Robonica Roboni - I Programmable Gaming Robot |
[11 Nov 2010|03:52am] |

Robonica Roboni - I Programmable Gaming Robot- $59.99
Meet Roboni-i, a highly-intelligent robot that fuses interactive, remote-controlled gameplay with advanced robotic technology. Operated wirelessly using a handheld controller and featuring four processors and 16 sensors, Roboni-i can sense and respond to his environment, explore the room on its own, and even engage in games with other Roboni-i units. A great toy for young robotics enthusiasts, Roboni-i can also be linked to your computer, allowing to reprogram his behavior and upload customized games.
List Price:$249.99 Today's Discount:- $190.00 Gold Box Price:$59.99 (76% off)
I want one!!!!
5th Wall Gaming at Orycon |
[10 Nov 2010|08:37am] |
We will be attending Orycon to promote Metacon. Please stop by and check us out. We are at the top of the stairs on the second floor by the exercise room (Yeah, we aren't happy with the placement, but it's our first year there).
We will be bringing "THE BOX" (for on the fly LARPs) as well as having rules for the Metaverse handy. We are also offering an "Orycon" rate of $15 ($5 off the current price) for anyone who stops by with a 5th Wall Gaming account (Create one at and a check/cash/money order/barter items/etc.
You have to admit. $15 is a good price. We have the local MIB group running board and card games as well as some pretty kick ass roleplaying games (The MIB are currently compiling their schedule, so it will be up soon). Heck, I'd personally pay $15 to meet and take part in a panel with the former president of FASA (Shadowrun and Battletech). That's some good gaming history right there.
Now, what is Metacon?
We will be gathering at the Clarion Hotel ( - (503) 252-2222 - 11518 Northeast Glenn Widing Drive, Portland, OR, 97220) for 3 days of gaming on May 27-29 2011. We have a special room rate set up for $69 a night. Just mention Metacon.
Early Bird Registration - $20 until December 31st 2010. Pre-Registration - $25 until April 1st 2010. At the Door - $30
Those prices are for all weekend long. For day passes, it would be $15 for one day and $25 for 2 days payable at the door only.
Additionally, we will be having a hospitality room with REAL food. Chili, Veggies, Sandwiches, Pasta, Etc. Extra cost will be $10 for the whole weekend.
If you wish to GM an event, then you need your submission entered into our system by December 31st 2010. For GMing, you get free admission for 12 hours. For 16 hours, you get a free hospitality room membership.
Also, besides the Board, Card and Roleplaying games, for those of you wanting to play in the Metaverse (our 24/7/365 LARP), everyone registered for the convention (or paying at the door) will be able to make one. All you need is a Genre you want to play in and your name. Rules can be found at (
Guest of Honor Sam Lewis earned his Bachelor's and Master's of Arts degrees in Economics from Northwestern University in 1981 and 1983 respectively. Following graduation he got a job with a small adventure game company, Mayfair Games, where he did his first commercial game design, Dragonriders of Pern. He eventually became Vice President of the company and was game developer the DC Heroes line, as well as Mayfair's RPG supplement line known as Role Aids. Sam then went to FASA Corporation, and eventualy was made President. During his tenure at FASA he directed the development of BattleTech, Renegade Legion, Earthdawn and Shadowrun. He also was the novel series editor for those properties, which where published by ROC. In 1995 Sam went to Kesmai Corporation, where he ran Kesmai's GameStorm site, and dabbled in online game design. He then moved on to Sony Online Entertainment, where he worked on Star Wars Galaxies as a senior system and content designer . Then Sam went to Cartoon Network as Lead game Designer for FusionFall. Following his time at Cartoon Network he took his current role of Senior Game Designer at ZeniMax Online Studios working on a game he can't talk about.
Guest of Honor Scott Corum has been running Role Playing Games since the age of twelve. He is a trained Biblical theologian, Master Hypnotist, and author of Hot Chicks: The Role Playing Game. In his spare time, he produces "Uncle Drak's Magical Clubhouse" for his local cable station, and gives seminars on the dynamic communication process of RPGs. He lives with his wife and son in Torrance, California, where he owns and operates Dakkar Unlimited: a dedicated e-publishing company. He is featured in the documentary "The Dungeon Masters," and can be induced to tell stories about embarrassing Role Playing incidents at the drop of a hat.
Checks or money orders may be made out to
5th Wall Gaming 12524 SE Powell Ct. Apartment 52 Portland, OR 97236
and any questions can be made to [email protected] or (503) 465-4963.
More info can be found in our website at
We look forward to gaming with you all.
[12 Sep 2010|02:54pm] |
Scott Pilgrim! |
[20 Jul 2010|10:42am] |
So, Scott Pilgrim v.6 is out today. Does anyone know a bookstore locally where I can score a copy today?
EnzymePDX - a new news source for Portland! |
[19 Jul 2010|07:11pm] |
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Tomorrow (7/20/10) is the official launch day of the new online news source: EnzymePDX. EnzymePDX will cover a wide array of topics that are important to people living in and around Portland, focusing on current events, biking, technology, the environment, urban living, fine arts and sustainability. We're striving to create an online presence that informs, but also embraces our readers to share thoughts and experiences and to become part of the overall Portland community.
I am the staff videographer, and I'll be producing all the video packages that will be shown online. The website goes live tomorrow, but our enzymepdx LJ group is currently open to receiving members. Our corporate site is Enzyme Media and you can find some information about us there.
Metacon - May 27-29 - Portland, Oregon |
[18 Jun 2010|08:25am] |
We will be gathering at the Clarion Hotel ( - (503) 252-2222 - 11518 Northeast Glenn Widing Drive, Portland, OR, 97220) for 3 days of gaming on May 27-29 2011. Below is the bare bones info. More will be placed in our facebook group (!/group.php?gid=125669090786872) and at our website ( as time goes on.
Early Bird Registration - $20 until December 31st 2010. Pre-Registration - $25 until April 1st 2010. At the Door - $30
Those prices are for all weekend long. For day passes, it would be $15 for one day and $25 for 2 days payable at the door only.
T-Shirts will be available at a to be announced price. Stay tuned.
Additionally, we will be having a hospitality room with REAL food. Chili, Veggies, Sandwiches, Pasta, Etc. Extra cost will be $10 for the whole weekend.
If you wish to GM an event, then you need your submission entered into our system by December 31st 2010. For GMing, you get free admission for 12 hours. For 16 hours, you get a free hospitality room membership.
Also, besides the Board, Card and RPGA games, for those of you wanting to play in the Metaverse (our 24/7/365 LARP), everyone registered for the convention (or paying at the door) will be able to make one. All you need is a Genre you want to play in and your name. Rules can be found at (
Guests of Honor are still being collected. Stay tuned for updates on that. I can say however that we are talking to some big names in the industry as well as some big names in the geek culture as well.
Checks or money orders may be made out to
5th Wall Gaming 12524 SE Powell Ct. Apartment 52 Portland, OR 97236
and any questions can be made to [email protected] or (503) 465-4963.
We look forward to gaming with you all.
Fools Day: A Discordian Journey of Initiation, or Whatever |
[29 Mar 2010|05:42pm] |
It's a Discordian April Fool's ritual, with ceremonial mummery, performance and beer. What's not to like?
Featuring the surrealist vaudeville of the New Eccentrics and the musical stylings of Portland's very own Duke of Uke, the booty-shaking fruity-making oonce oonce oonce of DJ Princess Starbright Crystal Initiatrix, plus all the madcap saints and doktors you've come to know and tolerate. Barely.
Join us on April Fool's Day, or the joke's on you. Well, it's on you anyway. Whatever.
( flier w/ infos under the cutCollapse )
5th Wall Gaming Contest |
[21 Jan 2010|10:14pm] |
5th Wall Gaming is trying to branch out to new areas. However, I'm not a good writer for ads and so on. Therefore, I'm looking to farm it out.
I will be offering a $25 cash prize (or paypal or check, your choice) to the best ad for 5th Wall Gaming. It can be a video that I can s...end out to prospective clients, Text that I can plaster onto Craigs list or even a sound file that I can have podcasts play.
In fact, here's what I'm going to do.
$25 for the best print ad. $25 for the best 25 second video. $25 for the best 25 second audio ad. $25 for the best banner (468 x 60 pixels).
Now, the rules. 1) The contest starts now. 2) You have until the 1st of February at 8am to submit your files. 3) 1 entry per category per person. 4) All submissions must be sent to [email protected] 5) Winners will be announced February 5th. Winners may be contacted before that. 6) If the video or audio is above 25 seconds (even a little bit), it is forfeit. 7) All submissions belong to 5th Wall Gaming. 8) The ad must include the following. a) The name "5th Wall Gaming" b) That we are based in Portland, OR c) Our phone number (503-465-4963) d) Our Webpage ( e) That we do Murder Parties, Special Guests and Game events. f) Our Email ([email protected])
Any questions? Email [email protected]
Good luck to everyone.
EDIT: Only A, B and D need to be on the banner ad (unless you feel like you can present more on it). Everything else needs to have all the info.
Hero System? |
[13 Dec 2009|12:01am] |
I was wondering if anyone in town is running a game using the Hero System, and if so, if you're looking for an additional player? I've had the 5e revised and 6e books for a while now, but haven't been able to find anyone to play with.
New Gaming store in Seattle |
[12 Jun 2009|03:11am] |
For those of you in the Capitol Hill area, we finally have a gaming store:
Gamma Ray Games
They carry plenty of new cool board & card games, new D&D & other roleplaying lines, dice, and a used/rare/out-of-print section is coming soon. Also, they have a nice loft area for either trying out new products or for gaming groups.
Check em out!
Dragonflight LARPs in Seattle, WA |
[27 May 2009|06:44pm] |
Just a reminder..
If you want to run a LARP of your own creation at Dragonflight (, then the deadline to get me a write up (Minimum players, Max players, Time to run it, Description and name of the game) is June 1st at 8am PST.
If you want to run a premade LARP we are already running, then the deadline is June 15th at 8am PST.
Both will allow you to earn points which will get you into the convention for free, get food, crash space at the hotel, etc (Note, you need to earn enough points to get these rewards. See for details).
No matter what though, don't forget to stop by the LARP area at Dragonflight and say hi. :)
Fellow Whedonites? |
[01 Feb 2009|12:26pm] |
Does anyone know of a public place where I might be able to catch the premiere of Dollhouse? Or conversely... does anyone have cable and a kick-ass TV, and want to turn your home into a meet-up of the amazingly geeky? I promise I will bring a six-pack or bottle of the hosts' Beverage Of Choice!
I'm reserving judgement until I actually see it (though I do have a signed Dollhouse poster... yes... signed in person at ComicCon) but I'll admit that all my little fangirlish hopes are that it's going to be spectacular.
Don't know about it?
( One More VideoCollapse )
Who's excited? Who's interested in a get-together? :}
Help me find this laptop!! |
[22 Jan 2009|03:20am] |
So, long story short my sister had her laptop stolen from her car at work back in September. And I know it's been a while but I'm hoping with a little help from everyone here we can track it down. It's a Powerbook G4 17 inch laptop, Aluminum case and lovingly worn keys. Serial is V73175G6MVZ, and if your laptop matches(Pop out the battery and check) then there's a reward for getting it back. Maybe you bought a laptop off craigslist, maybe from a pawnshop or friend. No questions asked. I just want to get this back for my sister because a lot of her artwork was saved. Again, no questions asked, just email me and help me get this laptop back. Reward if found and I get contacted.
Also if you can think of any other websites or places I should post this so people can see and help me find it, feel free to let me know. I just want to get this thing back for her.
[email protected]
Windows XP Pro broke |
[20 Jan 2009|01:46pm] |
Came back from the convention (it went well) and found that the checkdisk I left running (for the time it would've taken would've been to long when I started it) messed up the OS.
So after trying to get it back working, I had to bite the bullet and format C:. I really hated doing this (all my old webpages were on there). But... I decided that I don't want to look back.
So now, I reinstall XP pro. 1 adapter is showing as working and a second one is showing as not. I try to update the drivers, but it doesn't work. I can't get online. At all.
But I can ping So that would lead me to believe that it's working. But no info is being sent or received.
I didn't change the cords when I reinstalled, but I'm getting desperate, so I see if there is a second plugin that perhaps is just waiting for a cord. The one the cord in plugged into now is not giving me any data transmitting and just showing me an orange light and a red light (with the orange flashing slightly). So no heartbeat.
I can't ping the gateway.. or anywhere outside of it... When I run "ipconfig /all", I get NOTHING except the title. Not even 0's. The windows process window under networking is telling me that I don't have a network card installed. If I try to repair it, I get "failed to query tcp/ip settings of the connection".
So, I'm pretty much out of luck. Anyone out there have any ideas?
Newcomer Couple Looking for 3.5 D&D Game |
[18 Jan 2009|09:50am] |
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Howdy everyone,
My husband and I are looking to join a game. We just moved here from Georgia. We're in our mid 20s, attending college, and have been playing for just over a year. We're looking for a weekly, or biweekly game in the evenings. Anytime after 4pm is great, though not on Wednesdays because I have class until 9pm.
We love roleplay and character development, so we're looking for a group which enjoys that type of atmosphere, though it doesn't have to have RP constantly, we like a good hack and slash session as much as anyone. We don't mind rule lawyers, as long as they aren't assholes, and we're looking for a group that is laid back and fun, not elitist. We live in a tiny apartment, so couldn't host, and are car-free so the location of the game has to be accessible by Trimet. We're in PSU housing, so bonus points for being close but we're definitely willing to travel for a great group.
Feel free to ask any questions, we're ready to start right away, and if there is a trial period to make sure the group meshes we're completely cool with that.
Gaming Store |
[30 Dec 2008|11:45am] |
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Where should I go to acquire all my D&D, (dice, campaign books, battle grid, figurines) and other such pen and paper roleplay, gear? I'm at 18th and Park, so the closer there, the better, but I'll go just about anywhere for a great shop. It must be accessible by PT though, since I'm car-free. Thanks folks!
Attn: Portland Uber-Nerds |
[18 Dec 2008|08:02pm] |
Is anyone planning on going to GenCon Indy in 2009? I'm being told that I must go, no excuses but I'd prefer to have a travel buddy (or five) and possibly someone to share a room with.
I will know people at the convention, but no-one from the Portland area as of yet. I'm starting my planning now so if any of you will be there, please pipe up! And if nothing else, perhaps we can have dinner together once we're there. :}