arcane_scholar (arcane_scholar) wrote in pdx_geek,

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Newcomer Couple Looking for 3.5 D&D Game

Howdy everyone,

My husband and I are looking to join a game. We just moved here from Georgia. We're in our mid 20s, attending college, and have been playing for just over a year. We're looking for a weekly, or biweekly game in the evenings. Anytime after 4pm is great, though not on Wednesdays because I have class until 9pm.

We love roleplay and character development, so we're looking for a group which enjoys that type of atmosphere, though it doesn't have to have RP constantly, we like a good hack and slash session as much as anyone. We don't mind rule lawyers, as long as they aren't assholes, and we're looking for a group that is laid back and fun, not elitist. We live in a tiny apartment, so couldn't host, and are car-free so the location of the game has to be accessible by Trimet. We're in PSU housing, so bonus points for being close but we're definitely willing to travel for a great group.

Feel free to ask any questions, we're ready to start right away, and if there is a trial period to make sure the group meshes we're completely cool with that.

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