Sessions & Tracks
Track 1: Pediatrics
Pediatrics is the foremost branch of medicine that offers with the find out about of children, infants, and adolescents. A Pediatrician is usually a kid's medical doctor who produces preventive fitness upkeep for healthy adolescents and clinical supervision for teenagers who are acutely or chronically ill. They are additionally concerned in presenting the preventative measure for healthy young people and scientific care for these who are unwell and diseased. This subspecialty in deep diagnoses and treats the infections, injuries, genetic defects, diseases and dysfunctions.
Track 2: Pediatrics Pharmacology
In-depth knowledge on the effects of medicines in children came to prominence in recent years due to appreciable increase in publicly funded research and government initiatives towards providing financial incentives to industry. According to NCBI published article an independent analyses of the economic cost and return to industry of the pediatric exclusivity program showed that when research was conducted on nine drugs, the cost to industry ranged from $5 to $44 million, with a median of $12.3 million. The net return ranged from $9 to $508 million, with a median of $140 million, and the ratio return cost went from -0.68 to 73.63. This shows the great potential that this field bears. The last ten years have witnessed both a significant expansion of pediatric pharmacology research and a redefinition of the roles of public and private sources in supporting such research.
Track 3: General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
The aim of the study of Pediatrics is to reduce infant and child rate of deaths, control the spread of infectious disease, promote healthy lifestyles for a long disease-free life and help ease the problems of children and adolescents. It can be acknowledged that this can be reached by learning the major and primary subject on General Pediatrics. General Pediatrics includes the basic treatments involved for the betterment of pediatric health. The most significant problems can be due to nutritional deficiencies to the overall health of infants and children because growth and development can be seriously hindered by shortages in essential vitamins or nutrients.
Track 4: Infectious Diseases and Immunizations
The aim of the study of Pediatrics is to reduce infant and child rate of deaths, control the spread of infectious disease, promote healthy lifestyles for a long disease-free life and help ease the problems of children and adolescents. Pediatric infectious diseases are the diseases which will affect the child has a recurring or persistent disease caused by an infectious agent such as bacteria, a fungus, a parasite, or other rare infection. Some of the Pediatric infectious diseases include bone infections, skin infections, joint infections, blood infections. The major causes for Pediatric infectious diseases are the parasitic infection, bacterial infection and viral infections etc.
Track 5: Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology
Pediatric Allergy is an important subject to be learnt in order to promote understanding and advance the treatment of respiratory, allergic, and immunologic diseases in children. It emphasizes the epidemiologic research on the most common chronic illnesses of children asthma and allergies as well as many less common and rare diseases. Swollen or enlarged adenoids and Tonsils are common in children.
Pediatric immunology is a branch of Pediatrics which deals with immunological or allergic disorders of children. Pediatric immunology plays major role in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the immune system and it has seriously involved in the development of new diagnostic tests and treatment. Some of the major pediatric immunology diseases are community acquired infections, vaccination complications, pediatric HIV and AIDS and congenital or acquired immune deficiencies.
A rheumatologist is an internist or pediatrician who received further training in the diagnosis (detection) and treatment of musculoskeletal disease and systemic autoimmune conditions commonly referred to as rheumatic diseases.
Track 6: Pediatric Transplant & Infection Control
Young children readily transmit and acquire nosocomial infections. Children are vulnerable to endogenous infections as a result of the breakdown of their normal defenses by disease, invasive procedures or therapy. The prevention of transmission between patients and to personnel requires that certain measures be taken with all patients, and that additional precautions be taken with some infections, based on the route of transmission.
Track 7: Hepatic disorders in children
The hepatic disorders in children are a persistent issue address over years. Some US based medical colleges and hospitals specialize in this area with active faculty strength of over 60 pediatric gastroenterologists. More than 35,000 patients are seen annually in ambulatory programs in each of thesis individual hospitals. Mostly cases of acute liver failure, Alagille syndrome, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), autoimmune hepatitis, Beckwith-Weidman syndrome, Bile acid synthesis defect, biliary atresia are received and treated. However, among the other hepatic disorders Budd-Chiari Syndrome, Caroni’s disease, Cirrhosis chronic liver failure, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Cystic fibrosis liver disease, Glycogen storage disease (GSD), Hemochromatosis, Hepatoblastoma, Hypercholesterolemia, Metabolic diseases, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Organic acidemias, Primary hyperoxaluria, Primary sclerosing cholangitis, Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis Tyrosinemia, Urea cycle defects, Viral Hepatitis, Wilson disease are also gaining importance over the past few years.
Track 8: Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Surgery
Emergent management of Pediatric patients with fever is a common challenge. Children with fever account for as many as 20% of pediatric emergency department (ED) visits, and the underlying disorders in these cases range from mild conditions to the most serious of bacterial and viral illnesses.
Pediatric surgery is a combination of both Pediatrics and surgery. It is a branch of Pediatrics which deals with all the surgical operations of children. Pediatric surgery is responsible for the treatment of many disorders through surgical operations in children. Pediatric surgery can be mainly divided into sub categories, known as, Pediatric cardiothoracic surgery, Pediatric surgical oncology, Pediatric nephrological surgery, Pediatric neurosurgery, Pediatric urological surgery, Pediatric herpetological surgery, Pediatric orthopedic surgery, Pediatric vascular surgery and Pediatric oncological surgery.
Track 9: Pediatric cardiology and Pericarditis
Pediatric Cardiology is that branch of medicine concerned with the study of congenital cardiac malformations, acquired Pediatric heart diseases and abnormalities of the systemic and pulmonary circulations in the fetus, new born, child and young adult. Some popular Pediatric Cardiac Diseases are Cardiac Dysrhythmia i.e. an irregular heartbeat, which is either too fast as Bradycardia like or too slow as Tachycardia. If blood flow is not proper to the heart muscle then it is call Angina. Hypo plastic left heart syndrome is a complex and rare heart defect present at birth (congenital).
Pericarditis is an inflammation or infection of the pericardium, the thin sac (membrane) that surrounds the heart. There is a small amount of fluid between the inner and outer layers of the pericardium.
Track 10: Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Researchers are engaged in a variety of laboratory and clinical research programs to extend their understanding of the developing nervous system and pathologic processes that underlie neurological disorders in children. The most common neurological disease is Pediatric epilepsy. Approximately 70% of children who suffer epilepsy during their childhood eventually outgrow it. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a diagnostic tool used for inherited metabolic disorders. To date, MRS has been limited to the assessment for cerebral lactic acidosis in mitochondrial disorders in children. Neuromuscular and genetic metabolic diseases are the most common genetic related disorders in children. The new frontier to improve outcomes in critically ill Pediatric patients with neurological illness is Pediatric Neurocritical Care.
Track 11: Gastroenterology, herpetology, and Nutrition
Gastrointestinal disorders in children range from minor to life threatening, and short- to long-term or chronic. Neonatal Jaundice is one of the most common conditions needing medical attention in new-born babies. Gastrointestinal food allergies are not rare in infants and children. Nutrition is the process of consuming, absorbing, and using nutrients needed by the body for growth, development, and maintenance of life.
Herpetology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study, prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases that affect the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree and pancreas. The term is derived from the Greek words hepaticas and logia, which mean liver and study.
Track 12: Pediatric Genetics and Radiology
Most children are born healthy with no medical problems or birth defects. However, some children are born with differences in body structure, brain development, or body chemistry that can lead to problems with health, development, school performance, and/or social interaction. Pediatric geneticists are trained to identify the causes and natural history of these disorders. They may suggest tests and treatments that can help in understanding and caring for your child’s condition. Pediatric geneticists also can help families understand whether some conditions are hereditary (coming from the genes) and offer testing to family members who may be at risk for having children with similar problems. Pediatric radiology is a subspecialty of radiology involving the imaging of fetuses, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Many pediatric radiologists practice at children's hospitals.
Track 13: Hematology and Oncology
Pediatric hematology is the branch of Pediatrics dealing with study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention different types of blood disorders including the study of bleeding and clotting disorders in children. Pediatric Oncology can be frightening to hear that a child has cancer or a blood disorder. It is acknowledged that neuroblastoma is the most common extra cranial solid tumor of infancy. It is an embryonic malignancy of the sympathetic nervous system arising from neuroblasts (pluripotent sympathetic cells). Researchers are looking for genetic source of childhood cancer. The common blood disorders in children are leukemia and lymphoma. Leukemia is a disease of the white blood cells.
Track 14: Probiotics: Baby and functional food
Presenting global evidence for their utility in children, Prof. Sherman illustrated that evidence through randomized controlled trails have demonstrated that certain probiotic strains are more effective than placebo in a variety of conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Multiple meta-analyses indicate effectiveness in reducing the duration of acute enteritis in preschooler’s and in reducing the frequency of necrotizing enterocolitis in pre-term babies. As probiotics exist naturally in some foods and are also available as dietary supplements in powder, capsule, and tablet forms. In 2002, the industry secured FDA designation of specific strains of B. lactic and Streptococcus thermophiles as substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in milk-based formulas for infants aged 4 months and older. Most probiotic bacteria are similar to the beneficial bacteria that occur naturally in the gut, including those of the Lactobacillus species (eg, L. acidophilus). Infants acquire other bacteria during their first months, mainly those of the bifid bacterium and Enterobacter species. Bifid bacterium species dominate in the gut of breast-fed infants, whereas Enterobacter microbes dominate in bottle-fed infants. This difference in species, which has been identified as key to breast-fed infants’ superior immunity to many infections, has spurred much of the medical and Pediatric communities’ interest in probiotics. Infant formula manufacturers have also taken interest.
Track 15: Nephrology and Urology
Pediatric Nephrology specializes in the diagnosis and management of children with a variety of acute and chronic kidney-related disorders. The division evaluates and treats hypertension, hematuria, proteinuria, renal tubular acidosis, nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and kidney failure. Pediatric Nephritis is clinically and genetically heterogeneous entity characterized by either relapsing and course with significant morbidity and mortality resulting from complications of the disease itself, and its therapy.
Track 16: Psychology and Bipolar disorders
Pediatric psychology is a multidisciplinary field of both scientific research and clinical practice which attempts to address the psychological aspects of illness, injury, and the promotion of health behaviours in children, adolescents, and families in a Pediatric health setting. Psychological issues are addressed in a developmental framework and emphasize the dynamic relationships which exist between children, their families, and the health delivery system as a whole. Common areas of study include psychosocial development, environmental factors which contribute to the development of a disorder, outcomes of children with medical conditions, treating the comorbid behavioral and emotional components of illness and injury, and promoting proper health behaviors, developmental disabilities, educating psychologists and other health professionals on the psychological aspects of Pediatric conditions, and advocating for public policy that promotes children's health. Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a mental disorder that causes periods of depression and periods of elevated mood. The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania or hypomania, depending on its severity, or whether symptoms of psychosis are present.
Track 17: Pulmonology
Pediatric pulmonology is a medical specialty that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving respiratory tract. Pediatric pulmonology is a combination of both pulmonology and pediatrics. Pediatric pulmonologists are specially trained in pulmonary pediatric diseases and conditions of the chest, particularly pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, complicated chest infections.
Track 18: Pediatric and Neonatal Care Nursing
Pediatric Nursing is the scientific treatment of childhood which deals with the care of children from conception to adolescence in health care. Duties and goals of pediatric nurses includes: Conducting physicals, Child immunizations, Screening for disease, Diagnosing illnesses, Prescribing medications, Normalize the life of the child in the family home, school and community, Minimize the impact of the child's unique condition, Foster maximal growth and development, Develop realistic, functional and coordinated home care plans for the children and families, Respect the roles of the families in the care of their children.
Track 19: Pediatric Nutrition and Obesity
The correct nutrition for the first 1,000 day window greatly affects child capacity to develop, learn and succeed. Diet during pregnancy and in the first years of a child life gives the basic building blocks for brain health, growth development and to build strong immune system. During the developing stages between infancy and adolescence, sufficient nutrition is most important. Proper eating habits for kids won't just help their normal development and improvement of growth, but also supports their immune system, and creates deep rooted dietary habits for lifelong. Although dietary needs, cravings, and tastes will differ broadly all through children, it is essential to constantly give your child healthy choices from all of the major nutrition foods. Breast feeding has vital ingredients that are not found in any infant formula to form the baby’s immune system and survival of neonate.
Track 20: Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric surgery is a super speciality to fame of surgery including the surgery of foetuses, babies, adolescents, children, and young adults. Pediatric surgery rose in the middle of the twentieth century and the surgical care of infants and children has been improved. In pediatric surgery unique sorts of novel strategies and techniques are most regularly used at children hospital. Sub specialties of pediatric surgery itself include: neonatal surgery and foetal surgery.
Pediatric Oncology is the study and treatment of childhood cancer. Most cancers that are common in children are different from those seen in adults. Pediatric oncology focuses on cancers in infants, children, and teens.
Pediatric oncologists/hematologists specialize in treating childhood cancers and blood disorders in children from birth through young adulthood. Blood disorders involve problems in the body with red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, blood vessels, bone marrow and lymph nodes.
Market Analysis
Diseases in children are very common. Ranging from a short-term disease like respiratory, ocular or gastrointestinal infections to long-term disorders like diarrhea, asthma etc. is very common among kids. These treatments sometimes consume a lot of financial resources of the parents. Moreover, change in lifestyle has added more to this. According to the global market, pediatric healthcare market has seen a sharp rise at CGAR of 8% from 66 billion in 2010 to 81% in 2013. Recent news forecasts a growth of 4.97% in the year of 2017-2021. Complementing this growth, the prevalence of chronic disease in children has also increased at a rate of 7.2%. Increase in the frequency of diseases, especially the chronic ones is helping in the growth of pediatric healthcare market as people are bound to seek service from them. This has led industrialists to invest more in this sector. This has, in turn, stirred the government and some non-profit sectors to spend in primary health care so as to keep an eye on the legitimacy of the pediatric market. Pediatric drugs market has also seen a surge. With growing concerns of parents and researchers, this sector has been focused a lot during recent years.
The key market players in this sector include InfaCare Inc., Medeira Therapeutics, Crucell Biologics Inc., Actelion Pharma ceuticals Ltd, Abbott Laboratories, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, AxcanPharma USA, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Wyeth etc.
Yet the story is not over. Due to various kinds of unawareness and financial strains, this market is yet to flourish in the developing nations. These need more attention and in fact financial help from the developed country. Above all awareness is necessary which can be spread by campaigns, conferences, meetings and workshops.
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Importance & Scope
Global responsibility for pediatric mortality is raising drastically every annum. WHO predicts that 8.8 million deaths occur yearly amongst infants and children < 5 years of age? 3.8 million In the first 30 days of life 36% of neonatal deaths due to infectious diseases. Nearly 9 million infants under five die every year. Reflecting this imperative, we believe that professionally-oriented education in to cure pediatric diseases is essential in the training of clinicians and clinical academics who will provide the future leadership in this key area of global health. Pediatrics Pharma 2024 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Pediatrics. It also provides the chance for educators, practitioners and researchers to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted in the fields of Pediatrics.
Pediatrics Pharma 2024 is an international platform for presenting research about diagnosis, prevention and management of pediatric diseases, exchanging ideas about it and thus, contributes to the dissemination of knowledge in pediatrics for the benefit of both the academia and business. This event brings together Pediatric surgeons, neonatologists, child specialists and all the eminent researchers and experts in the field of Pediatric medicine to explore the advancements in the prevention and management of pediatric diseases. We bring together industry executives, Pediatric Pharma and Healthcare sectors making the conference a perfect platform to network, share views and knowledge through interactive discussions.