERO) DAOP VI Yog-yakarta.The population of this research are 95 employees who are also used as the samples of the research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by using multiple regressions which is also applied for testing the 4 hypotheses. All of the process analyses are assisted by SPSS programs.The results of analyses show that : (1) there are positive effecs between organization culture and working motivation to employee performance; F-test amounting to 39,662 and the significance level pointing at 0,000 (<0,05), (2) there is a positive effect on organization culture to employee performance; (3) there is a positive correlation between working motivation and employee performance; T-test and the significant level of each variable of organization culture and working motivation are 2,494 and 0,016(<0,05); 4,998 and 0,000...
The research was carried out to know the influence of career development, compensation and job ch... more The research was carried out to know the influence of career development, compensation and job characteristics to employee loyalty at stores along Malioboro street, Yogyakarta.The population of the research were all of Sales Promotion Girls (SPG) and Sales Promotion Boys (SPB) working at stores along Malioboro street. Samples were taken with non-probability sampling technique by quota sampling, as many as 100 respondents. The data was collected by applying questionnaires, and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions with the help of SPSS program for windows release 16.0.This research concluded that factors of career development, compensation and job characteristics, partially or simultaneously showed a positive and significant influence to employee loyalty. These were indicated by the regression coefficient value of each factor of career development, compensation and job characteristics to employee loyalty were 0.421 (X1); 0.149 (X2); 0.411 (X3); and the significant level of ea...
The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent... more The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security on the success of the mobile phone business a long Jalan Moses, Yogyakarta. The respondents of the research were all of the handphone traders a long Jalan Moses, as many as 81 respondents. The data was derived from a survey and collected by applying question-naires, and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. This research indicated that factors of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security, all together showed a significant influence on the business success. These were indicated by the value of F amounting to 24,132 with the significance level of 0,000, where as R square counting to 0,591. The regression coefficient of each factor of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security toward business success are 0,368 (X1); 0,294 (X2); 0,399(X3); 0,311 (X4...
The research was carried out to find the influence of three dimensions of organizational commitme... more The research was carried out to find the influence of three dimensions of organizational commitment, namely affective commitment, continuity commitment, and normative commitment, toward organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of employees.The research was conducted respectively from seven stations in operation areas of PT Kereta Api Daop VI Yogyakarta.The subject of research are 55 employees Data was derived from a survey, collected by applying questionnaires, analized by using multiple linier regression,and assisted by the application of SPSS 21 program.Based on the result of data analysis, it is showed that the three dimensions of organizational commitment, namely affective commitment (X1), continuity commitment (X2), and normative commitment (X3) influence partially or simultaneously on organizational citizenship behavior (Y) of employees, thus partially or simultaneously supporting the 5 hypotheses. These were indicated by the value of regression coefficient and the significan...
The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training t... more The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training toward workability. The study was conducted respectively from an employee of PD BPR Bantul Yogyakarta. The population of the research is 61 employees who have attended training. Data were derived from a survey, collected by applying questionnaires, analyzed by using multiple linear regression, and assisted by the application of the SPSS program. Based on the result of data analysis, it was shown that the three independent variables, namely training material (X1), on the job training (X2), and off the job training (X3) influence partially or simultaneously on workability (Y), thus partially or simultaneously supporting the five hypotheses. Those were indicated by the value of the regression coefficient and the significant level of each factor, which are 0.407 and 0.008; 0.312 and 0.036; 0.443 and 0,000, respectively. Likewise, the value of F amounting to 28,483 with the significance level ...
The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training t... more The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training toward workability. The study was conducted respectively from an employee of PD BPR Bantul Yogyakarta. The population of the research is 61 employees who have attended training. Data were derived from a survey, collected by applying questionnaires, analyzed by using multiple linear regression, and assisted by the application of the SPSS program. Based on the result of data analysis, it was shown that the three independent variables, namely training material (X1), on the job training (X2), and off the job training (X3) influence partially or simultaneously on workability (Y), thus partially or simultaneously supporting the five hypotheses. Those were indicated by the value of the regression coefficient and the significant level of each factor, which are 0.407 and 0.008; 0.312 and 0.036; 0.443 and 0,000, respectively. Likewise, the value of F amounting to 28,483 with the significance level ...
UPY Business and Management Journal (UMBJ), Jan 28, 2022
Tujuan: Untuk menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan iklim organisasi terhadap kualit... more Tujuan: Untuk menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan iklim organisasi terhadap kualitas kehidupan kerja pada pegawai non medis Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sleman. Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai non medis Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sleman yang berjumlah 103 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Temuan: Kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan iklim organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas kehidupan kerja pegawai non medis RSUD Sleman. Orisinalitas: Penelitian dilakukan pada pegawai non medis di RSUD Sleman Implikasi Praktis: Hasil penelitian berimplikasi pada para manajemen agar terbuka dalam sistem perhitungan insentif jasa pelayanan guna untuk memberikan motivasi dan dorongan kepada karyawan dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, iklim organisasi, kualitas kehidupan kerja.
Usaha mikro kecil menengah di Indonesia mulai banyak bermunculan seiring dengan daya saing global... more Usaha mikro kecil menengah di Indonesia mulai banyak bermunculan seiring dengan daya saing global yang semakin ketat. Usaha mikro kecil menengah merupakan suatu penggerak perekonomian, pesatnya perkembangan UMKM akan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi ekonomi Indonesia maka dengan pengolahan yang baik akan menghasilkan usaha kecil menengah yang baik. Maka dari kontribusi tersebut akan semakin baik jika dapat menghadapi berbagai permasalahan UMKM yang ada, salah satunya adalah memanfaatkan ilmu manajemen keuangan, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen pemasaran yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan usaha. Tujuan dari pengabdian Prodi Manajemen Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta ini adalah untuk menciptakan dan mengembangan kreativitas, produktifitas dan kualitasUMKM binaan di Kecamatan Klaten Selatan, supaya bisa memanfaatkan ilmu manajemen keuangan, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen pemasaran secara maksimal. Mengingat bahwa UMKM berpot...
This research examines the effect of employee welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of... more This research examines the effect of employee welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of facilities and programs of service to employee motivation in Rachma Husada Bantul hospital. The population of this study are 104 employees who are 82 employees used as the samples of the research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by using multiple regressions which is also applied for testing the 4 hypotheses. All of the process analyses are assisted by SPSS programs. The results of analyses show that : (1) there is a positive but not significant between welfare programs of economical to employee motivation indicated by the value of β1 0.055, t value 0.465 and sig. 0.643. (2) there is a positive effect of welfare programs of facilities to employee motivation indicated by the value of β2 0.452, t value 3.503 and sig. 0.01. (3) there is a positive effect of welfare programs of service to employee motivation indicated by the value of β3 0.305, t value 3.174 and sig. 0.02. and (4) there is a positive effect of welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of facilities and welfare programs of services to employee motivation indicated by the value of F 26.528, sig. 0.000. Finally, the value of adjusted R2 is 0.486. This means that 48.6% of employee motivation are explained by welfare programs of economical, welfare programs of facilities and welfare programs of service. Where as 51.4% of them are explained by other factors not examined in this study.
The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the influence of entrepreneurial characteristi... more The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurship orientation toward the business success of grocery store in Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling, amounting 60 people. Data was collected by applying questionnaires,analized by using multiple linier regression,and processed with the SPSS application program. Based on the result of data analysis, it was showed that the two independent variables, namely entrepreneurial characteristics (X1), and entrepreneurship orientation (X2), influenced partially and simultaneously on business success (Y), thus partially or simultaneously supporting the three hypotheses. Based on these results, grocery shop entrepreneurs need to apply smart work, for example online marketingKeywords: entrepreneurial characteristics; entrepreneurship orientation; business succes
The research was carried out to find the influence of knowledge, skill and ability of leather ind... more The research was carried out to find the influence of knowledge, skill and ability of leather industry in Manding-Bantul, Yogyakarta. The population of this research were all employees at leather industry in Manding Bantul, Yogyakarta and the sample were 60 respondents. The data was derived from a survey and collected by applying questionnaires and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. This research indicated that factors of knowledge, skill dan ability, all together showed a significant influence on the worker performance. These were indicated by the value of F amounting to 46,328 with the significance level of 0,000, where as R square counting to 0,713. The regression coefficient and the significant level of each factor of knowledge, skill and ability toward worker performance are 0,145 and 0,012; 0,541 and 0,000; 0,304 and 0,000; respectively.
The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent... more The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security on the success of the mobile phone business a long Jalan Moses, Yogyakarta. The respondents of the research were all of the handphone traders a long Jalan Moses, as many as 81 respondents. The data was derived from a survey and collected by applying question-naires, and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. This research indicated that factors of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security, all together showed a significant influence on the business success. These were indicated by the value of F amounting to 24,132 with the significance level of 0,000, where as R square counting to 0,591. The regression coefficient of each factor of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security toward business success are 0,368 (X1); 0,294 (X2); 0,399(X3); 0,311 (X4...
This research examines the effects of organization culture and work motivation to employee perfor... more This research examines the effects of organization culture and work motivation to employee performance in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (PERSERO) DAOP VI Yog-yakarta.The population of this research are 95 employees who are also used as the samples of the research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by using multiple regressions which is also applied for testing the 4 hypotheses. All of the process analyses are assisted by SPSS programs.The results of analyses show that : (1) there are positive effecs between organization culture and working motivation to employee performance; F-test amounting to 39,662 and the significance level pointing at 0,000 (<0,05), (2) there is a positive effect on organization culture to employee performance; (3) there is a positive correlation between working motivation and employee performance; T-test and the significant level of each variable of organization culture and working motivation are 2,494 and 0,016(<0,05); 4,998 and 0,000...
The research was carried out to know the influence of career development, compensation and job ch... more The research was carried out to know the influence of career development, compensation and job characteristics to employee loyalty at stores along Malioboro street, Yogyakarta.The population of the research were all of Sales Promotion Girls (SPG) and Sales Promotion Boys (SPB) working at stores along Malioboro street. Samples were taken with non-probability sampling technique by quota sampling, as many as 100 respondents. The data was collected by applying questionnaires, and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions with the help of SPSS program for windows release 16.0.This research concluded that factors of career development, compensation and job characteristics, partially or simultaneously showed a positive and significant influence to employee loyalty. These were indicated by the regression coefficient value of each factor of career development, compensation and job characteristics to employee loyalty were 0.421 (X1); 0.149 (X2); 0.411 (X3); and the significant level of ea...
The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent... more The research was carried out to find the influence of five business location factors such as rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security on the success of the mobile phone business a long Jalan Moses, Yogyakarta. The respondents of the research were all of the handphone traders a long Jalan Moses, as many as 81 respondents. The data was derived from a survey and collected by applying question-naires, and analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. This research indicated that factors of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security, all together showed a significant influence on the business success. These were indicated by the value of F amounting to 24,132 with the significance level of 0,000, where as R square counting to 0,591. The regression coefficient of each factor of rent expense, infrastructure, business environment, consumer, and security toward business success are 0,368 (X1); 0,294 (X2); 0,399(X3); 0,311 (X4...
The research was carried out to find the influence of three dimensions of organizational commitme... more The research was carried out to find the influence of three dimensions of organizational commitment, namely affective commitment, continuity commitment, and normative commitment, toward organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of employees.The research was conducted respectively from seven stations in operation areas of PT Kereta Api Daop VI Yogyakarta.The subject of research are 55 employees Data was derived from a survey, collected by applying questionnaires, analized by using multiple linier regression,and assisted by the application of SPSS 21 program.Based on the result of data analysis, it is showed that the three dimensions of organizational commitment, namely affective commitment (X1), continuity commitment (X2), and normative commitment (X3) influence partially or simultaneously on organizational citizenship behavior (Y) of employees, thus partially or simultaneously supporting the 5 hypotheses. These were indicated by the value of regression coefficient and the significan...
The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training t... more The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training toward workability. The study was conducted respectively from an employee of PD BPR Bantul Yogyakarta. The population of the research is 61 employees who have attended training. Data were derived from a survey, collected by applying questionnaires, analyzed by using multiple linear regression, and assisted by the application of the SPSS program. Based on the result of data analysis, it was shown that the three independent variables, namely training material (X1), on the job training (X2), and off the job training (X3) influence partially or simultaneously on workability (Y), thus partially or simultaneously supporting the five hypotheses. Those were indicated by the value of the regression coefficient and the significant level of each factor, which are 0.407 and 0.008; 0.312 and 0.036; 0.443 and 0,000, respectively. Likewise, the value of F amounting to 28,483 with the significance level ...
The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training t... more The research was carried out to find the influence of training material and methods of training toward workability. The study was conducted respectively from an employee of PD BPR Bantul Yogyakarta. The population of the research is 61 employees who have attended training. Data were derived from a survey, collected by applying questionnaires, analyzed by using multiple linear regression, and assisted by the application of the SPSS program. Based on the result of data analysis, it was shown that the three independent variables, namely training material (X1), on the job training (X2), and off the job training (X3) influence partially or simultaneously on workability (Y), thus partially or simultaneously supporting the five hypotheses. Those were indicated by the value of the regression coefficient and the significant level of each factor, which are 0.407 and 0.008; 0.312 and 0.036; 0.443 and 0,000, respectively. Likewise, the value of F amounting to 28,483 with the significance level ...
Papers by yati suhartini